«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

1 March 16, 2017

1. Sergei I. Belentsov, Anastasia V. Fahrutdinova, Valery Okulich-Kazarin
Education of Civic Consciousness in George Kershenshteyner's Creativity

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 5-13.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.5CrossRef

Relevance of the publication is caused by need of judgment of realities and prospects of development of the Russian society. The education system is the main factor of updating of tenor of life of the state and further development of democratic institutes. Therefore questions of a humanization of Russian education become defining in historical and pedagogical process. The solution of an objective is impossible without knowledge of history of formation and development of the Russian school. The appeal to historical experience gains now special relevance as promotes updating of values and ideals, preservation of communications of the past with the present, between science and education. The appeal to the European history of a development of education of the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries, namely gives to Germany essential help. The German pedagogical thought is characterized by existence of rich humanistic traditions and experience. The purpose of article consists in the characteristic from modern positions of the humanistic system offered by the famous teacher of Germany of the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries George Kershenshteyner. The leading approaches to the characteristic of this problem are system, historical and culturological, the intrinsic characteristics which allowed to reveal, features of civil education in Germany of the considered period. Materials of article can be useful to pedagogical workers, organizers of educational work with the studying youth for acquaintance to life and activity of the famous German teacher and the public figure George Kershenshteyner.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489747356.pdf
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2. Elena Bendíková, Beáta Dobay
Physical and Sport Education as a Tool for Development of a Positive Attitude Toward Health and Physical Activity in Adulthood

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 14-21.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.14CrossRef

The study explains the importance and the role of physical and sport education in development of a positive attitude toward physical activity and health in adulthood. The empirical study was aimed at finding the factor that contributed to the transfer of respondents’ physical activity into their adulthood with regard to their health status. The group of respondents comprised 742 middle-aged inhabitants of the districts in Southern Slovakia, including 403 women (age = 37.2 ± 3.04 years, height = 167.9 ± 3.2 cm, weight = 65.3 ± 6.8 kg) and 339 men (age = 36.5 ± 4.54 years, height = 179.6 ± 6.3 cm, weight = 89.1 ± 7.9 kg). Their selection was intentional. We conducted the study in three stages by means of the standardized questionnaire. The results significantly show (χ² = 37.5297, p < 0.01) that the men enjoyed physical and sport education classes more (χ² = 26.9684, p < 0.01) than the women (only 1/3). The men were also more active as far as physical and sport education is concerned (r = 0.8363). Physical and sport education contributed to the transfer of physical activity from school years to adulthood more significantly (χ² = 112.47, p < 0.01) in the men (67.6 %; n = 229) than the women (33.7 %; n = 136). In this regard, the men also evaluated their present health status (r = 0.9139) and physical condition (r = 0.8300) better as compared to the women. The aforementioned findings prove that targeted education of population from childhood along with other effective preventive measures in health policy can approximate Slovakia to the developed European countries. These findings are partially included in the grant VEGA no. 1/0242/17 Physical activity as prevention of functional disorders related to the musculoskeletal system of secondary school students.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674426.pdf
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3. Mikhail N. Dudin, Natalia P. Ivashchenko, Еvgenia Е. Frolova, Aslan H. Abashidze
Institutional Approach to Establishment of a Structural Model of the Russian Academic Environment Development

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 22-38.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.22CrossRef

The purpose of the present article is to generalize and unify the approaches to improvement of the institutional environment that ensures optimal functioning and sustainable development of the Russian academic sphere. The following conclusions and results have been obtained through presentation of the materials in the article: - Improvement of the institutionalization of science and education must be reviewed in the context of evolutionary transitions that advance new demands for academic and human resourcing of state administration, financial and economic activities, and social development; - Russian (just as Soviet) academic sphere is described by structural imbalances, which can be regarded both as a consequence of the shocking transition to market relations and as a consequence of imperfect institutionalization; - Solutions proposed in the article are primarily aimed to unify the goals, tasks and results of interaction of the actors integrated into the institutional environment of the Russian academic sphere; - Formalization of the structural model of development of the Russian education and science on the basis of the institutional approach (using the triple helix mechanism of H. Etzkowitz) can serve as a basis for the development of practice-focused concepts (as targeted programs, roadmaps), which will detail the specific measures; - Realization of these measures will ensure the structural balance of the national academic sphere, which in turn can be regarded as a cognitive and intellectual potential of the transition from industrial to post-industrial economic formation of society.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674512.pdf
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4. Alexander Fedorov, Anastasia Levitskaya
Media Education and Media Criticism in the Educational Process in Russia

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 39-47.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.39CrossRef

Media criticism and media education have a lot in common. For example, both media education and media criticism attach great importance to the development of analytical thinking of the audience. Indeed, one of the most important tasks of media education is precisely to teach the audience not only to analyze media texts of any types, but also to understand the mechanisms of media texts' creation and functioning in society. Actually, the same is emphasized by media criticism, addressing experts, and a wider audience as well. Therefore the synthesis of media criticism and media education is vital. Hence it is very important to debate on the role and functions of the media in society and analysis of media texts of different types and genres in classrooms of schools and universities.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674573.pdf
Number of views: 1963      Download in PDF

5. Galina I. Smirnova, Valery G. Katashev
A Study Module in the Logical Structure of Cognitive Process in the Context of Variable-Based Blended Learning

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 48-56.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.48CrossRef

Blended learning is increasingly gaining importance in all levels of educational system, particularly in tertiary education. In engineering profiles the core blended learning activity is students’ independent work, the efficiency of which is defined by the degree of students’ active involvement into the educational process, their ability to absorb new knowledge independently, on their own. Our research is aimed at the analysis of blended learning and at revealing the approaches meant to activate students’ independent work in blended learning based on LMS Moodle platform. The characteristic feature of the suggested approach is the orientation towards skills and work methods mastering carried out in the form of professional competencies training at practical classes and laboratory workshops. For the purpose of our research we used one of the most interactive Moodle tools – “workshop” in order to fulfill informational, educational and monitoring functions of learning. The use of the tool allowed revealing drawbacks of the method under study and managing these drawbacks in the most effective way. The paper contains the description of students’ learning and independent work which would stimulate students’ activity, self-management and develop their communicative skills. The outcomes of the current research proved that the approaches suggested significantly stir students’ interest, thus, enhancing students their learning motivation, development of critical thinking and self-reflection, which altogether facilitate understanding theoretical material, encourage the development of practical skills and promote the pursue of academic goals.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674641.pdf
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6. Nataliya I. Neskoromnykh, Nataliya V. Chernenko, Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Aleksandra A. Vorozhbitova
Educational-Cognitive Barriers in the Preparation of Future Social Pedagogues for the Prevention of Social Dependencies

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 57-63.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.57CrossRef

This paper brings to light the essence, characteristics, and role of educational-cognitive barriers in the preparation of college-attending future social pedagogues that may arise in the process of their mastering social-pedagogical skills related to the prevention of social dependencies. The authors share the findings of their study of a typology of such obstacles in the educational process. Special attention is devoted to typical educational situations in the preparation of students (e.g., getting engaged in methodological activity related to preventing social dependencies, testing mastered methodological schemes and algorithms in activity related to preventing social dependencies, and discovering methodological knowledge) and specific educational-cognitive barriers dominating these situations.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674718.pdf
Number of views: 1956      Download in PDF

7. Natalya I. Nikitina, Elena Yu. Romanova, Tatyana V. Vasilyeva, Irina N. Nikishina, Veronica M. Grebennikova
Characteristics of the process of culture development project activities (culture of social engineering) at the future bachelors of social work

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 64-76.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.64CrossRef

In modern Russia professional activity productivity of social work specialist depends largely on his abilities and skills in the field of social design. University graduate`s (social work bachelor`s) high level of professional-project activity culture can be regarded as one of the necessary conditions of successful labour market adaptation of young specialists in social sphere institutions. The article discusses various aspects of future social work bachelors` vocational project activity culture formation process during the study period at university. Development in social work bachelors the culture of vocational project activity is one of important normative standardized characteristics of their professionalism. Today a social work specialist in addition to possession of a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge is required skills in terms of understanding social reality with further appropriate actions to its positive, constructive perspective transformation. This requirement necessitates the formation of culture of vocational project activities of future bachelors of social work.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489747389.pdf
Number of views: 1997      Download in PDF

8. K.G. Krechetnikov, N.M. Pestereva
A Comparative Analysis of the Education Systems in Korea and Japan from the Perspective of Internationalization

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 77-88.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.77CrossRef

The object of this study is the characteristics of the development of the present-day national education systems in two leading economies of the Asia-Pacific region (APR), Japan and the Republic of Korea (Korea). Its main purpose is a comparative analysis of the aspect of the state’s education policy dealing with enhancing the national markets for educational services by means of internationalization. The study’s methodology is founded on the analysis of the logic behind the development of the national education systems based on an evolutionary approach that is inclusive of history, culture, demographic policy, the market for educational services, and the idea of integration of education systems. The authors employ classification and comparative analysis. They use as source information open data from the official websites of companies specializing in worldwide university rankings and of institutions dealing with education, culture, sports, and technology in Japan and Korea. Results and discussion. Over the last couple of decades, the development of the education system in Korea has been distinguished by a revolutionary and innovative spirit, propelling the nation into leading positions within the education market in the APR. The Korean government is encouraging the nation’s colleges to take on a primary role as regional centers engaged in the production of new knowledge and skills, which may help drive technological and regional growth throughout the APR. Based on the World University Rankings, South Korea is currently ranked 9th and Japan 10th globally in higher education. Conclusion. The findings of the authors’ analysis of the major aspects of the internationalization of the education systems indicate that both in Korea and in Japan the process of education internationalization is increasingly gaining momentum. The reasons here are pretty much the same – globalization and demographic declines. The two systems differ in that in Korea preference is given to the scientific component of universities, while in Japan it is the development of the educational segment. In Korea, international education is entirely regulated by the state, while Japan’s current internationalization model is transitive – there is a shift taking place from government regulation to market freedom. The prospects for the continuation of this research, apparently, lie in expanding the cross-border networked interaction of APR universities.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489674967.pdf
Number of views: 1952      Download in PDF

9. Larisa N. Ponomarenko, Irina S. Zlobina, Elena O. Galitskih, Olga S. Rublyova
Formation of the Foreign Language Discursive Competence of Pedagogical Faculties Students in the Process of Intercultural Dialogue

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 89-99.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.89CrossRef

The article presents the main ideas of concept of foreign language discursive competence formation among university and secondary school students by means of intercultural dialogue. The concept includes fundamental principles, activity stages of educational process, and criteria of foreign language discursive competence formation. Innovation of the research is in interdisciplinary approach to solving the problem of foreign language discursive competence formation. It combines principles, methods and diagnostic techniques used in Pedagogy, Methodology of teaching foreign languages and Linguistics. Integrated solution allowed to create the optimal mode of experimental activities and to get innovative experience of the results of empirical research. The author notes that intercultural dialogue is a means of formation of foreign language discursive competence, and the system factor is a special course «Discourse as the way of communication and understanding of the world». The originally developed special course includes studying the theory of discourse, and practical tasks for mastering various types of discourse and communication strategies. It is emphasized that the formation of foreign language discursive competence involves not only organization of intercultural dialogue between students and their foreign-language peers on the Internet, but also various interactive methods of foreign language teaching techniques. The results of research proved the effectiveness of the suggested concept of foreign language discursive competence formation. The reliability of the results is confirmed by calculations based on the 2 criterion (Pearson criterion). The paper proves that the proposed concept seems promising as it is significant for professional training of future teachers in modern conditions of education modernization and Russia's entry into the world educational space.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675066.pdf
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10. Goran Rajović, Jelisavka Bulatović
Geography Education Research in Serbia: a Teacher’s Perspective

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 100-125.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.100CrossRef

In all European Union countries have harmonized attitudes on the need and improving the quality geographic of education and his innovating. Modernization of geographic education is unthinkable without quality professional and personal development of teacher’s geography. Renewal, modernization and supplement professional knowledge and skills acquired in framework of the initial of geographic education it is considered imperative of contemporary education. This paper analyzes the geographical education research on the example of Serbia, from the perspective of geography teachers, and makes an attempt to determine the extent to which teacher’s geography use geography education research in their courses and which possible barriers prevent them use the results of geography education research in Serbian classroom environment. The results showed that 26 % of teachers reported that they subscribe to academic journals about geography education research, while 62.4 % of them said that they just follow the publications geography education research. More than 87.6 % of respondents believe that the use of geography education research improves learning, students' motivation and quality of courses, and almost half of the respondents does not think that it is time and excessive class sizes, a reason not to use geography education research in their courses. Geographic education research is a multidimensional concept and cannot be easily estimate only on the basis one study, and solutions should be sought in advocating for one multimodal approach, in which the quality of geographic education research defined through larger number of different, relevant determinants.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675139.pdf
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11. Semen D. Reznik, Olga A. Sazykina
Head of a University Department: Competence and New Activity Priorities

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 126-137.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.126CrossRef

The purpose of the article is to justify the increasing role of a university department in achieving the major objective of higher education, namely to train highly qualified specialists for the national economy. The article contains some of the results of monitoring (questionnaire) of 350 heads of departments of Russian universities, as well as 30 experts – experienced representatives of the university management. The factors that complicate the job of university departments and their heads have been identified; new requirements for professional competence of heads of departments have been established; the results of the analysis of changes in the structure, content and priorities of the activities of heads of departments have been stated. Based on the results of a survey of heads of departments and highly qualified experts, measures to improve management efficiency at a university department as a key element of a Russian University have been proposed.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675239.pdf
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12. Josefina C. Santana, Arturo García-Santillán, Milka Elena Escalera-Chávez
Variables Affecting Proficiency in English as a Second Language

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 138-148.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.138CrossRef

This study explores different variables leading to proficiency in English as a second language. Level of English on a placement exam taken upon entering a private university in Mexico was correlated to several variables. Additionally, participants (N=218) were asked their perception of their own proficiency. A linear regression and a one-factor ANOVA were carried out. Three variables best explain the level obtained on the placement exam. These are: number of instruction hours, type of school, and how frequently the learner reads in English. Findings also show that the participants’ perception of their proficiency corresponds to the results obtained on the placement test.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675311.pdf
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13. Rimma M. Shaidullina, Artur F. Amirov, Vyacheslav S. Muhametshin, Kamil T. Tyncherov
Designing Economic Socialization System in the Educational Process of Technological University

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 149-158.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.149CrossRef

The relevance of this study is related to the fact that the necessity of compliance between the professional education system and progressive tendencies of world economy development demanded the formation of a new generation of economically socialized engineering and technical specialists, who own a sufficient level of economic competences, that will allow successful integration into the socio-economic environment. The purpose of the paper is to create the scientific basis of content, structure clarifying, creating and implementation the pedagogical conditions of students’ economic socialization, considered as a process and the result of individual inclusion into the system of socio-economic relations in the society. The leading method of studying this problem is the project method, allowing to design a system of economic socialization of students on the basis of the relationship between the essential characteristics of the process of economic socialization, identified by socializing potential of the educational environment in technological university and transformative actions for realizing this potential to achieve the goals and objectives of the students’ economic socialization. In the paper it is determined that the pedagogical activity on the designing of economic socialization system includes the following stages: the first (preliminary) stage involves planning of educational activities for the realization the target component of underway project (diagnosis, promotion of ideas, identification of goals and objectives of economic socialization, expected outcomes and the criteria for their evaluation), and, ultimately, development of the project. The second stage of the design is the project realization phase including the content, activity and technological components of the educational process. Third (reflective) stage includes analytical, corrective and remodeling aspects of pedagogical activity. The data from this paper have practical value in designing of economic socialization systems for future engineers, prove the causal dynamic nature of searching and the improvement of the educational process and offer opportunities to apply our approach to design educational systems in technological universities.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1490008193.pdf
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14. Pavol Tišliar
Museology as a University Subject in Slovakia: History, Program and Course Design

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 159-166.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.159CrossRef

This paper examines the development of museum studies and museology as a field of scientific inquiry and a university course in Slovakia. First I examine the role of memory institutions in the formation of this field in response to the need for the specialized education of their staff and describe the fundamentals and the development of program and course design and the motivation behind them. I then analyze the current program and course offerings in the field of museology at various institutions in Slovakia and the differences between them, concluding with a number of proposals for improvement and providing a brief forecast for the future development of the field.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675453.pdf
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15. Yurii S. Tyunnikov
Classification of Innovation Objectives set for Continuing Professional Teacher Development

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 167-181.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2017.1.167CrossRef

The present demand for teachers, showing advanced aptitude for innovations, is an important reason for promotion of innovative practices in the continuous teacher training. For the on-going development of a continuous training system preparing teachers for innovative activities, it is necessary to have a complete taxonomy of practical objectives. They reflect in a certain way the diversity of innovative practices, and act both as an important prerequisite, and a starting point for generation of the main project solutions and procedures. The solution to the problem of classification tasks involves methodological justification for three fairly distinct procedures: definition of grounds for classification; building classification criteria, taking into account the essential characteristics of foundation classification; grouping tasks by specified criteria. The article discusses the methodological approach to classification tasks innovation, built on the structural components of the subject-object relationship educator in the field of innovative change. Describes the structure of the classification criterion, a triad of classifications based on categories of subject-object relations: "the subject of innovation", "innovation", "relation between subject and object of innovation".

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489675523.pdf
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16. Ismail Ipek, Rushan Ziatdinov
New Approaches and Emerging Trends in Educational Technology for Learning and Teaching in Academia and Industry: A Special Issue

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, 6(1): 182-184.
URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1489746941.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1490008120.pdf
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