«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

4 December 26, 2019

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Ali I. AlHouli, Alanoud M. Alrashidi
How Teacher Educators Develop Trust in Educational Systems

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 695-714.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.695CrossRef

The purpose of this study is to identify teacher educators’ trust levels in four cross-national educational systems, namely the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), the Arab world (AW), and the Gulf Countries (GC). In addition to identifying the trust levels, the factors involved in trust building in these systems were also investigated. A two-phase explanatory sequential mixed methods design was developed in which a survey and focus group interviews were utilized to collect the quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data analysis showed that the highest level of trust for most study participants was directed toward the American educational system. The analysis and interpretation of qualitative phase participants inputs yielded 26 factors that affected trust in educational systems. The overall conclusion of this study indicates that teacher educators develop trust in educational systems by being influenced by a number of integrated cognitive and emotional factors.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367176.pdf
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2. Zuhair Al-Zoubi, Nabil shamroukh, Najati Ahmad banyyounis
Teachers Carrying out their Professional Roles as View of Zarqa Town’s Teachers

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 715-725.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.715CrossRef

The teacher is the dynamic axis in the educational process. An effective teacher is a source of inspiration and has an effective and positive impact on students learning. Students rely on teachers to make decisions about their studies, work, and living in the future. This study aimed to investigate the degree of how much teachers carry out their professional roles and the affecting factors from the point of view of Zarqa Governorate’s teachers. To achieve these goals, researchers created a questionnaire that measures the degree of teachers doing their professional roles and another questionnaire that measures teachers’ estimations for the most important affecting factors on carrying out the professional role. The study’s sample consisted of (1200) teachers from public schools in Zarqa Governorate’s education directorates. This study was conducted during academic year 2018–2019. The study results showed that the percentage of teachers doing their professional role in Zarqa Governorate’s education directorates were high, there are no statistically significant differences for the degree of teachers doing their professional roles according to sex, educational qualification, level and years of experience. The researchers recommend to focus on highlighting teacher’s role during teaching through the curricula and focusing on field exercise for future teachers.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367185.pdf
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3. Irina I. Degtyareva, Marina A. Maznichenko, Irina A. Mushkina, Oksana P. Sadilova
Corrective-Developmental Work with Children and Their Parents via a College-Based Research-and-Education Center as a Means of Enhancing the Child’s Emotional Well-Being

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 726-737.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.726CrossRef

This paper captures insights from a recent study about the effect of corrective-developmental work with preschool-age children and their parents on the child’s emotional well-being and anxiety levels and its benefits in terms of an improved emotional microclimate in the family. The authors share the findings from a diagnostic assessment of the emotional state and anxiety levels of six and seven-year-olds attending Coryphaeus, a research-and-education center operating as part of Sochi State University (Sochi, Russia). The paper describes a special program on correctivedevelopmental work with children and counseling work with their parents that is being carried into effect at the center by students at the university’s Department of Social Pedagogics, which is entitled ‘Preparation for School’. The authors conclude that corrective-developmental work with children conducted by senior students majoring in Pedagogics can help improve children’s emotional well-being and reduce their anxiety levels, which is crucial to their readiness for school.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577537494.pdf
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4. Elena A. Drugova, Olga N. Kalachikova
Bounded Rationality, Uncertainty, and Complexity as Decision-Making Contexts: A Case of One University in Russia

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 738-750.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.738CrossRef

Decision making in universities cannot be implemented in an entirely rational mode because of the effects of the bounded rationality, uncertainty, and complexity inherent to the social and organisational contexts. An empirical case study related to launching a new postgraduate educational programme as the in-depth investigation of the chain of related decisions in one university in Russia was used to explain the features of the decision-making process. Data was gathered through 1) five in-depth interviews with the key stakeholders; 2) observations of the situation stages and interviews with other stakeholders; 3) analysis of governmental documents and standards; and 4) analyses of university policies and local documents. Case analysis showed the unclear authority of the institutions involved, vague rules, exclusion of the important stakeholders from the decision process, a lack of experience and expertise, and unclear procedures. The case was interpreted through the lenses of the organized anarchy theory; power and authority perspective; risk avoidance perspective; and bounded rationality perspective. As a discussion and conclusion, it was shown that some strategies can reduce the level of uncertainty and increase the quality of the decisions made, such as decision analysis perspective, decomposition perspective, participation perspective, information perspective, and groupthink avoidance perspective. Also, the role of political negotiations, information provision, additional actions and meetings organization, systematization of the complicated issues, and organizational learning were considered. All these support more mature solutions in the university context.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367237.pdf
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5. Jana Duchovicova, Elena Kovacikova, Anvar N. Khuziakhmetov, Agzam A. Valeev
Phonematic Awareness and Chosen Cognitive Functions of a Child

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 751-760.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.751CrossRef

The study presents research results in the level of phonemic awareness, particularly phonemic analysis and synthesis at children of preschool age in connection with the level of chosen cognitive functions. The study focuses more on the cognitive function of speech, namely active vocabulary and we identify whether the active vocabulary of a preschooler in Slovakia influences the level of phonemic awareness in the field of phonemic analysis and synthesis. From the results it is clear that there is a statistically significant relation between the level of phonemic awareness in the field of phonemic analysis (r = 0,510; p= <0,001) and also with the phonemic synthesis (r = 0,482; p= <0,001) and active vocabulary of children. The results show that the children, who achieved a higher level of active vocabulary, achieved also the higher level of perceptual analysis and synthesis. Thus, the findings showed that the children who achieved a higher level of active vocabulary, they also achieved a higher level of perceptual analysis and synthesis. Perceptual analysis and synthesis are the key factors of phonemic awareness that are according in a close relation with acquisition of reading and writing skills. That children entering schools with strong linguistic knowledge learn to read and write with an ease and less difficult than their peers who have lower level of vocabulary and language structures. Spoken expression is an important factor in development of a child not only in relation with actual developmental level but as a factor that can predict success of the child in school. The didactic level benefits from the research with the findings that systematic development of vocabulary of preschool children can play a significant role in development of phonemic skills of the children and furthermore, by phonemic awareness development it is possible to contribute towards developing reading and writing skills. Thus, the reading literacy can be supported.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367247.pdf
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6. Veronika Fenyves, Krisztina Dajnoki, Dóra Kerezsi, Éva Bácsné Bába
Analysis of Sport Motivation Factors amongst Eastern European Higher Education Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 761-778.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.761CrossRef

The annually organized Campus Festival in Debrecen is one of the musical summer festivals in Hungary, which attract masses of people and consider higher education students as their primary target community. Besides musical events, organizers of the Campus Festival put a special emphasis on the promotion of the sports life of the visiting audience. The Campus Sports Festival is organized every year; it aims to popularize sports and sporting activities and to create a social event where students, fans and athletes of Hungarian and foreign (Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian) higher education institutions are able to establish relationships with each other. The aim of a questionnaire survey prepared in 2017 was to carry out an assessment of needs, in the scope of which the opinion and demand of higher education students related to sports festivals and leisure sports is surveyed. Present study introduces the sporting habits of higher education students and their motivations related to sports and the sports festival. The analysis was carried out by means of the SPSS software package, while the differences among the countries were studied using Pearson’s Chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney test and Categorical Principal Component Analysis. It was established that higher education students belonging to the sample prefer active entertainment and one of their favourite leisure activities is doing sports and that the scale of values of the surveyed higher education students is mostly influenced by fellow students and friends. It was also found that for higher education students, health is a more important motivational factor – in relation with sports – than physical appearance.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367274.pdf
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7. Elena V. Frolova, Tatyana M. Ryabova, Olga V. Rogach
Digital Technologies in Education: Problems and Prospects for “Moscow Electronic School” Project Implementation

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 779-789.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.779CrossRef

The dynamic development of information and communication technologies, the strengthening of the public demand for digitalization of various spheres of life, orient the Moscow education system towards the active introduction of digital technologies and high-tech educational environment development. The purpose of this article is to analyze the advantages and problems of the Moscow Electronic School project implementation, the resources and limitations of digital technology introduction into the learning process of schoolchildren. The main research methods were questionnaires and in-depth interviews with teachers in Moscow schools during the classes teaching electronic skills. The questionnaires were conducted before and after the training process, which made it possible to evaluate its effectiveness, analyze the attitude of teachers to the Moscow Electronic School project, and the readiness to digital technology introduction. The study identified the problems associated with excessive control over the practices of digital technology use in the teacher’s work, which leads to negative consequences: social tension, imitation of activity. The electronic educational environment is perceived as a space with a low level of security, the risks of losing copyright on intellectual activity results. Dysfunctions were revealed in the motivation system, orienting teachers towards the introduction of digital technologies: hard-to-predict performance, distortion of quality assessment criteria, and manipulation possibilities. The advantages of digital technology introduction in the framework of the Moscow Electronic School project include the following: improvement of material and technical support quality for schools, visualization of educational materials, the ability to exchange experiences and gain access to best teaching practices. The key limitations of digital technology introduction are the imperfection of the material and technological base, the dysfunctions in the system of control and motivation of teachers, the low level of educational content moderation, their incomplete compliance with the requirements of teachers, lack of digital trust and legal guarantees.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367345.pdf
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8. Son Van Huynh, Vu Thien Giang, Tu Thi Nguyen, Luong Tran
Correlations Between Components of Social Emotional Learning of Secondary School Students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 790-800.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.790CrossRef

The article discusses the correlation of the social emotional learning (SEL) components perceived by secondary school students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The study results show that there is a close correlation among SEL components. Based on the findings, it is implied that the development of SEL competences for secondary school students is an integrated process requiring interactions among different components of the SEL model and forming the model itself via the changes of each component. Moreover, when one component is affected, the influence does not merely happen on that specific component, yet on the entire SEL model as it was a case for the participating secondary school students in this study.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367379.pdf
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9. Maxim S. Kozyrev, Tatiana V. Bogacheva, Evgeniya E. Jukova, Polina V. Palekhova
Analysis of Management of Higher Education Institutions

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 801-809.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.801CrossRef

The article studies special aspects of management of higher education institutions through the use of correlation analysis. There were twelve universities of Moscow and Moscow region that were included into selection. According to results of the conducted research the authors of article have come to the following conclusions. Universities’ administrations are prone to compensate the defects of management, decrease of students’ number and, as consequence, revenue contractions by laying off the teaching personnel. In this vein, teachers are the most voidable group in a system of higher education management. Meantime, the number of students does not influence the real financial revenue of higher education teaching personnel, which may increase only with the growth of teaching load. The same situation is with publication activity of academic staff. It seems, that universities’ administration either does not use large-scale financial incentives to increase the publication activity of academic teaching personnel in journals from the information-analytical systems of scientific citation Web of Science and Scopus, or these incentives are not comparable with the labor and other costs of publishing scientific articles in these bases, which does not lead to the expected actions on the part of the faculty. In both cases, it is not fair to put the whole responsibility on managerial incompetence of higher institutions. The reasons, which lead to this situation, might be weak managemental independence, relatively lean funds allocated for research, which are most likely concentrated in leading universities.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367391.pdf
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10. Némesis Larracilla-Salazar, Ileana Yadira Peña-Osorio, Violetta S. Molchanova
Education and Financial Inclusion. An Empirical Study in Students of Higher Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 810-818.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.810CrossRef

Financial products and services are increasingly present in our daily lives, so it is very important to know the advantages that can be obtained by using them. In this way, the present study seeks to determine the existence of an underlying structure that explains the knowledge towards the topics of Income, Money Management, Savings and Investment, Expenditure and Credit in students of higher education. For this, the Financial Education Test was applied to 126 participants. The results obtained through the exploratory factor analysis provide evidence of the existence of a structure that allows us to understand the phenomenon of financial education in the perception, knowledge, use and application of financial topics in Mexican students. Two factors represent 68.18 % of the phenomenon under study, the first on knowledge, use and application towards savings and investment (37.42 % of the total variance explained) and the second on knowledge, use and application about money management (30.75 % of the total variance explained).

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367401.pdf
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11. Natalia V. Medvedeva, Ekaterina A. Vetrova, Elena E. Kabanova, Natalia V. Havanova
Social Capital of Territorial Educational Complexes: Development Features and Problems (Using the Example of Moscow)

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 819-827.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.819CrossRef

In modern Russian conditions of the education system modernization, special attention must be paid to the social capital of educational organizations, since it largely determines the quality of educational activity. The article analyzes the personnel management system in the framework of the territorial educational complexes of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow. The relationship was found between the satisfaction of teachers with their work and such factors as the complexity and intensity of work, the ability of management to manage effectively, and communication between the administration and the teaching staff. Based on the study, key barriers were identified that did not allow educational complexes to develop social capital: a high level of tension among the teaching staff of educational institutions; a high level and variety of tasks that teachers need to solve; difficulties with planning activities within the educational complex and related to communication between teaching staff and governing bodies; insufficient level of managerial competence development among the employees of educational complexes. The authors conclude that in order to overcome the identified barriers, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive diagnostics of the educational complex management system state regularly, conduct the monitoring of indicators reflecting the level of employee motivation and the effectiveness of their managerial activities on the basis of educational complexes. It is necessary to maintain the socio-psychological security of the educational environment and apply an integrated approach to interaction system development between all participants of the educational process.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367444.pdf
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12. Elena Moreno García
Empirical Study on Financial Education. Case Study of Public Accounting Graduates in Veracruz, Mexico

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 828-840.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.828CrossRef

The purpose of the study was to assess the level of education that public accounting graduates in Veracruz, Mexico have regarding financial topics. Financial education has become an essential skill in people's lives as a result of the evolution of financial markets. It is logical to think that for graduated in the area of accounting it is essential to have a high level of education in financial matter to be able to perform in their professional field. To carry out the research, the survey designed by Moreno-García, García-Santillán, and Gutiérrez (2017) was used. The populations surveyed were students in the course about fiscal topics carried out in the College of Public Accountants of the State of Veracruz. Descriptive techniques were used to measure the data and the hypothesis test was contrasted with the Z statistic of proportions. The main findings suggest that accounting graduates present an adequate level of education towards financial issues on interest rate calculation, inflation, credit card management, savings, and budget.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367469.pdf
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13. Nina Pestereva, Sun Yuhua, Mariya Belyakova, Feng Jgin
The Formation of the Eurasian Research-and-Education Ecosystem and the Internationalization of Educational Platforms: the Case of Russia and China

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 841-854.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.841CrossRef

The object of this study is to assess the potential for the development of the Russian market for educational services as a component part of the present-day process of internationalization of science and higher education in the countries of Eurasia, above all China and Russia. The paper describes Russia’s and China’s unique unifying and coordinating role in the development of a common educational space, which must result in the creation of a Eurasian research-andeducation ecosystem. The authors conducted an analysis of the current structure of the ecosystem. The authors conducted an analysis of the current structure of the education ecosystem. The authors conducted an analysis of the currents structure of the sector of joint Russian-Chinese education institutions. The paper describes the current state of affairs regarding, and prospects for, the development of the government’s digitalization program that is based on the concept of Digital 4.0, a paradigm that is increasingly becoming a natural environment for society to function and develop in. The authors explore some of the key trends and risks inherent in the development of the global market for educational platforms. The paper provides a rationale for the need to create a joint Russian-Chinese educational platform – one can hardly overestimate its role in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative transnational project. The study employed a set of traditional methods of research, including classification, comparative analysis, summarization, juxtaposition, and forecasting. In addition, it incorporates a sociological survey of students at Russia’s leading universities. The authors made use of data from the Ministries of Education of China and Russia and various open-access statistics websites, as well as data from a sociological study of their own. The authors’ assessments of the current potential of and trends exhibited by the Russian market for online education, as well as the fact that Russian students are interested in and prepared for active participation in online projects, helped put together a set of recommendations for boosting the competitiveness and efficiency of the Russian market for educational services and those for developing an international educational platform as part of the Eurasian educational ecosystem.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577538073.pdf
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14. Yuri P. Povarenkov, Natalya A. Baranova, Nicholas W. Mitiukov
The Role of Family Education Strategies in the Development of Self-Regulation within Behavior of Students in 9–11 Grades

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 855-863.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.855CrossRef

This article examines how various family education strategies influence development of selfregulation behavior among students. It looks at grade levels 9-11 and compares sex differences as well as residential patterns (rural areas, district centers, and regional centers). It has been established that not all strategies are the same: some affect the development of the self-regulation system and some do not have an impact. The article identifies those strategies that have a positive effect on the system of self-regulation and that have a negative effect. According to our hypothesis, girls are more susceptible to the influence of family education strategies on self-regulation behavior than boys. It was revealed that both girls and boys are more susceptible to the positive influence of family education strategies and the less sensitive to their negative impact. The article also shows that students from 9–11 grades in regional centers experience sustainable changes and are strongly influenced by family education strategies while schoolchildren who reside in rural areas and district centers are not particularly sensitive to such influence.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367491.pdf
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15. Salvador Sandoval-Bravo, Pedro Luis Celso-Arellano, Victor Gualajara, Semei Coronado
An Approximation of University Students’ Learning Ability in the Area of Probability

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 864-878
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.864CrossRef

The objective of this study is to analyze the ability of students of the University Center for the Economic Administrative Sciences which forms part of the University of Guadalajara from different economic-administrative undergraduate programs, to solve distinct problems in the area of probability, applying a multiple-choice instrument aligned to the learning objectives via a qualitative-descriptive methodology. The study comprised a sample of 251 students from 14 different undergraduate degree programs who were enrolled in the same statistics course. Multivariate tests were conducted in order to identify any differences in performance related to undergraduate degree program and sex, while a RASCH model was applied to provide validity evidence for the assessment. The results show that the students do not have a good level of ability for solving conditional probability problems, which they confused with the formulation of independent event problems although they did show a satisfactory level of ability for solving other types of problems.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367516.pdf
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16. Tomas Saulius, Romualdas K. Malinauskas
Students’ Experiences of Philosophy Classes in Higher Education: A Case Study

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 879-888.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.879CrossRef

The current paper addresses research question of how do students of one university (in our case study – Lithuanian Sports University, LSU) experience the educational effect of introductory philosophy course. To answer this question, method of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was employed. In accordance with this qualitative approach, we used method of purposive sampling. Sample of current study consist of 8 participants (3 females and 5 males). All participants are first year undergraduate students form study program “Physical education and sport” (continuing studies) in LSU. As a data collection method, semi-structured interview was applied. In our research it was found that students more tend to share their cognitive experience of philosophy classes than their emotional experience. Among nine qualitative categories (codes) which are the most prominent in our interview records, two of them were found to be especially frequent – “Philosophical technical language poses a great challenge for a common reader” and “In philosophy everything has a deeper meaning”.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367532.pdf
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17. Milena Tsvetkova
Cross-Disciplinary Higher Education between Medialogy and Bibliology: Book Science as Degree Programme in Universities Worldwide

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 889-919.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.889CrossRef

Object of the study: The broad object of this study is the academic field of the book and the book as an area of interdisciplinary teaching. Purpose: to prove that the 21st-century cross-media and hybrid media ecosystem emancipates Book Science from the rest of the sciences in whose objects it can partake only as a constituent using one of its elements, properties or attributes. Tasks: to identify and summarise the theoretical and methodological differences between conventional Book Studies and the specific Book Science; to update and conceptualise the understanding of the book as a traditional means of communication in the light of the modern perspectives of digital transformation; to offer a framework of an innovative media science of the book. Hypothesis: Returning to the matter of the book as a medium, the hypothesis to be tested in this study is: “the book is set to be vindicated as a basic scientific category and be studied by a science of its own as an agent of communication, while the scientific book – as a communicator of “good” science. Methods: analytic and synthetic processing of primary and secondary resources, the selective monographic method, systematisation and summarisation of data from scientific-methodical and normative-legal documents on the issue examined. Results: Based on a working hypothesis, this study provides theoretical knowledge in Book Science and proposes points of support toward future fundamental and applied research in Book Science. Significance of the study: Overall, our findings suggest that 1) the research on the new theoretical views about the book will facilitate an increase in the academic interest in book-related professions, encourage the design and update of university curricula and programmes in Book Science, to support interdisciplinary research of book and digital media culture; 2) it is expected that the present text will provide the factors militating against the introduction of innovations in higher education and doctoral programmes in Book Science insofar as books as products of the publishing industry, and thus subject to market forces, drive back business interest in higher education toward book-related professions; appropriate measures to overcome the challenges outlined have been suggested.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367594.pdf
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18. Nailya G. Valeeva, Elena B. Pavlova, Yulia L. Zakirova
M-learning in Teaching ESP: Case Study of Ecology Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 920-930.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.920CrossRef

The paper presents research results on mobile learning of English for specific purposes to ecology students with the help of the Quizlet learning platform. The study was conducted in four stages: the students were surveyed about their mobile devices, and then they underwent an experimental mobile learning process during one term. The next stage was to work with authentic texts, during which the skills developed for reading comprehension of authentic specialized texts were assessed. In order to incorporate subjectspecific vocabulary into professional discourse, in-class discussions were organized with students at the same stage of the study. The students were assigned to agree or disagree with the statements, prove their point, make arguments using familiar vocabulary on these topics. Such classroom discussions have shown that the subject-specific vocabulary the students mastered in the process of mobile learning is active. In our opinion, this is a very important result of mobile learning. The students also note that it is now easier for them to make up statements on professional topics and participate in conversations after mobile training. At the final stage, the students were surveyed once again in order to clarify their impressions of mobile learning. The paper shows the students are sufficiently equipped with mobile technologies and highly motivated to m-learning. The objective test results and a high level of accuracy when doing followup activities and final tests indicate that mobile learning has increased the effectiveness of teaching ESP. Mobile devices and, above all, smartphones can form a personalized learning environment which is motivating and challenging at the same time. Employment of m-learning tools in ESP instruction, besides increasing foreign language proficiency, enhances the levels of students’ satisfaction and motivation which are crucial for professional foreign language communication throughout life.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367605.pdf
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The History of Education

19. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Mariia V. Plotnikova, Lyubov G. Polyakova, Jasmin Gut
The Development of the Public Education System in Northeastern Ukraine in the Period Spanning the 18th and the first half of the 19th сenturies

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 931-942.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.931CrossRef

This paper represents a brief survey of the public education system in northeastern Ukraine in the period spanning the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries. During that period, these lands were part of the Russian Empire. The authors explore some of the key national and regional characteristics of the development of the education system in the region. The paper identifies three major periods in the development of the public education system in northeastern Ukraine in said timeframe. The first period runs to the mid-18th century, when the Hetmanate and Sloboda Ukraine had partial autonomy within the Russian state. During that time, the area had in operation a network of primary, secondary, and higher educational institutions attended by members of all social categories. Their operation was regulated by the government, while the content of education they provided was based on the European pedagogical tradition. The second period is associated with a set of administrative transformations implemented in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century. It is in the context of these transformations that the process of creating a new system of education, a common framework for the entire nation, was launched. That being said, the national characteristics of education in the lands of Leftbank Ukraine gradually faded away. The third period (the first half of the 19th century) is characterized by greater government regulation of the activity of educational institutions. The government would finally install an education system uniform for all regions within the Russian Empire. Educational institutions in northeastern Ukraine would be transformed in such a way as to become part of the imperial education system, while some would cease operation altogether.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367615.pdf
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20. Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Ivan A. Ermachkov, Aude Médico
The German System of Public Education in the Period between the 15th and early 20th centuries. Part 3

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 943-950.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.943CrossRef

The cycle’s third article considers the Prussian elementary school evolution from the second half of the 19th century to the early 20th century. Special attention is paid to the elementary school system development as well as pedagogical issues of the school organization and management. Scientific and specialized literature on the research topic was used as materials. Methodological basis of the study consisted of the traditional historiography principles historicism, scientific objectivity and consistency. Methods used in the course of work are as follows: comparative method. It allowed comparing the main doctrines of rationalist and canonical Prussian schools. Thanks to the comparative method, it became possible to identify the reasons that allowed German teachers-innovators to seriously advance German pedagogy to the leading positions in the second half of the 19th century. In conclusion, the authors noted that the Reformation and the emerging Protestantism played an important role in the public education system development in Prussia and then in Germany. It was Protestantism that would bring the cause of schooling to a fundamentally new level and create conditions for the German pedagogy establishment. Ultimately, German teachers-innovators would create a rationalist school, which in turn would be focused on the diverse knowledge formation in a student, and this would allow to create a foundation for the entire advanced German science in the future.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367630.pdf
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21. Artyom Yu. Peretyatko
The Relationship of Education and Economic in the Don Host at the 1890

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 951-963.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.951CrossRef

The question of the possible relationship between the level of education of the Cossacks and the degree of their well-being has not been raised by historians to date. Meanwhile, “His Imperial Majesty’s Commission to analyze the causes that damaged the economic life of the Don Host, and to formulate measures to restore its economic well-being” (“N.A. Maslakovets’ Commission”) in 1899 confidently stated that it was the shortcomings of the education system in the Don Host Land that entail the impoverishment of the Cossacks. The author, on the basis of the protocols of the commission and the materials of its activities, preserved in archives (the State Archive of the Rostov Region, the Russian State Military Historical Archive and the Manuscripts Department of the Russian National Library), shows that the commission did not have unity in considering educational issues. Nevertheless, prevailing was P.G. Mordvintsev’s point of view, according to which education in the Cossack regions was to ensure the universal literacy of male Cossacks and their mastery of the special technical knowledge necessary for effective agriculture. Prior to achieving this goal, according to the members of the commission, it was impossible to implement many other measures they proposed aimed at restoring the wellbeing of the Don farms. However, War Minister A.N. Kuropatkin rejected the commission’s proposals, relying on the opinion of the most conservative part of the Cossacks, who believed that education discouraged Cossacks from hard work.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367641.pdf
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22. Olga V. Natolochnaya, Bella A. Bulgarova, Yulia A. Voropaeva, Aleksandr N. Volkov
The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate (the Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries). Part 2

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 964-972.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.964CrossRef

This paper examines the public education system in Vilna Governorate in the period between the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. This part of the paper analyzes the system’s development in the period 1880–1908. In putting this work together, the authors drew upon a pool of statistical data published in Memorandum Books for Vilna Governorate in the period from 1880 to 1913, as well as an array of statistical data on the Vilna Educational District published in the scholarly journal Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya. The authors also made use of certain regulatory documents. The authors conclude by noting that during the period 1880–1908 the region witnessed a gradual increase in the number of educational institutions and students (a definite rise of at least three times). Estates-wise, the period was characterized by a sharp increase in students from rural areas and a drop in those who were the children of nobles and functionaries. In terms of students’ religious affiliation, the way was led by Orthodox Christians, followed by Catholics and then Jews.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367655.pdf
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23. Aleksandr А. Cherkasov, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Ludmila G. Zimovets
The Development of the School Education System in Vologda Governorate (1725–1917). Part 4

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 973-983.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.973CrossRef

This paper examines the origination and development of the school education system in Vologda Governorate in the period 1725–1917. This part of the set covers the period 1900–1917. The authors drew upon a set of works covering pre-revolutionary pedagogy, as well as a pool of contemporary Russian scholarly literature. In conducting the research reported in this paper, the authors employed both general methods of research, including concretization and summarization, and traditional methods of historical analysis. Use was made of the historical-situational method to explore particular historical facts in the context of the era under study in conjunction with various neighboring events and facts. The authors conclude by noting that from 1900 to 1916 Vologda Governorate enjoyed a period of dynamic development in its public education sector, which had been facilitated by the nationwide process of preparation for the institution of compulsory education. The number of educational institutions in the region had reached as many as 2,000, with significant gains achieved in the quality of the education system as well. In addition to the focus on setting up new educational institutions, considerable attention was devoted to building new schools, ensuring better pay and working conditions for teachers, and preparing the region’s teaching workforce. Despite the complex geographical conditions, namely the region’s large relatively lowly populated land mass, the Ministry of Public Education had sought to institute compulsory primary education throughout Vologda Governorate by 1920. To do it justice, these plans were being systematically put into effect. As early as 1914, nearly 75 % of the region’s school-age children attended school. The bulk of the region’s out-of-school children were accounted for by peasant girls whose parents viewed education as being of little use to a female in the countryside.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577367663.pdf
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24. Vasilii V. Tarakanov, Marina A. Ponomareva
INCFAR: Characteristics and Challenges (A Fifth Anniversary Tribute)

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2019, 8(4): 984-992.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2019.4.984CrossRef

This paper examines the diverse activity of the International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research (INCFAR) in conjunction with the institution’s fifth anniversary. The authors describe the process of creation and reorganization of the INCFAR Laboratories and discuss the Center’s cooperation with other research-and-education establishments around the world. The paper includes an analysis of the key areas of research the Center is currently focused on. The work’s materials are grounded in some specialized literature and a body of research literature, as well as certain resources available on the Center’s website. In working on this paper, the authors made wide use of the descriptive, statistical, and problem-historical methods, which helped put together a comprehensive picture of the relevant events in their historical sequence. The authors conclude by stating that today the five-year-old INCFAR is a well-ramified research establishment. In addition to its efficient labs and spectacular publication activity, the Center is distinguished by considerable collaboration activity, possesses resources of its own in the area of dissemination of scholarly information, and runs a resource for indexing scholarly periodicals. All this helps make the outcomes of the Center’s scholarly work as visible to the potential reader as possible, which, in turn, helps boost the possibility that these works will be known to wider scholarly and pedagogical communities.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1577369433.pdf
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