«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

1 March 31, 2020

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Аknur Batyrbekova, Aliya Sarybayeva, Torebay Turmambekov, Aksholpan Serikkyzy
Evaluation of the System of Methodical Training of a Physics Teacher in the Conditions of Modernization of Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 4-18.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.4CrossRef

Training of Physics teachers remains still a quite big challenge in the context of developing secondary education system. Taking into account new objectives in teaching Physics of pupils and students within the emerging philosophy of education and the objective difficulties of mastering the content, the training of a Physics teacher should be identified as a separate problem not only in practical but also in theoretical terms. In this regard, this study considers methodological training of a future Physics teacher at the University as an element of new educational system of higher pedagogical education. This study is the first in the above direction, the level of expected results can be characterized as methodological one. The study is aimed at the development of improved methodological training of future Physics teachers at the university in the context of high education modernization. Methodological training system of a Physics teacher has been developed that ensure better training of future teachers in Kazakhstan. Various methodological tools are applied in educational process to form scientific methodological thinking and methodological competences of students.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641569.pdf
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2. Nina Zh. Dagbaeva, Sayana N. Darmaeva, Janina S. Samoshkina, Sayana G. Tzybenova
Components of Modern Students’ Intercultural Competence: Comparative Analysis

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 19-28.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.19CrossRef

The final results of the research which was held in the Republic of Buryatia, Mongolia and China are represented in the article. Russia is represented by the Republic of Buryatia, one of the multicultural regions of our country, where representatives of more than a hundred native people coexist peacefully with people of other nationalities, mostly from neighboring countries. Globalization also affected this region, which is clearly reflected in the heterogeneity of the student youth of the Republic. The largest groups of foreign students studying at universities in Buryatia are representatives of neighboring regions of China and Mongolia. For such a multicultural and educational region as the Republic of Buryatia, it is very important to form tolerance and develop the skills of competent intercultural dialogue among young people, along with the preservation of the cultural and ethnic component. This article is an analysis of the results of the research for identifying the level of intercultural competence formation of Russian, Chinese and Mongolian students. Arriving in the Republic for the learning with Russian educational programs, foreign students often face difficulties of intercultural interaction, not to mention the language barrier. In this regard, it is important to clarify at the initial stage the difficulties arising in terms of intercultural dialogue among the main participants of the educational process in the universities of our city. The article reveals three of the six main parameters on the basis of which this study was conducted, which, in our opinion, represent most clearly the entire procedure of the study and the results obtained.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641680.pdf
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3. Anna S. Frolikova, Natalia A. Tereshchenko, Marina K. Astafieva
Model of Universal Competence Development Intercultural Interaction of Bachelors by Means of Fine Arts

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 29-42.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.29CrossRef

In this article the authors present the developed pedagogical model of universal competence development intercultural interaction of bachelors by means of fine arts. The development of this pedagogical model is the most important pedagogical task. This task requires an urgent solution. Since 2019, the Federal state educational standards of the new generation 3++ have been introduced into the educational process of Russian universities. This highlights the relevance of this study. The pedagogical model of universal competence of formation and development of intercultural interaction is an integral pedagogical system. It consists of the following complementary and interrelated clusters: system-forming, motivational-holistic, organizational-content, diagnostic-effective. Each cluster is treated as a system that consists of certain Bullitts'. In this article the results of the effectiveness of the pedagogical model proposed by the authors and the need for its inclusion in the educational process of Russian and foreign universities are proved experimentally and presented in this article.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641741.pdf
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4. Ali Kocak
Single-Sex School Graduates in the Post-School Mixed-Sex Environment: A Study in Kazakhstan

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 43-53.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.43CrossRef

The main idea behind single-sex schooling is to reduce the interaction with the opposite sex for better academic, social and emotional development in a belief that this safe environment will eliminate destruction arrived created from opposite-sex classmates. In fact, single-sex schooling results in a decrease in the likelihood of attending the party and having romantic relationships at adolescence (Cardona, Kaufmann, 2017). But, does this perpetuate better outcomes in the short and long run for participants of this schooling type is an abiding interest in many studies? Debates over the pros and cons of single-sex schooling are widespread and some papers are taking an ideological stand, and holding upon polarizing views (Gordillo, 2017). Gordillo (2017) analyzed some meta-analysis studies and found that these papers did not include valuable research papers with opposing findings which give doubtful conclusions. Most of the existing studies evaluated the academic attainment of single-sex school students and comparative analyses are done to cross-analyze with coeducational students’ achievement. This paper, on another hand, focuses on how single-sex school graduates find it challenging their relationship with the opposite sex in mixed-sex spaces in the post-school period. This study particularly focused upon challenges in relationships with individuals of the opposite sex at university, work-space and with the spouse. The study is taken place at Kazakhstan’s educational foundations which run both single-sex and coeducational schools. Findings reveal graduates of single-sex schools have not faced significant challenges in relationships with the opposite sex at university, work-space, and spouse compared to coeducational school graduates.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641786.pdf
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5. Evelina V. Kuz'mina, Nina G. P'yankova, Natal'ya V. Tret'yakova, Anna V. Botsoeva
Using Data Analysis Methodology to Foster Professional Competencies in Business Informaticians

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 54-66.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.54CrossRef

This paper addresses the topical issue of searching for optimum technology for fostering professional competencies in a target audience of business informatics students. The authors discuss the relevance of using the competency-based approach in the context of pedagogical goal-setting. The work describes the key stages in a study that involved identifying several areas of activity for business informaticians to focus on in the fields of all-round and deep data analysis and data warehousing. The paper describes the authors’ own methodology for helping a student master fundamental algorithms and methods of business analysis. The work shares the findings from the authors’ pedagogical experiment on fostering said competencies. The study employed the following methods: analysis, synthesis, formalization, methods of mathematical statistics (Rosenbaum’s Q test), and pedagogical experimentation.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641856.pdf
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6. Romualdas K. Malinauskas, Tomas Saulius
Dynamics of the Sociability of Future PE Teachers in the First Decades of the 21st Century

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 67-75.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.67CrossRef

The article aims to answer the question, what is the dynamics of the future physical education (PE) teachers' sociability in the first decades of the 21st century? The study documented the peculiarities of sociability in future PE teachers in 2001. It was conducted in 2018 and aimed to answer the question of whether the changing social environment and educational reform in the last decades have recently been linked to changes in the sociability of future PE teachers. An analysis of sociability was made using the adapted Rogov questionnaire and the Bales System of process categories in the interaction process analysis. The research model was selected by interviewing a sample of 3rd and 4th year students (n = 139) in 2001 and in 2018 (n = 134). The survey data showed that in 2018 status striving of future PE teachers is statistically significantly stronger than in 2001. The research findings revealed that in 2001 during the teaching practice students (future PE teachers) were more committed to solidarity, encouraged others more frequently, were calmer, felt more satisfied, and communicated more easily than in 2018. In 2018 during the teaching practice students survived bigger tension and more frequently showed antagonism than in 2001.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641913.pdf
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7. Łukasz Mamica
Firms’ Problem-Oriented Student Theses as an Innovative Method of Teaching and Knowledge Transfer from Universities to Industry

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 76-88.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.76CrossRef

The objective of this paper is to explore the role of student theses developed in response to specific firms’ problems under the supervision of university teachers as an innovative teaching method with a high level of personal engagement. The paper presents the results of research based on 150 interviews conducted in Krakow with team members engaged in preparation of student theses (each consisting of a university teacher, a master or bachelor student, and a company representative). The statistical analysis is based mainly on the Regression Tree Method and Spearman correlation coefficient. The interview-based research among key actors involved in preparation of firms’ problem-oriented student theses confirmed the high effectiveness of this method of knowledge transfer from universities to industry. Thesis knowledge generated in this process brings positive effects to firms, university supervisors and students. Along with an increase in the assessment of practical skills obtained by students, the assessment of the suitability of work for the enterprise increases. Also as the satisfaction rating for cooperation increases, the benefit rating in the form of closer contacts with companies also increases. Satisfying results of university–industry relations obtained through the process of applied thesis preparation could be achieved if different kinds of stimulation types were implemented. On the side of the university, there should be incentives dedicated to the institutional level as well as tools dedicated to individual researchers. Studies have shown high usability of problem-oriented student theses. All parties to this process recognize significant benefits, which confirms that this type of collaboration is a WIN-WIN situation.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585641979.pdf
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8. Roman S. Nagovitsyn, Aleksander Yu. Osipov, Mikhail D. Kudryavtsev, Valentina S. Bliznevskaya
A High Score for the Unified State Examination for an Applicant – A “Quality” Graduate for the Educational System in the Future?

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 89-101.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.89CrossRef

Today, the formation of the personnel potential of the pedagogical educational system is characterized in terms of “double negative selection” when not the best school graduates go to the pedagogical institute and not the best graduates of the institute go to the educational system. The presented contradiction has determined the goal of the study: to develop a model of the individual trajectory of student training to improve the quality of the graduate of the pedagogical profile based on the development of its substantial and level characteristics and a correlation analysis between the quality of the entrant and the graduate of the pedagogical institute. The experiment was conducted among (n = 328) full-time students who completed their studies at the Pedagogical Institute in 2017−2019. Based on the development of monitoring the quality of formation of a student – a future teacher, it has been proved that a high score of the Unified State Examination by an applicant is not always an indicator of the high quality of a graduate for the educational system in the future. On the basis of the author’s model, the study has substantiated the position that the concept of selection of pedagogical institutes and the quality of professional training of a future teacher should reflect the tendency to move from standardization to individualization of the process at all levels of “enrollee-student-beginner teacher”. In practical terms, the introduction of the author’s model will individualize vocational training and reduce the lack of “quality” teaching staff in the system of general and additional education.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642056.pdf
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9. Minh-Hong Nguyen-Thi, Van-Son Huynh, Thien-Vu Giang, Hong-Quan Bui
Many Social Problems in Vietnam Stem from the Communication Problems among High School Students While No School Counseling Support is Provided – the Urgent Need of Forming School Counseling Model for Vietnamese High School Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 102-113.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.102CrossRef

Many social problems in Vietnam stem from communication conflicts among high school students. Over the years, teachers, educators, and school counselors have been working hard to solve this problem, but it has not been effective. On the other hand, Vietnam does not yet have a general school counseling model that can solve these communication problems. By using the questionnaire, as well as conducting interviews with participants (students and teachers), we found that the communication problems of high school students are primarily based on the weakness in emotional management and overexpressing personal ego. Besides, gender, education, and family background also have some impact on communication problems and the need for communication problem counseling. This result is an essential basis for Vietnamese to build a school counseling model to effectively support the reduction of social problems where perpetrators and victims are high school students.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642144.pdf
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10. Alexander Yu. Prosekov, Irina S. Morozova, Elena V. Filatova
A Case Study of Graduate Quality: Subjective Opinions of Participants in the Sphere of Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 114-125.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.114CrossRef

The article considers the problem of graduate quality assessment from the perspective of various participants of the educational sphere. The research features the current state of education. It focuses on the national specifics that affect a particular model of education during its implementation. Modern education is characterized by interaction of several local educational environments and the adoption of innovative features of one national education system by other countries. The authors compared various national education systems and pointed out the following common traits: transformability, modelability, openness, and adaptability. As for the education of the early XXI century, it appeared to include the following characteristics. First, educational institutions satisfy people’s needs for educational services. Second, the informative capacity of classes is increasing. Third, educational institutions are involved in the ranking process. The study features the opinions of employers, students, and professors regarding the quality of training of social specialists in the spheres of education, healthcare, and social protection. The paper describes advantages and disadvantages of various national education models. The authors stress the need for the development and implementation of a Russian national education model and formulate its key guidelines. They assessed the efficiency of the current education model via opinions of employers, students, and professors on the formation of professional competencies in students of Bachelor and Master Programmes. The opinions of the three groups of respondents underwent a comparative analysis. According to the employers, the level of professional training was higher in Masters than in Bachelors. The professors demonstrated a more critical attitude to the level of Bachelors and evaluated it as average. The students appeared more positive in their assessment of Bachelors, but they also evaluated Masters as more skilled than Bachelors. The obtained data can be used to develop technologies that could facilitate the educational process and improve the graduate quality in higher education institutions.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642203.pdf
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11. Jésica Josefina Ramos-Hernández, Arturo García-Santillán, Violetta Molchanova
Financial Literacy Level on College Students: A Comparative Descriptive Analysis between Mexico and Colombia

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 126-144.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.126CrossRef

This main objective of this study is the measurement of financial literacy in college students from Mexico and Colombia, using an instrument that was designed based on the available literature review and which was applied to a sample of 224 students. It was possible to find slight differences between the two countries, but the results as a whole were concerning as they showed a low level of financial literacy in the analyzed population, specifically in the topics of retirement planning, inflation, credit (credit card usage), savings and investment and risk diversification. This paper also proposes a questionnaire considering seven financial topics which measures the level of financial literacy and can be replicated in other study populations. It is important to point out that college students are an important opportunity to focus the efforts on financial literacy, since they are in a crucial stage of their lives when they are beginning to get into the work force or will do so soon, which is why this information can be used in a near future and by having it they can use financial instruments in a proper manner and for their benefit, helping them to achieve their financial goals and avoid financial problems during their life, contributing to their future wellbeing and society in general.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642333.pdf
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12. Aleksandr V. Shashkov, Marina A. Maznichenko, Lyudmila V. Kravchenko, Milena N. Ivanova
Students’ Social-Perceptive Attitudes toward the Chosen Pedagogical Profession and the Correlation between these Attitudes and their Personal Characteristics

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 145-159.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.145CrossRef

This paper provides the findings from an integrated diagnostic assessment of first-to-fourth-year pedagogics students’ social-perceptive attitudes toward the chosen profession and their personal characteristics linked with those attitudes. The authors have explored students’ understanding of the reasons behind the choice of the profession and some of the key factors for the profession’s attractiveness and unattractiveness and traced the dynamics of the intensity of their professional orientation. The work has investigated the correlation between pedagogics students’ social-perceptive attitudes toward the pedagogical profession and their personal characteristics such as self-efficacy assessments, self-attitude, self-organization, perfectionism, tolerance of uncertainty, and perception of the time perspective. The authors have found that among the key reasons behind students’ choice of the pedagogical profession are their childhood dream to become a pedagogue, the profession’s alignment with their character, and their pursuit of self-actualization goals through it. Their realization of the reasons changes from their childhood dream (first year) to alignment with their character (second year), to pursuit of self-actualization goals (third year), and to opportunity to spend their time usefully and understand better what they want to be (fourth year). That is, many high school graduates are not fully prepared for making a conscious, responsible choice of the pedagogical profession and tend to start conceptualizing the made choice only in their graduation year. Among the key factors for the pedagogical profession’s attractiveness are opportunity to self-improve, opportunity to work with people, and alignment with one’s potential and character. The unattractiveness factors include low pay, emotional and physical strains, and the job’s low social status. The degree of future pedagogues’ professional orientation gradually increases from first to third years and decreases by fourth year. There is a positive correlation between a high level of orientation toward the pedagogical profession and the following personal characteristics of students: a sense of their own self-efficacy; belief in the world's benevolence; realization of responsibility for their own actions in life and their personally significant choices; other-oriented perfectionism; tolerance of uncertainty; positive perception of the past and hedonistic and fatalistic perception of the present; global self-attitude (self-respect, self-affection, and self-interest); high degree of self-organization (goal-orientedness, perseverance, and orientation toward the present). The study’s findings indicate that school students ought to be purposefully prepared for the choice of the pedagogical profession. During the period of college preparation of pedagogues, special attention ought to be devoted to organizing on-the-job and pre-graduation practical training in the graduation year. Classes and practical sessions ought to incorporate training sessions on boosting self-efficacy and self-organization, fostering a positive self-concept and a positive perception of the world, and cultivating the ability to anticipate and relieve emotional tension.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642456.pdf
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13. Elena V. Soboleva, Nikita L. Karavaev
Preparing Engineers of the Future: the Development of Environmental Thinking as a Universal Competency in Teaching Robotics

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 160-176.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.160CrossRef

The problem of the research is urgent due to the need to develop a special style of thinking. This type is based on problem cognitive activity, focused on lean production, resource conservation, and supported by an automated system that provides resources for solving socio-economic problems in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution and the digital economy formation. The purpose of the research is to theoretically prove and experimentally verify the need to change methods, tools, organizational forms of teaching robotics for the purposeful development of environmental thinking and lean manufacturing as the demanded competencies of future specialists in the context of digital transformation. The research methodology is the analysis of psychological and pedagogical work, development strategies, concepts of education; methods of mathematical statistics, methods of psychodiagnostics and survey. The pedagogical experiment is based on the example of assessing the ecological thinking formation and the energy conservation skill in teaching robotics to train engineering, technical and management specialists. The research results. The study clarifies the concepts “environmental thinking”, “lean production”, and “environmental competence” in the context of training specialists for the digital economy, in particular, engineering and technology. The study substantiates the didactic potential of a robotics course for the formation of environmental thinking as a demanded skill of future engineers. The authors describe didactic principles, a model for teaching robotics in a personalized environment for the formation of environmental thinking as the basis for the introduction of innovations and the challenges of automation, globalization and competitiveness. The authors conclude that a robotics course with specially organized interdisciplinary design forms of activity supported by appropriate means and training methods is necessary. It will create additional conditions for the formation of environmental thinking and lean production skills as key professional competencies in the training of demanded specialists in the digital economy.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642515.pdf
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14. Alexandra A. Vorozhbitova, Anna V. Yuryeva, Alexander V. Timofeyev, Olga V. Ignatyeva
Linguistic Rhetorical Ideal as a Development Factor of Multiethnic, Sociocultural and Educational Space in the Aspect of the Formation of a Professional Linguistic Personality

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 177-188.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.177CrossRef

The paper characterizes the category of developed Linguistic rhetorical (LR) ideal developed by the authors. The phenomenon is a binding core, the epicenter of the social cultural and educational space (PЕSCЕS) and is a powerful factor for the formation of a professional linguistic personality of a specialist working in any field or having different educational specialization. In the first place it is relevant for a future teacher for whom language skills are especially important. In the course of communication with students of all ages educates new generations instilling the norms and requirements of the LR ideal that is timely for this stage of cultural and historical development of the state and its PЕSCЕS. In the process of the pedagogical research the experimental work was conducted with the first year students of Sochi State University specializing in history and foreign languages within the framework of the optional course “Basics of speech self-improvement”. The testing results of the theoretical model witness the efficiency of the process developed within the framework of Sochi school continuous Linguistic & rhetorical education. This approach is based on the result-oriented complementary organisation of counter-processes of designing an innovative pedagogical process and self-design of a learner as a strong linguistic personality of a dialogic, democratic and polycultural type (general culture foundation of university training within the framework of Federal State Educational Standards) and professional linguistic personality (specialized foundation of a training program.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642585.pdf
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15. Siti Zulaiha, Herri Mulyono, Lies Ambarsari
An Investigation into EFL Teachers’ Assessment Literacy: Indonesian Teachers’ Perceptions and Classroom Practice

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 189-201.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.189CrossRef

The current study aimed to explore junior secondary school English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers perceptions of classroom-based assessment and to understand the extent to which teachers’ perceptions are reflected in their practice. To this end, a total of twenty two Indonesian EFL teachers from six public junior secondary schools participated in the study where they were surveyed and interviewed. Shim’s (2009) survey instrument was adapted to collect data related teachers’ perception. A semi-structured interview was conducted with five of twenty-two teachers where were selected randomly. A document study was also conducted to further verify data from the questionnaire and interview. The gathered data included curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, example of assessment materials and students’ work. Quantitative data analysis with t-test was employed to analyse the quantitative data while the qualitative data were analysed using a thematic data analysis. Findings of the current study had suggested that teachers had appropriate knowledge about assessment principles and applied such a knowledge into classroom practice. Although, the discrepancy between teachers’ knowledge and its application in classroom practices was identified, particularly in implementation and monitoring stages. Some concerns that influenced teachers’ practice of classroom assessment included the local or school policy, teachers’ use of non-achievement factors (e.g. students’ attendance and attitudes), and parents’ involvement in their children education. The findings contribute to a better understanding of teachers’ assessment literacy in their particular context, as they make meaning and interact with assessment materials and relevant stakeholders of assessment. Recommendations were offered in reference to the findings.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642643.pdf
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The History of Education

16. Aleksandr А. Cherkasov, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Larisa A. Koroleva
The Public Education System in Voronezh Governorate in the Period 1703–1917. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 202-211.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.202CrossRef

This paper examines the public education system in Voronezh Governorate in the period 1703–1917. This part of the collection represents an attempt to reproduce a picture of how the region’s public education system developed between 1703 and 1861. In putting this work together, the authors drew upon a pool of statistical data published in Memorandum Books for Voronezh Governorate, reports by the Minister of Public Education, and Memorandum Books for certain educational institutions (e.g., the Voronezh Male Gymnasium). The authors’ conclusion is that, overall, the public education system in Voronezh Governorate developed in complicated conditions. During the 18th century, this process was influenced by both external (e.g., wars) and internal (e.g., lack of funding and teachers’ daily-life difficulties) factors. The lack of consistency in the operation of the governorate’s school system was resolved only after there appeared in the region educational institutions funded by the government. By the beginning of the 1860s, Voronezh Governorate witnessed the creation of an entire network of educational institutions that were subordinate to governmental agencies (the Ministry of Public Education, the Department of Religious Affairs, and the Department of State Property). During that period, the region witnessed the establishment of a gymnasium, a teachers’ seminary, and an ecclesiastical seminary, i.e. educational institutions that were potential providers of a skilled local workforce essential to the development of the public education system.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642707.pdf
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17. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Lyubov G. Polyakova, Jasmin Gut
The Social Background of Functionaries in the Russian Empire’s Public Education Sector in the First Half of the 19th century: The Case of the Ukrainian Governorates

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 212-220.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.212CrossRef

This paper is focused on a specific component of the bureaucratic apparatus in the Russian Empire – educational functionaries. More specifically, the work explores the social background of educational functionaries in the Ukrainian lands in the first half of the 19th century. The authors composed data samples on Taurida, Volhynian, and Poltava Governorates covering the years 1830 and 1850. Use was made of a body of little-known archival documentation from the State Archive of Kharkov Oblast and the Central State Archive of Ukraine in Kiev. The authors explored the regional characteristics of the way educational institutions in rightbank, leftbank, and southern Ukrainian governorates were staffed with functionaries. The work attempted to determine how the areas’ numbers of members of the various social groups in pedagogical service correlate with each other. It was found that, despite the low popularity of pedagogical service among the nobility, there were quite many members of this estate serving in the public education sector. However, due to a major need for teacher functionaries the government had to express a favorable attitude toward the hiring of members of other social groups willing to serve in educational institutions across the Russian Empire. This explains the significant number of members of the lower estates employed in the sector as well.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585916741.pdf
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18. Timur A. Magsumov, Aleksey A. Korolev, Marina A. Ponomareva, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade
The System of Public Education in Kars Oblast in the Period 1878–1917. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 221-234.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.221CrossRef

This paper examines the system of public education in Kars Oblast in the period 1878–1917. The present part of the work covers the period 1878–1908, which spans the timeframe from the incorporation of the region into the Russian Empire through to the commencement of preparatory activities related to the introduction of compulsory primary education in it. A key source used in this work is the annual Reports on Educational Institutions in the Caucasus Educational District, which provide data on the region’s schools run by the Ministry of Public Education. The authors made an extensive use of the statistical method. The authors’ conclusion is that the system of public education in Kars Oblast was characterized by a number of distinctive features. Creating the system of public education from scratch subsequent to the incorporation of the formerly Turkish-controlled areas into the Russian Empire required convincing the locals of the need to have their children attend Russian secular schools. By 1908, the region became home to a network of primary schools, four lower schools, and two secondary educational institutions. Instruction was provided to both sexes, which means education had become more accessible to the local population. While the region’s student body had long been dominated by representatives of Christian denominations, the period 1907–1908 witnessed a sharp increase in the number of students of the Moslem faith too.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642830.pdf
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19. Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Dmitrii V. Karpukhin, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Aude Médico
The System of Public Education in Tiflis Governorate in the Period 1802–1917. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 235-247.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.235CrossRef

This paper addresses the development of the education system in the Russian Empire during the pre-revolutionary period. Its geographic scope is confined to Tiflis Governorate, and its chronological scope covers the period of integration of the system of public education in Tiflis Governorate into the all-Russian system of public education and its centralization – 1802–1871 (this includes the “departmental” period, when there was in operation the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Public Education (1817–1824)). The work provides a short analysis of key sources on the issue of the development of the public education system in pre-revolutionary Russia, a brief historiographical survey, an outline of Tiflis Governorate’s geographic, economic, and ethnic characteristics, and a summary of key issues relating to the topic’s periodization. The authors’ conclusion is that the process of integration of the system of public education in Tiflis Governorate into the all-Russian system and its centralization was completed by 1871. Throughout the country, there now was in operation a network of educational institutions with uniform standards in place with regard to school administration and curricula. This made it possible to move on to the next stage in the process of spreading literacy in the outlying regions of the Russian Empire – to enable more of its citizens to receive public education.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1585642901.pdf
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20. Olga V. Natolochnaya, Vladimir A. Svechnikov, Lyudmila A. Posokhova, Ruslan M. Allalyev
The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate (the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries). Part 3

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(1): 248-254.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.1.248CrossRef

This paper examines the public education system in Vilna Governorate in the period between the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. This part of the work analyzes the system’s development in the period 1908–1917. The authors drew upon a body of archival documentation from the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg, Russia), a pool of statistical data published in Memorandum Books for Vilna Governorate in the period from 1880 to 1915, and an array of statistical data on the Vilna Educational District published in the scholarly journal Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya. The authors made use of certain regulatory documents as well. The authors’ conclusion is that by the end of 1914 students in Vilna Governorate accounted for a mere 50 % of the total number of school-age children in the region. The governorate was still far from the introduction of compulsory primary education, as it had a motley ethnic makeup and large numbers of Catholics, Jews, and Dissenters. Of note is the fact that in the last pre-war year the region witnessed a sharp increase in the number of Catholics in attendance at its educational institutions. As early as 1915, in light of the “Great Retreat” of the Russian army, a portion of the educational institutions were evacuated to the empire’s central regions, with the percentage of students, thus, starting to decline.

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