«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

4 December 23, 2020

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Ivan A. Aleshkovski, Alexander T. Gasparishvili, Oksana V. Krukhmaleva, Alexander A. Onosov
Students’ Perceptions of Quality in Higher Education and Career Choices: A Case Study of the Russian Industrial Region

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 710-725.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.710CrossRef

The transition to a new technological structure and mass digitalization of society involves revision of the existing forms and methods of educating students for the needs of the Industry 4.0. The problem arises from higher education non-compliance with the expectations of society, the modern requirements of the economy and the labor market. For regional higher education institutions, the situation is exacerbated by the high level of educational and labor migration of young people. This leads to negative trends in demographic indicators as well as to deficits in the regional labor market and to decrease in regional socioeconomic potential. The study is based on the data from the sociological research conducted by the authors, as well as on the secondary data analysis. At the stage of data analysis in the SPSS 25 functional environment primary data were processed and the results were presented using descriptive statistics methods; an in-depth analysis of empirical information was carried out using multidimensional methods of analytical statistics, including the Pearson's χ2 significance test and the procedures of factor analysis (p < 0.001); non-formalized analysis of the qualitative research materials add statistical data were carried out. The study revealed the opinions of university level students on the quality of the education they receive, on the problems of gaining professional skills and competencies in the education process, the possibility of implementing individual educational trajectories, migratory moods and future plans after graduation. A number of measures are proposed to modernize the regional system of higher education, including the use of opportunities of targeted training, the organization of interaction with business enterprises in the region, the network interaction of higher education institutions, the potential of WorldSkills contests, as well as the implementation of new approaches in the organization of education, student practicums and internships.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756217.pdf
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2. Mahmood Azizi, Hedviga Tkáčová, Martina Pavlíková, Zita Jenisová
Extensive Reading and the Writing Ability of EFL Learners: the Effect of Group Work

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 726-739.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.726CrossRef

This study attempted to investigate the impact of extensive reading (ER) on the writing ability of Iranian EFL students. The study also took a further step to explore the effect of adding group work activity to the extensive reading program to find its possible positive effect on improving writing ability. The present study had two experimental groups with no control group. Participants were 35 students majoring in English Literature as ER plus GW (group work) group and 30 students majoring in English Language Teaching as ER group both taking the course of reading comprehension(II) in the University of Mazandaran. Participants were first given a reading comprehension test taken from TOEFL from which 24 students were chosen as the participants of this study according to their marks. The ER plus GW group read one graded reader each week at home, discussed the summary or related topic in the groups of five or six. The group members took notes on each other's talk including new vocabulary and language structure. At home, they wrote a summary of the book. ER group, on the other hand, read one book each week and wrote its summary at home without any discussion. Both groups were asked to write about a common topic one before and one at the end of the program as their pre/post test. Their summary examined in terms of four writing aspects including: run-on sentences, vocabulary errors (word choice and word form), and overall accuracy. The results of t-test revealed that adding group work to ER was almost effective in improving overall accuracy, run-on sentences, word choice but not in word form errors.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756294.pdf
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3. Minh-Quang Duong
Effects of Socioeconomic Status and University Learning Experiences on Male and Female Students’ Leadership Capacity in Vietnamese Higher Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 740-750.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.740CrossRef

Little is known about students’ leadership capacity in higher education in developing countries such as Vietnam. This research explored gender differences in family socioeconomic status (SES) and university learning experiences in Vietnamese higher education and investigated how family SES and university learning experiences influenced male and female students in terms of leadership capacity. The research was used methods of survey questionnaire and documentation. The data were drawn from a longitudinal sample of 513 fourth-year students across five member universities of Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. They were then analyzed by data processing, displaying, and drawing a conclusion. The research has two findings. The empirical results indicated that first, overall gender differences exist regarding family SES and university experiences of students and female students came from more diverse SES families and university learning experiences compared with their male counterparts. Second, the findings of this research also revealed that both genders were affected by their family SES and university learning experiences as far as leadership capacity was concerned. The results may be attributed to Vietnamese traditions. Its primary contribution comes from the findings on the development of leadership programs, which was confirmed as the main responsibility of Vietnamese universities. The suggestions connoted for university administrators and policymakers are also discussed.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756343.pdf
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4. Rezeda M. Garanina
Technology of Pedagogical Assistance to the Formation of the Student as a Subject of the Educational Space

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 751-772.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.751CrossRef

The article reveals the essence of the technology of pedagogical assistance, which has the main identification aspects, features and quality characteristics. The multidimensional technology of pedagogical assistance proposed by the author makes it possible to solve the urgent pedagogical problem of the formation and development of the subject of the educational process, capable of self-organization, self-creation and self-realization in the future profession. For the optimal implementation of the research concept, the corresponding criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of training and education were developed, the corresponding tools for monitoring, identifying and measuring the diagnosed qualities of the subject and the results of the student's activity in the process of objective control. As a result of the research, the main directions of pedagogical influence on the development of cognitive activity, cognitive independence and self-development of a student, the formation of his subjective characteristics, optimization of the formation of subjectivity have been identified and analyzed; summarized the results of the application of multidimensional technology of pedagogical assistance in the educational environment of a medical university. The issues of creating pedagogical conditions for the coordination of subject-subject interaction and cooperation, the development of communication skills, the productive development of the information space, an increase in the subject potential and the formation of the subject position of the future specialist are discussed. The proposed concept is especially relevant in the context of the technological renewal of education, increasing the density of information flows, since theoretical educational material is presented in the form of logical-semantic models of the principles of block display of information, the use of which contributes to the effective assimilation of educational material. The technology proposed by the author is completely diagnosable, the elements of pedagogical technology turned out to be reproducible and, in general, ensure the achievement of the planned research results.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756389.pdf
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5. Yuliya M. Gruzina, Marina A. Ponomareva, Irina A. Firsova, Marina V. Mel'nichuk
Present-Day Challenges to an Education System

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 773-785.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.773CrossRef

The development of the information society is giving rise to new challenges to and new requirements for education. The challenges, most importantly, include various structural and institutional changes, which are setting new goals and objectives before the Russian education system, the most significant of these being the creation of a single, all-Russian, educational space, improvement of the quality of education, development of the nurturing component of the educational process, and coordination of the content-related foundations. The current process of innovative modernization is helping ensure competitive advantage for the Russian school system amid the challenges of the 21st century information era, where education, as an open system, develops the student not as someone who is a passive learner but as an individual with a proactive stance toward the development of their competencies. Just about any educational organization is making today a wide use of various innovative resources in the educational process, including a school website, an electronic grade book, and others. The development of the Moscow Electronic School project is helping ensure today the high-quality conduct of classes in just about any school. This paper examines some of the key trends in the development of Moscow’s education system in the mid-term horizon, analyzes some of the key methods for implementing in Moscow a set of laws and regulations adopted at the federal level in the early 2010s, and describes some of the key mechanisms underlying and outcomes of the changes in Moscow’s education system which have taken place over the last few decades, based on which the authors identified a set of universal approaches that could be implemented in the education systems of major Russian cities. The authors also identified a set of possible challenges of the modern period based on an analysis of existing trends in the development of technology and changes in the educational needs of society and formulated a set of key considerations regarding the development of Moscow’s education system in the mid-term horizon. The paper describes several digital technologies and platforms currently employed in the sphere of education that are cutting-edge information systems designed for the development of digital educational processes.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756469.pdf
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6. Fatemeh Khonamri, Faegheh Ahmadi, Martina Pavlikova, Lucia Petrikovicova
The Effect of Awareness Raising and Explicit Collocation Instruction on Writing Fluency of EFL Learners

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 786-806.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.786CrossRef

Recent research in SLA indicates that collocations are an indispensable aspect of language learning. Its importance in learners’ writing ability is, therefore, undeniable. Thus, the present study attempted to explore the effect of explicit teaching of collocations on learners' awareness and use of them in their writing. It differed from previous studies in that the main focus was on learning the collocations of the most important nouns. To this end, the present study used a mixed method approach with a pretest-treatment-posttest quasi-experimental design and qualitative analysis of questionnaire to investigate the questions. To collect data, an experimental and a control group were selected on the basis of the results of a proficiency test (PET). The participants were conveniently chosen as samples from a grand total of 58 students. The learners were further randomly assigned to two groups: one experimental group and one control group. The participants in the experimental group (N = 15) received weekly interventions based on explicit teaching of collocations but the control group (N = 15) received no instruction regarding collocations and had their regular procedure. The results of independent and paired sample t-tests (sig < 0.05) indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups' performances in the achievement collocation test. Thus it can be concluded that teaching English collocations to EFL learners and raising their awareness will enhance their proficiency in writing and improve their collocational competence. The qualitative analysis of the responses to questionnaire also supported a positive impact of the method on students' fluency in writing.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756641.pdf
Number of views: 604      Download in PDF

7. Nina Kozarova, Jana Duchovicova
Non-Linear Structured Teaching Material as an Attribute Developing Meaningfulness in Students' Mental Representation

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 807-818.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.807CrossRef

Thinking is the essence of human existence, unquestionably the highest product of human evolution. Yet it is not possible to convey coherently to students the sum and attainment of all humanity's knowledge. Students would be incapable of absorbing such an enormous quantity of knowledge (corresponding to current developments in individual academic disciplines), as this is often highly abstract. Therefore educational content must be selected, to the extent that it presents a representative selection of knowledge. One of the most effective selection methods could be the use of conceptual mapping in the educational process. In this study the authors focus on the issue of structured teaching material and its relational association with creating students' mental representation, and have several objectives. The first is to analyze constructivist-oriented teaching processes; the authors also give attention to basic theses by which it is possible to delineate the main pillars of constructivist-oriented teaching. Attention is also given to learning strategies. No less important is the analysis of non-linear structured teaching material and its specific types, with an emphasis on conceptual mapping and its role in the teaching process – in the empirical part the effect of non-linear material in recording topical unit meaningfulness in students' mental representation. In the research undertaken, the methods of conceptual mapping experimenting and testing were used. The consistency of the conceptual maps was evaluated through the relational method using ordinal variables: meaningfulness of conceptual maps. The authors assessed the quality of the conceptual maps with the aid of IRT theory, specifically the latent correlations model. The research sample comprised 96 respondents. Analysis of results showed that the use of non-linear structured teaching material improved students' results in the experimental groups in the researched operationalization parameter.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608764966.pdf
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8. Аndrii E. Lebid, Natal'ya A. Shevchenko
Gender Differentiation in Perceiving and Evaluating the Interactive Methods of Education by the Engineering Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 819-826.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.819CrossRef

The article gives an overview of the basic principles and approaches to the matter of cooperative learning based on the use of interactive forms and methods of education. It is argued that in the conditions of the changing labor market, there will be a demand for such skills, abilities and competencies that are most effectively formed and developed through interactive practices such as leadership, thinking skills, communication, decision making, project work, etc. Interactive education methods are a synthesis of two components, pedagogical and technological. It is justified to combine these two components to achieve the best learning outcomes. On the basis of the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the survey, as well as via its verification using the mathematical statistics methods, a hypothesis was proposed on the difference in the level of expectations, perception and evaluation of interactive forms and methods of education in gender-differentiated groups of engineering students. The results of data analysis showed a more skeptical attitude of the male student audience with regard to both the effectiveness and appropriateness of interactive methods of education. It was found that this part of respondents tends to be more instrumental and pragmatic in choosing the means and methods of learning.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756751.pdf
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9. Anna L. Morozova, Yulia N. Byzina, Kira V. Trostina, Dzhamilya Kh. Godina
Information Technologies in Foreign Language Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 827-838.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.827CrossRef

The authors consider the specifics and possibilities of applying information technologies during foreign language training in non-linguistic universities of Russia, especially in conditions of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) in the Russian Federation at Moscow State Institute of International Relations University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and REU named after. G.V. Plekhanov (Moscow) in 2018−2020 years (undergraduate and graduate levels). The foreign language e-learning practice is analyzed. The authors view: educational platforms (Google class, Moodle, MS Teams, Edmodo) that allow to organize off-line classes; conducting on-line classes by means of on-line conferences (Zoom, MS Teams, Google handout); usage of educational sites and applications, as well as sites (with duplicate applications) for assessment and creating tests and handouts that allow lectures to prepare for lessons, and students to improve their level of language proficiency. Authors present the experience of MGIMO and REU named after G.V. Plekhanov, where the professors of Foreign Languages Department No. 1 conduct a number of courses on their platforms on an ongoing basis using pedagogical and information technologies. We briefly discuss the specifics of project method applying through the mentioned technologies and provide examples from the educational practice of MGIMO, for example, the "Readers’ Conference", a teleconference, reports and other on-line video projects, which undoubtedly contribute to the development of educational motivation of students in studying English. It is proved that the use of information technology meets the requirements of the higher education standard and is aimed at achieving the stated results of training in the subject "Foreign Language".

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756809.pdf
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10. Irina A. Mushkina, Ol'ga A. Mikhal'kova, Oksana P. Sadilova, Anna L. Khovyakova
Manifestations of Giftedness in Senior Preschoolers and Their Interest in Professions

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 839-853.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.839CrossRef

This paper outlines the findings from an integrated diagnostic assessment of manifestations of giftedness in senior preschoolers and their interest in professions. The authors investigated the relationship between manifestations of a certain type of giftedness in children and their interest in a certain group of professions. The assessment of manifestations of giftedness was conducted based on a methodology developed by A.I. Savenkov. This methodology helps assess the presence of traits of the following 10 major types of giftedness: intellectual, creative, academic, pictorial, musical, literary, performing, technical, leadership, and sporting. The study of interest in professions was conducted based on E.A. Klimov’s Differential-Diagnostic Questionnaire, which had been adapted for preschoolers. The study helped draw the following conclusions: (1) based on pedagogue and parent reports, the type of giftedness that is detected most often in senior preschoolers is the pictorial type, followed by sporting giftedness, and then leadership giftedness; (2) parent assessments of manifestations of giftedness in their children tend to be significantly higher than teacher assessments when it comes to pictorial, musical, literary, leadership, and sporting giftedness; (3) the number of preschoolers with multiple manifestations of giftedness (a high level on three or more types) is significantly larger than the number of preschoolers with manifestations of one-to-two types of giftedness; (4) gifted children tend to have a clear-cut interest in a certain group of professions; (5) there is a significant correlation (at the 0.01 level based on the Pearson correlation coefficient) between leadership giftedness (teacher assessments) and interest in professions within the ‘Man – Man’ group, between academic giftedness (teacher assessments) and interest in the ‘Man – Technology’ group of professions, and between creative giftedness (parent assessments) and interest in the ‘Man – Technology’ group of professions. The results could be utilized in implementing efforts to provide pedagogical support for and early vocational guidance to gifted children in kindergartens and institutions of supplementary learning for preschoolers.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756861.pdf
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11. Marco Alberto Núñez Ramírez
Academic Stress, Risk Taking Propensity and Internal Locus of Control in Mexican and Bolivian University Entrepreneurs

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 854-865.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.854CrossRef

Although, the study of the relationship between the University and entrepreneurship has been on the increase, special attention should be given to the subject of University entrepreneurship. In this regard, despite studies have emerged that have tried to differentiate the entrepreneur from who is not, the characterization of this type of entrepreneur is not yet clear. An entrepreneur is an individual that combines, at the same time, University studies with the generation and management of his/her own business. The variables that can help describe the characteristics of this type of entrepreneur can be academic stress, internal locus of control and risk taking propensity. This study used a quantitative, descriptive-comparative and correlational method. Through a sample of 356 University students from Mexico and Bolivia, it was possible to find significant differences between University entrepreneurs (n = 154) and non-entrepreneur students (n = 202). In addition, the results show that entrepreneurs have a lower level of academic stress compared to non-entrepreneurial students, which can be explained by the first group having high levels of internal locus of control and risk taking propensity. This demonstrates the need to study University entrepreneur from his/her own context using a particular approach.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756909.pdf
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12. Carlos Alberto Rojas-Kramer, Elena Moreno-García, Francisco Venegas-Martínez
Anxiety Determinants Towards Mathematics in Mexican High School Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 866-877.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.866CrossRef

The study aimed to measure the level of anxiety towards mathematics in high school students and if they differs by gender and institution. For this, the scale designed by Muñoz-Cantero and Mato-Vázquez (2007) was applied to 536 Mexican students from three different institutions in the public sector. This instrument is divided into five factors: anxiety towards the evaluation, towards the temporality, towards the understanding of the problems, towards the numbers and the mathematical operations and towards real life situations. The data matrix was analyzed using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient to validate its consistency, from which a very acceptable value of .932 was obtained. The analysis confirmed that the data matrix is not an identity matrix and presents acceptable correlations between variables, confirming the extraction of five factors that explain 63.38 % of total assimilable variance. In addition, the ANOVA test was calculated with the F statistic and its significance to prove the hypothesis of equality of means. A significant difference of means by gender was found in four of the five factors. Only anxiety towards real-life mathematical situations had no significant difference in means. Otherwise, the academic institution variable show difference between groups only in anxiety towards real-life mathematical situation. The Levene statistic was calculated for both variables to prove the hypothesis of equality of population variances. The gender variable presented equality of population variances in the five factors. The institution variable had not equality in population variances in anxiety towards mathematical problems comprehension and anxiety towards real-life mathematical situation.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608756964.pdf
Number of views: 537      Download in PDF

13. J.O. Sarfo, A. García-Santillán, H. Adusei, V.S. Molchanova, M. Drushlyak, O. Semenikhina, P. Soyiri Donyeh, S. Zand, R. Najafi, V. Enea, S. Malik, F. Ashraf, N.I. Malik , E.W. Ansah, H. Wongcharee, F.O. Egara, A. Tipandjan, J. Cudjoe, U. Azam, M.S. Hassan, M. Helmy, Z. Vally
Gender Differences in Mathematics Anxiety Across Cultures: A Univariate Analysis of Variance Among Samples from Twelve Countries

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 878-885.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.878CrossRef

Mathematics anxiety (MA) has a debilitating impact on learning, achievement, mental health, and the future career life of students. Though MA is a popular research theme, there is little agreement among researchers regarding the cross-cultural effect of gender on MA. The purpose of this paper was to explore the perceived MA differences among males and females across cultures using the Anxiety Towards Math Scale (ATMS; Muñoz and Mato, 2007). Data were collected between October 2019 and September 2020) from students (N = 4,340) in 12 countries. Using univariate analysis of variance, the results indicate gender has a significant main effect on MA with females recording higher MA mean scores than males, [71.816 > 68.118]. Examining the interaction effects of gender and location, significant differences in MA scores exist between males and females across all locations except for Egypt, Malaysia, and Nigeria (Enugu State). Conversely, females reported significantly higher MA scores than males in the rest of the locations, except in Iran (Tehran and Qom) and Pakistan (Faisalabad). Gender-based ranking of the top-three locations with high MA scores indicates that females, starting from Malaysia, Thailand (Bangkok), and Nigeria (Enugu State) ranked the highest. Similarly, males beginning from Malaysia, Nigeria (Enugu State), and Thailand (Bangkok) ranked the top-three in MA. The implications are that mathematics teachers need to adopt different culturally-appropriate and gender-focused interventions to support students with MA problems. Though interpreting the results from this survey need to de done with caution due to the smaller community and national online samples, the role of cross-cultural gender differences in MA cannot be overlooked.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608768420.pdf
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14. Miroslav Slizik, Lucia Paskova, Jana Stehlikova, Pavol Bartik
Global Level of Trait Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Achievement Motivationi Students of Physical and Sports Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 886-892.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.886CrossRef

Introduction: The role of emotions in increasing the achievement of athletes is at the forefront of sports psychology whilst it is a key area not only in terms of perception and orientation in their own emotions, but also their management and control to succeed, which motivated us to analyze the relationship of EI as a complex of dispositions to behave emotionally in a competent way and the tendency to deliver high sports achievement. The research group consisted of achievement athletes studying physical and sports education. Material and Methods: The design is in the form of a cross-sectional study. The research group consisted of 183 respondents – university students. To record the level of EI, we used TEIQue-SF/TEIQue-ASF (Slovak translation by: Kaliska, Nabelkova and Salbot, 2015) and to determine the share of individual personality dimensions on a global level of achievement motivation, we used LMI (translation and editing by: Hoskovcová, 2003). From mathematical-statistical methods, we subjected the data to correlation and regression analysis. Results: We found the closest significant correlations in the case of well-being and confidence in success, flexibility, which is also significantly associated with self-control. Sociability is most strongly associated with dominance and emotionality with flexibility and internality. The global level of trait EI is most significantly associated with confidence in success and flexibility. Discussion: Our findings clearly show that adequate processing of one's own emotions contributes to a deepening of concentration on sport achievement as well as to a higher self-confidence reflected in the setting of more adequate and realistic goals.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758156.pdf
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15. Sarunas A. Sniras, Aiste Barbora P. Uspuriene, Romualdas K. Malinauskas
Competencies of Physical Education Teachers for Injury Prevention

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 893-901.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.893CrossRef

The main attention in the publication is paid to the competencies of physical education teachers for sport injuries and their prevention. The scientific newness is characterized by the felt lack of scientific works for the analysis of these issues. The sample of the research consisted of 126 physical education teachers (54 women (43 per cent) and 72 men (57 per cent). The teachers were also divided into groups according to the experience of pedagogical work: 57 teachers (45 per cent) had the pedagogical experience of up to 10 years and the pedagogical experience of 69 teachers (55 per cent) exceeded 10 years. For the revelation of this issue, the Questionnaire of the competencies of physical education teachers for injury prevention was used that had been compiled on the basis of scientific literature (Raižienė, 2014; Vercruysse et al., 2016). The data of the research showed most competencies of physical education teachers for sport injuries of students and their prevention differed statistically significantly depending on the gender among teachers and their pedagogical experience. Teachers with the pedagogical experience of up to 10 years state that students encounter injuries during their lessons more often. The direction of further research should be modelling of programs about the competencies in the field of injury prevention.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758214.pdf
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16. Guldana A. Totikova, Aidarbek A. Yessaliyev, Nurlybai K. Madiyarov, Nurgul Medetbekova
Effectiveness of Development of Spatial Thinking in Schoolchildren of Junior Classes by Application of Plane and Spatial Modeling of Geometric Figures in Didactic Games

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 902-914.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.902CrossRef

The use of planar and volumetric geometric figures in the form of didactic games and exercises, the participants in the experiment showed a significant improvement in the results of the level of spatial representation compared with the control group. The methodology of the use of didactic games and exercises with geometric figures showed the statistical significance of differences in students in the control and experimental groups and significantly improved the quality of their knowledge and skills. The study proves that didactic games can be used at different stages of learning, starting with an explanation of new material, its consolidation, repetition, control. Didactic games on plane modeling allow you to fully solve the educational tasks of the lesson, activate mental activity, increase the cognitive interest of students. The technique helps to convey difficult material in an accessible form. We believe that in the process of research, the neurophysiological abilities of mental activity increased, holistically perceive objects, operate with a large number of signs, abstract certain properties of objects of the surrounding world, the ability to represent three-dimensional figures, perform actions with them (Madiyarov et al., 2017).

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758275.pdf
Number of views: 553      Download in PDF

17. Yuri S. Tyunnikov
Methodological Guidelines for Defining a Complex Psycho-Pedagogical Concept: A Case of the Definition of the Research Capacity of a Teacher in the Vocational Education System

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 915-922.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.915CrossRef

The historical landscape of science reminds us that researchers have always faced the challenge of defining the subject matter of the object of inquiry. If we expand the map of our journey across the fields yielding scientific knowledge, we will discover a largely similar picture. It is quite obvious that the definition design objective will always remain relevant for researchers. The authors of many works see the main value of any definition in its Capacity to deliver two objectives: to tag the category of objects of a certain type; to highlight the object’s essential attributes that reveal its specific subject matter. Realization of these objectives results in the assignment of the object’s basic taxonomic rank with the methodological reference signifiers that include, on the one hand, the coherent integrity of the object’s intrinsic attributes, and, on the other hand, the object’s specifically discrete features. Alongside, there arise methodological difficulties directly related to the justification of the logic and procedures for determining the object’s essential attributes and their reflection in the definition of the subject matter. This article is an attempt to expand the methodological scope of the psycho-pedagogical paradigm for definition design through the study of the concept of the Research Capacity of a Teacher in the Vocational Education System. The definition design methodology is presented hereby as a correlation of descriptive, explanatory, and concept models of a given phenomenon and as a consistent transition from one information structure to another. This process results in the assembly of the semantic construct for the definition, which allows to expand it through the synergy of integral features.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758312.pdf
Number of views: 502      Download in PDF

18. Elvira M. Valeeva, Ekaterina G. Milyaeva, Regina V. Penner, Elena G. Sosnovskih
Implementation of Subject-Oriented Methods in the Educational Process of University (Quantitative Results of the Investigation): Case Study

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 923-934.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.923CrossRef

The authors place the problem of a subject-oriented model in educational process of higher education. The transition to subject-oriented methods is due to the transformations of modernity. Objective changes in reality, informatization and technological changes, require from students fundamentally new knowledge and skills, which the classical educational model cannot provide. This research presents the quantitative results of an educational investigation that was conducted with the aim of finding and testing the optimal forms in teaching humanities in university. The investigation was attended with students who studied the course of philosophy in the Academic Year 2018−2019; we used different forms and methods of working with philosophical material: from classical to non-classical (philosophical practice). In the investigation, we used philosophical practice as an alternative method of teaching philosophy. The non-classical nature of philosophical practice is manifested in the fact that attention is switched from the studied material to the subject of study. In those student groups where methods and techniques from philosophical practice were used, we fixed the students' attention not on the abstract philosophical concepts, but on the specifics of the perception of these concepts by the students themselves. In this way, we narrowed the distance between the theoretical level of philosophical knowledge and the real existential experience of modern students. In the process of the investigation, we paid attention to the independent work of students in the educational process. The materials of the investigation can be used as recommendations for the organization of extracurricular work, focused on the formation of soft skills among students (including discussion and philosophical clubs for the development of critical thinking, logic and other open intellectual creative platforms).

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758365.pdf
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19. Anton A. Varlamov, Ivan V. Skorokhodov, Elena Yu. Skorokhodova, Igor L. Shpitsberg
Achievements and Challenges of Autism Support System in Russia: A Multidimensional Stakeholder Survey

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 935-947.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.935CrossRef

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is among the most common developmental disorders of great social significance. Adequate intervention can increase socialization of autistic individuals, both increasing their quality of life and decreasing financial burden. Initiatives to introduce modern standards of autism treatment and education in Russia were launched several years ago; unfortunately, there is little information on the perceived problems and barriers, which may hinder further development of autism support system. This paper presents the results of a stakeholder survey including both service receivers (parents of children with ASD) and service providers (professionals working with ASD children) from different regions of Russia. The study reveals that the quality of specialized services related to autism treatment is assessed much higher than the quality of inclusive education and accessibility of general education and other general services available to children and adults with ASD, highlighting the importance of implementing an inter-departmental system providing continuous support to people with ASD and facilitating their inclusion and social integration. The results also show that general attitude to distant diagnostics and education, on par to the estimates of quality of services related to distant education, are lower in non-capital regions, where the need for such services is higher due to lower accessibility of person-to person services. The present study may be of use both for professionals in autism treatment and education, and for the specialists who may encounter persons with autism once in a while, as it brings a detailed estimation of several aspects of autism support both through the eyes of support receivers and providers.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758427.pdf
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20. Vilma Zydziunaite, Simona Kontrimiene, Tetiana Ponomarenko, Lina Kaminskiene
Challenges in Teacher Leadership: Workload, Time Allocation, and Self-Esteem

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 948-962.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.948CrossRef

In research on teacher leadership, teacher workload, teaching time allocation, and teacher self-esteem in teaching and at school are neither studied as challenges or influencing factors nor are they seen as related to leadership at all. In educational research the mentioned factors are mostly studied in relation to teaching effectiveness or quality. The present study is aimed at identifying the relationship between teacher workload, time allocation, self-esteem, and leadership at school. The study involved 418 subjects, primary school, pre-school, and vocational teachers. Results suggest no significant differences among teachers in terms of aggregate study variables by the type of school or teachers’ position at school, yet differences emerged among teachers with different workloads in two composite variables, school activity and school stress as teachers with less than half a day workload are statistically significantly less active at school and experience less stress than full-time teachers; also, there is a significant link between teacher workload and time allocated to a number of activities as well as stress, and the same two determinants of teacher self-esteem both in teaching and at school are the level of activity in school and stress. The other variables important in the formation of teacher self-esteem differ, although both types of self-esteem are interrelated as the level of one is predictive of the level of the other. These findings accentuate that workload, time allocation, and self-esteem are important challenges in teacher leadership. The relationship between teacher workload, time allocation, self-esteem, and leadership needs to be defined and managed at the institutional and individual levels to avoid potentially undesirable effects and counterproductive teaching and learning behaviors.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758427.pdf
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The History of Education

21. Aleksandr А. Cherkasov, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Ludmila G. Zimovets
The System of Public Education in Terek Oblast in the Period 1860–1917. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 963-970.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.963CrossRef

This work examines the system of public education in Terek Oblast in the period 1860–1917. The present part covers the period 1860–1900. The key source used in putting this work together is the annual Reports on Educational Institutions in the Caucasus Educational District, which provide data on the region’s schools run by the Ministry of Public Education. This source is characterized by incompleteness, which may be attributed to the fact that around that time the effort of collecting data on the system of public education in Terek Oblast in particular and across the Russian Empire as a whole was just starting out. Methodologically, wide use was made of the statistical method to identify a set of distinctive characteristics of the development of the system of public education in Terek Oblast in the period 1860–1900. To achieve the study’s objectives, use was also made of general research methods such as analysis and synthesis, concretization, and summarization. Of special mention is the use in this study of the historical-situational method. The authors’ conclusion is that during the period 1860–1900, the development of the system of public education in Terek Oblast was based on the region’s distinctive characteristics. At that time, the region witnessed the making of its systems of secondary, lower, and primary education. Due to the small size of the Russian population in the region at the time, it was not possible to create there quickly a large network of educational institutions, so the region’s system of public education was predominantly serving the needs of its Orthodox Christian residents. Another distinctive characteristic of the system of public education in Terek Oblast in the period under review was the large number of schools under the Ecclesiastical Department and the large number of children attending them.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608758608.pdf
Number of views: 548      Download in PDF

22. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Vladyslava M. Zavhorodnia, Lyubov G. Polyakova
Transformations in the Field of public education of the Ukrainian State in 1918. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 971-983.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.971CrossRef

The government policy of the Ukrainian State, conducted in the field of public education within 1918 year, is reviewed in this article. The first part of the research covers the peculiarity of the work of the Ukrainian Ministry of Public Education, its structure and personnel. The authors paid separate attention to the formation process of the higher education institutions system and the internal organization of their activities. The research is based on a corpus of published normative documents, memoirs of contemporaries of the events described here. The authors concluded that in general the government policy of the Ukrainian State in the area of the public education system development was very successful. The work of the Ministry of Public Education itself was established in very short time. The productivity of the ministry was facilitated by the delegation of legislative initiative given to it. This helped to make many decisions quickly, reacting in time to the emerging needs of the public education sector. The existing universities received state support, and a chain of new educational institutions were created. However, there were several reasons that did not allow to perform the reform of the higher education system in full. First of all, these are military-political and economic reasons.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608759080.pdf
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23. Olga V. Natolochnaya, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Vladimir A. Svechnikov, Vladimir G. Ivantsov
The System of Public Education in Stavropol Governorate in the Period 1804–1917. Part 3

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 984-992.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.984CrossRef

This work examines the system of public education in Stavropol Governorate in the period 1804–1917. The present part covers the period 1900–1917, with a focus on the regional characteristics of the development of the governorate’s network of educational institutions. The key sources used in putting this work together are the annual Reports on Educational Institutions in the Caucasus Educational District, which provide data on the region’s schools run by the Ministry of Public Education, ‘The Most Faithful Report of the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod on the Office of the Orthodox Faith’, and a set of documents from the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg, Russia). Methodologically, wide use was made of the statistical method to identify a set of distinctive characteristics of the development of the system of public education in Stavropol Governorate in the period 1900–1917. The authors’ conclusion is that the period between 1900 and 1914 was a time of prosperity for the system of public education in Stavropol Governorate. In this period, the region witnessed an immense increase in the number of secondary, lower, and, especially, primary educational institutions. In large part, this was linked with the activity of the Ministry of Public Education regarding preparation for the introduction of compulsory primary education. This activity resulted in a sharp increase in government spending on education, which would enable establishing multiple new educational institutions and recruiting the required teaching workforce. The timely completion of the project was hindered only by World War I.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608765770.pdf
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24. Artyom Y. Peretyatko, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade
On the History of the Pedagogical Thought in South Russia: Pedagogical Views of Major Pedagogues at the Novocherkassk Gymnasium in the 19th century. Part III

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 993-1010.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.993CrossRef

Recent years have witnessed the publication of a variety of scholarly papers highlighting region-specific peculiarities of education in the Russian Empire. However, they tend to focus on statistical information regarding the number of schools, the number of students, etc. Therefore, theoretical and pedagogical views and unique features of the methodological work done by major provincial teachers remain poorly researched. The paper discusses the case study of the Novocherkassk Gymnasium that was the most prominent scientific and educational center in the Don region in the 19th century and that boasted a teaching personnel of renowned local figures. Remarkably, the material on the actual pedagogical process in the gymnasium was already collected before 1917, mainly in the initiative to celebrate the facility’s centenary, and as many appropriate documents lacked, much attention was paid to gathering information from former gymnasium students. As a result, the knowledge of real teaching practices used in the gymnasium is based both on official documents and on oral, often critical, accounts by contemporaries of its teachers, and the group of teachers include persons who played an important role in the Don history. The third part of the paper encompasses the period in the late 1850-1860s, when the Novocherkassk Gymnasium enjoyed a true “golden age”. At the time, the institution had two teachers of national, not regional scale, the future authors of the famous textbooks, A.A. Radonezhskii and A.G. Filonov. S.S. Robush, director of the gymnasium, commanded great respect in Novocherkassk society, wrote pedagogical articles in the capital and local press and worked to publish the Don’s first pedagogical journal. Each of the personalities shared a common pedagogical vision that epitomized a return to the ideas of A.G. Popov and A.G. Oridovsky about the overriding importance of the moral benefits of education, but brought forth the return through a new theoretical and practical lens. Teachers of the new generation ventured to use a conscious approach to the very process of teaching, giving consideration to how and what they taught children, for the first time in Don pedagogical practice. As a result, after it had abandoned attempts to adapt to the needs of the Don Host in the training of officers and officials, the gymnasium successfully brought up specialists in a wide range of subject matter areas and claimed a leading position in the Kharkov educational district for the first time in its history.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608759258.pdf
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25. Daria А. Shchukina, Natalya А. Egorenkova, Olga N. Bondareva, Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo
The Charter of Saint-Petersburg Mining University as a Historical and Cultural Document

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2020, 9(4): 1011-1020.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2020.4.1011CrossRef

This article presents the results of the analysis of the first two Charters of Saint Petersburg Mining University. A short period of educational activity of the first higher technical educational institution in Russia is represented: from the date of the decree founding the Mining School in 1773 and the first Charter approved by Catherine II to the beginning of the XIX century, namely, 1804, the year of the second Charter. These documents are considered in their cultural and historical context, and the continuity in the implementation of education and training of mining engineers is revealed. Authors compare the Charter of the Mining School (1774) with the Charter of the Land Gentry Cadet Corps (1766), as well as the Charter of the Mining Cadet Corps (1804) with the Charter of Moscow University (1804). The Charters of the last third of the XVIII – early XIX centuries contain objective information about the formation of the higher education system in Russia. The origins of two branches of higher education in Russia, classical University and higher technical educational institution, are indicated. Within the framework of the examined texts, a range of topics and issues discussed in the Charter as in organizational and legal document is highlighted. Universal character of the Charter as a document of its time, including a description of various aspects of activities of the educational institution, is noted. Analysis of the texts showed that Charters of the Mining School and the Mining Cadet Corps determined the life order of a closed educational institution. At the heart of its work was the task of educating a new person for a state service. All this allows us to consider the Charter as a historical and cultural document of a certain period.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1608759327.pdf
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