«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

Number 1. (in 1 part) June 18, 2013

1. Daniel JARVIS, Rushan ZIATDINOV

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 68-71.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.68CrossRef
URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090442.pdf
Number of views: 2753      Download in PDF

2. Slaviša RADOVIĆ
Teaching Materials “Surface Area of Geometric Figures,” Created Using the Software Package GeoGebra

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 72-80.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.72CrossRef

Social development, the progress of technology, and changing economic forces certainly affect the development of the current educational system. One of the main problems of today’s school system is how to maintain focus, concentration, and interest among students with regards to the learning that takes place during classes. An important feature of modern teaching is multimedia. However, the use of multimedia requires a certain transformation in the teaching process. Given the fact that the focus of the teaching process has been shifting away from the curriculum and the teacher, and towards the student, multimedia will undoubtedly contribute in a significant way to the modernization of traditional teaching. It is not unrealistic to think that technology will become a regular part of the daily routines of teaching. In this work, an innovative approach to teaching mathematics in elementary and high schools through the use of the software known as GeoGebra is introduced. This approach is demonstrated using the example of ‘surface area’ as a mathematical concept, wherein the goal was to increase interactivity between teachers and students, and to improve the quality of teaching.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090500.pdf
Number of views: 3684      Download in PDF

3. Natalija BUDINSKI, Stephanie SUBRAMANIAM
The First Derivative of an Exponential Function with the “White Box/Black Box” Didactical Principle and Observations with GeoGebra

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 81-87.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.81CrossRef

This paper shows how GeoGebra—a dynamic mathematics software—can be used to experiment, visualize and connect various concepts such as function, first derivative, slope, and tangent line. Students were given an assignment to determine the first derivative of the exponential function that they solved while experimenting with GeoGebra. GeoGebra enables students to experiment, model, and research their ideas in order to get desired results for mathematical problems. The software package, GeoGebra, enriches the educational process and opens up new questions and possibilities. Learning and teaching mathematics in contemporary, technology-rich surroundings requires new didactical approaches. The findings in this paper are based on the “White Box/Black Box” didactical principle. Recommendations for mathematics teachers are shared.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090523.pdf
Number of views: 3178      Download in PDF

4. Muharrem AKTÜMEN, Tuğba HORZUM, Tuba CEYLAN,
Modeling and Visualization Process of the Curve of Pen Point by GeoGebra

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 88-99.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.88CrossRef

This study describes the mathematical construction of a real-life model by means of parametric equations, as well as the two- and three-dimensional visualization of the model using the software GeoGebra. The model was initially considered as “determining the parametric equation of the curve formed on a plane by the point of a pen, positioned on an obstacle of height h, during the process of raising the pen vertically to the surface by linearly moving its back-end on the surface.” Firstly a solution was sought for this problem in two dimensions. Based on this problem, two additional sub-problems were formed on a plane, and parametric equations were calculated for these sub-problems as well. The curves formed by these parametric equations were then visualized using GeoGebra. In the second stage, the model was improved, and the parametric equation of the curve formed in the space by the pen point as a result of moving the pen’s back-end along any function was determined. The curve formed by this parametric equation was also visualized using the GeoGebra 3-D environment. It is expected that determining mathematical concepts and relationships based on real-life models with these types of training tasks, as well as jointly considering the algebraic and geometric representations during the process, will improve the students' perceptions relating to mathematics.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090541.pdf
Number of views: 3018      Download in PDF

GeoGebra Software Use within a Content and Language Integrated Learning Environment

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 100-116.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.100CrossRef

This paper presents results of a research study focusing on the analysis, comparison, and description of students’ attitudes towards the teaching of mathematics lessons presented in a foreign language (English) using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method in three elementary schools. It also highlights the difference between the attitudes of the CLIL method learners and those of their student counterparts who experienced similar mathematics lessons but in their mother tongue (Czech). The aim of the research is to test the hypothesis that the teaching of mathematics in a foreign language by the CLIL method would be evaluated positively by participating students. The research also focused on the question of whether or not, or to what degree, the implementation of the foreign language (English) along with the use of an interactive tool, such as GeoGebra software in mathematics lessons, was perceived as being meaningful and as significantly improving the effectiveness of student learning.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090567.pdf
Number of views: 3196      Download in PDF

6. Jill LAZARUS, Geoffrey ROULET
Creating a YouTube-Like Collaborative Environment in Mathematics: Integrating Animated GeoGebra Constructions and Student-Generated Screencast Videos

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2013, Vol.(4), № 2, р. 117-128.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2013.4.117CrossRef

This article discusses the integration of student-generated GeoGebra applets and Jing screencast videos to create a YouTube-like medium for sharing in mathematics. The value of combining dynamic mathematics software and screencast videos for facilitating communication and representations in a digital era is demonstrated herein. We share our experience with using these tools to facilitate mathematical collaboration, focusing specifically on the power of GeoGebra for student expression and creativity.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1373090576.pdf
Number of views: 3408      Download in PDF

7. full number
DOI: 10.13187/issn.2304-9650CrossRef
Number of views: 2719      Download in PDF

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