«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

4 December 28, 2022

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Stefan Adamcak, Pavol Bartik, Michal Marko
Physical Activity of Slovak Adolescents during the “Second Wave” of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1066-1078.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1066CrossRef

Introduction: An active participation in physical activity is associated with several elements of successful aging, including psychosocial health and well-being. Not getting enough physical activity and increased psychosocial health problems are observed worldwide especially during the first year of Covid-19 pandemic and for that reason, the present study was aimed at analyzing and comparing physical activity of Slovak adolescents during the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: Standardized measure to estimate the habitual practice of physical activity (IPAQ-SF) was carried out through intentional sampling of 2375 Slovak adolescents (54.56 % of them adolescent girls), aged 17-19 years (mean 18.10 ± 0.60 years), attending the last year of grammar and vocational secondary schools of Slovakia. Basic descriptive statistics, chi-square test (χ2) and Two -Sample T-Test were used to analyze and compare the data. Results: During the last seven days, on average, 60.55 % (n = 1438) of Slovak adolescents engaged in high physical activity and 23.60 % (n = 560) of them engaged in moderate physical activity. Low physical activity was reported by 15.85 % (n = 377) of Slovak adolescents and total physical activity, expressed in MET-minutes/week, was significantly (p < 0.01) higher among the Slovak adolescent boys (2670 MET) than girls (1795 MET). Discussions: Physical activity levels of adolescents worldwide (1.3 billion) are reducing during the Covid-19 pandemic due to lockdown restrictions; however the Slovak adolescents’ physical activity levels during the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic are similar to pre-pandemic times.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672233777.pdf
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2. Agne Brandisauskiene
Relationship Between Classroom Management Strategy Focused on Student External Behaviour and Student Achievement in Low SES Schools: What Can Teachers Do?

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1079-1089.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1079CrossRef

Various international studies record a significant difference between the achievements of students from different socioeconomic status (SES), so it is necessary to look for measures that help create favorable conditions for higher achievements of all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between classroom management strategies focused on student external behaviour and student achievement in low SES schools, and what the teacher’s work guidelines could be. The analysis of the learning data of four Lithuanian schools with an unfavourable SES context shows that the progress of students in subjects of mathematics and biology is not related to the teacher’s praise, although such an intervention tool can be used if it is characterized by individual attention and care. It was also found that as the number of remarks sent by the mathematics teacher to the student and/or parents increases, the probability of getting a lower math grade increases, meaning that remarks are not effective for higher student achievement. We dare say that in order to create a favourable learning environment for students from low SES, teachers must first try to avoid classroom management problems (that is, student misbehaviour) by building good relationships with students, choosing an appropriate teaching strategy, adopting a growth mindset, and reducing working memory demands for the students who have these difficulties. Also, teachers must react appropriately when there are problems with students’ behaviour. Interpersonal communication with students, individual attention to their needs are extremely important ways for teachers who work in schools with unfavourable SES contexts.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672233819.pdf
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3. Daniela Corrons Diaz, Milka Elena Escalera Chavez, Esmeralda Tejada Pena, Violetta S. Molchanova
Financial Well-Being Profile: An Empirical Study on Graduated Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1090-1097.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1090CrossRef

The general stability of a person is related to financial well-being, and is reflected in their physical, financial, mental health, including being happier, more confident and more productive at work. The general purpose of this work is to evaluate if the mean of the results of financial well-being in graduates from the Veracruz-Boca del Río conurbation differs from the value of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s average and to assess whether there are differences in the level of financial well-being through the characteristics of sex, career, institution and employment status. The research is quantitative and cross-sectional. The sample is made up of 50 graduates. For data collection, the Financial Well-Being Scale developed by the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) together with the participation of various experts and consumers, was used. The instrument consists of 10 items measured on a Likert scale. The first 6 items are designed to describe the financial situation of the individual, while the remaining 4 items measure the frequency with which individuals face certain situations. Since the results, we concluded that the graduates have a financial freedom reflecting a good financial education. This high percentage of subjects who have a medium to very high level generates that they have the ability to have good financial health that will allow them to deal with decisions in the financial area in their work environment. In addition, the results show that the level of financial well-being is not different among graduates according to age, marital status, employment status, career and institution.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672233877.pdf
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4. Emmanuel Dziwornu, Etornam Aguadze, Eugene Dordoye, Jacob Owusu Sarfo
Sleep Disorders and Patterns among Medical Students at the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1098-1104.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1098CrossRef

This study assesses the prevalence of sleep disorders and quality among medical students. A total of 221 (61.5 % males, 38.5 % females; mean±SD age = 22.07 ± 2.45 years) respondents were conveniently selected from all six levels using a cross-sectional survey design. The study results show that most medical students sleep after 11 pm and wake up after 6 am, with an average of 5hrs of sleep each night. They do not induce their sleep with pills, and their sleep quality is fairly good, with a latency of fewer than 15 minutes. There is little nocturnal wakening, if any, due mainly to the use of the washroom at night. Most of them experience daytime sleepiness, and a substantial number experience morning tiredness. The top 5 sleep disorders reported by the students are nightmares, narcolepsy, insomnia, restless leg syndrome/periodic leg movement disorder, and circadian rhythm disorders. The prevalence of sleep disorders and issues among medical students is high. There is a need for medical schools to recognise to assist students in developing healthy sleep patterns as they manage their academic workload. The university system must strengthen existing academic and social supports for student mental wellness. Our findings have implications for medical education, policy, and research in Ghana and beyond.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672331674.pdf
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5. Yulia M. Gruzina, Marina A. Ponomareva, Lyudmila A. Shmeleva, Kristina A. Shtanova
Does Higher Education Promote Human Capital Development: Comparison of Russia and OECD Countries

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1105-1112.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1105CrossRef

The aim of the study is to identify the key determinants of human capital in Russia compared to OECD states. This is done using the quantitative methodology, namely an OLS regression method. This method allows for indicating linear relationships between human capital represented by the human capital index developed by the World Bank and a set of factors potentially affecting this indicator. The explored factors include higher education enrolment, level of innovations, per capita income, inflation, unemployment rate, rankings of national universities and academic activity. The study is conducted for years 2010, 2012, 2017 and 2018 for which human capital index estimations are available. The findings underline a significant and positive linkage between secondary and tertiary education enrolment and human capital. In addition, R&D expenditures appear to have a positive impact on human capital as well. This emphasises that investment in science-oriented higher education and innovations contribute to the economic wellbeing of future generations reflected by the human capital index. Also, some positive relationship between the university rankings and human capital is identified although not for all years. The specific of Russian higher education is a huge gap between theoretic education and practice. The share of population with secondary and tertiary education and the number of published scientific articles is higher in Russia than the average across OECD. However, the share of practitioners in science and the percentage of R&D expenditures in GDP are significantly lower in Russia.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234016.pdf
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6. Elena E. Kabanova, Ekaterina A. Vetrova
Quality of Educational Services in the Distance Format: Assessment of Moscow Higher Education Institutions’ Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1113-1123.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1113CrossRef

The sphere of education was one of the first to experience the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and responded to the introduced restrictions by transferring all educational activities to the distance learning format. The gist of the problem is to preserve the quality of educational services in the transition to the distance learning format. The purpose of the study is to analyze students’ assessment of the quality of educational services provided in the distance format by Moscow higher education institutions. The authors report the results of a survey of students from two universities, the Moscow State University of Food Production and the Russian State Social University. The survey sample includes 423 MSUFP students and 350 RSSU students studying in the full-time, part-time, and extramural forms of study. The time frame for the study is March-May 2022. The results obtained show that, according to students, the transition of the higher education system to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic was performed quite promptly and efficiently. However, the problem of the implementation of distance learning in teaching university students requires further work on both methods and technological instruments. The research results demonstrate that preservation of the quality of educational services in the transition to distance learning depends on the level of students’ learning motivation, their readiness for independent studies, reliable means of communication (computers, laptops, tablets), high-speed communication channels and digital infrastructure of higher education institutions, and much more. The research findings suggest that the main problems faced by students as a result of the transition to distance learning can be classified into two groups. The first group is technical difficulties (Internet speed and quality of connection) and the lack of necessary gadgets (computer/tablet, and a headset for them), i.e. inability to communicate with the teacher. The second group includes problems of a personal nature: willpower, self-organization, motivation, and self-discipline.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234088.pdf
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7. Lýdia Kontrová, Janka Gazdíková, Iveta Ilavská
Home Learning Experiences Through the Covid-19 Pandemic

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1124-1133.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1124CrossRef

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the education process almost all over the world. Some countries closed their schools, Slovakia was among them (schools in Slovakia were closed intermittently for almost two years). Teachers faced the challenge of developing alternative educational practices through digital technologies. Students also faced personal, technological, and social challenges. Distance education, as a replacement of imparting and receiving knowledge, was in many aspects also very demanding for parents. It was necessary to overcome several technical problems (availability of appropriate and reliable Internet connection, provision of appropriate computer equipment and sufficient personal educational space for each member of family). An important role was also played by the student's ability to mobilize his own motivation for asynchronous and autonomous learning. The discussion with the professional public and the review of the relevant literature indicated that the teaching of mathematics is more sensitive to the interruption of attendance education. As the students themselves expressed: for the understanding of mathematical concepts, the personal presence of the teacher necessary and fundamentally affects the student's ability to obtain new knowledge and understand it. The testing of knowledge of students in Slovakia in 2022 at all levels of schools (after almost two years of distance learning) indicates that in the field of mathematics education there has been the biggest drop in knowledge compared to other subjects. Our study focused on the analysis and uncovering of negative but also positive factors operating in the online teaching of mathematics, which significantly affect the results and level of knowledge of students at the university. Mapping and identification of problematic moments in this process helped us reveal the results of a survey (study) conducted among students of the 1st year of bachelor's studies at the University of Žilina.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234144.pdf
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8. Aliya Kosshygulova, Lyaziza Sarsenbayeva, Zaure Karakulova, Saule Kalibekova
Pedagogical and Psychological Conditions for the Organization of Independent Work of Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1134-1146.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1134CrossRef

The article discusses the scientific, regulatory, organizational and pedagogical foundations of self-organizational work and support for students in education in higher educational institutions. The key terms and principles of education are revealed; examples of the organization of vocational training are given. The legislative framework and regulatory documents regulating the implementation of the requirements of education in university levels are presented. The student not only works fully, but also understands the essence of his individuality in the implementation of educational activities. The joint work of the teacher and the student will undoubtedly allow the student to increase the level of knowledge and develop as an individual person. On the basis of the cooperation between the student and the teacher, feedback is provided, a certain educational activity is actively carried out, and the actions performed are fixed by control and self-control. In the context of credit learning technology, the subject-to-subject relationship is realized and the feedback between the teacher and the student is enhanced. The reproductive nature of learning becomes intense, creative. The content component determines the content of the organization of independent work in the in-depth study of pedagogy. The main goal of the model will be the creation of a methodological system for organizing independent work of students in the conditions of a credit training system. Starting with the 2020 to 2022, there has been arranged and conducted a research of the self-organization process of students in four groups of Abay Kazakh National university. The aim of the study was to research the influence of a set of pedagogical measures for the enhancement of elements of self-organization work of students. The conducted research revealed the following: students of gr. Pedagogy and psychology -71 «b» and gr. Pedagogy and psychology -70 «b» (experimental groups) have higher indicators of the development of communication skills, high educational motivation, professional inclinations than boys and girls gr. Pedagogy and psychology -81 «b» and gr. Pedagogy and psychology -82 «b» (control groups). The empirical data were processed using standard methods of mathematical statistics.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234206.pdf
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9. Ekaterina A. Mamaeva, Aleksandr V. Grinshkun, Tatyana V. Masharova, Liubov A. Shunina
Augmented Reality Technology as a Means of Forming Master’s Degree Students’ Multicultural Competence

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1147-1163.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1147CrossRef

Higher education adapts to the challenges of globalization and new priorities of society, the values of students from different countries, expands the range of pedagogical technologies and the ways they are included in the educational process. To train highly qualified specialists, develop the multicultural competence as an integrated personal quality in higher education, blended learning, 3D modeling, augmented and virtual realities are used. The paper investigates the problems and ways of using AR applications in the educational process and organization of practice, intercultural communication and joint activities of master’s level students which are considered as important conditions of formation of a multicultural individual. Methodology. The main idea of the study is determined by the principle of multicultural education which involves the acquisition of new knowledge, intercultural interaction, formation of a worldview, etc. in augmented reality. The software tool is the Zome application. The study of augmented reality technology and software takes place in a quest format. 42 students of the Vyatka State University, master’s degree program in Pedagogical Education, were involved in the experiment. Results. In the experimental group, master’s degree students used AR tools to study theory, consolidate skills of intercultural communication and collaboration. The levels of multicultural competence formed were assessed, and statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were revealed. In conclusion, the peculiarities of using augmented reality as a pedagogical technology to form master’s degree students’ multicultural competence and improve the quality of education in general are summarized.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234262.pdf
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10. Elena Moreno-García, Némesis Larracilla Salazar, Arturo García-Santillán
Financial Education in School of Business Students: Case Study from Veracruz, Mexico

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1164-1175.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1164CrossRef

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the knowledge level and behavior that business school students from Veracruz, Mexico have in relation to interest rates, inflation, savings, credit and budgeting. For the empirical study, a non-experimental quantitative cross-sectioned and descriptive design was followed. The test used was that of Moreno-García et al. (2017), which was answered by 309 undergraduate students from Veracruz, Mexico. Data measurement was performed using descriptive statistics, cross tables and the non-parametric test of proportions (Z). The main findings point to the fact that more students understand well the impact of inflation than the relationship between interest rates and bonds; that students do not consider that saving provides financial security; and that there is no gender difference in terms of saving behavior. Most of the business school students do not have a credit card, prefer debit cards and have acceptable practices in budget planning. In summary, the results of this study show a good level of financial knowledge in relation to interest rates, inflation, investment, credit, and show adequate behavior of savings and credit card, as well as the use of the budgets. However, it was expected that each item would have a greater number of correct answers, considering that the population under study has received training in mathematics, economics, and finance. It is noteworthy that, in relation to gender, there are more men who correctly answer the questions about inflation and it is women who have better practices in the use of their credit cards.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234315.pdf
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11. Olga A. Oreshkina, Pavel V. Slitikov
The Experience of BMSTU’s Teachers on Remote Teaching Chemistry of Hearing Impaired Students in the Pandemic

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1176-1191.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1176CrossRef

This paper considers the experience of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) teachers on remote teaching chemistry hearing-impaired students under pandemic conditions. The key challenge for these students in a general-type university with a verbal form of teaching is the content accessibility of fundamental engineering disciplines, including chemistry. The statutory activity of BMSTU guarantees vocational rehabilitation for this category of students through inclusive education programs and special learning conditions, taking into account the individual limitations due to hearing impairment. Special face-to-face conditions provide an accessible learning environment through digital transformation of classrooms, the use of individual and group audiological facilities as well as supplementary cognitive-technological chemistry course accompanying the basic chemistry discipline. In the pandemic conditions, teachers were faced with the challenge of transferring face-to-face chemistry courses into a content-accessible format of webinars. Principles of designing webinars in chemistry for these students include taking into account their cognitive features of information perception in virtual environment; creating multimodal developmental environment in webinars; designing special teaching materials for classes using cognitive technologies and an interdisciplinary approach considering UDL guidelines. It is shown that the process of teaching chemistry to deaf and hearing impaired students in specially designed conditions for webinars develops their cognitive abilities and does not reduce their motivation to effectively acquire the university program in the discipline. Webinar technology provides them with the opportunity to master new relevant skills. These findings have been confirmed by the students’ results in chemistry in distance learning conditions compared to the results in face-to-face learning conditions.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234378.pdf
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12. Elena N. Ovchinnikova, Svetlana Yu. Krotova
Training Mining Engineers in the Context of Sustainable Development: A Moral and Ethical Aspect

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1192-1200.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1192CrossRef

This article discusses some aspects of engineering education in the context of sustainable development. It is provides a brief analysis of the concept of sustainable development, examines the role of the engineer in modern society, and lists the key engineering competencies formulated by the most respected organizations in the field of engineering education. An approach to the formation of competencies of technical university graduates from the viewpoint of professional ethics of engineers is analyzed. The article also reveals the essence of professional ethics and presents examples of ethical codes of engineering societies in different countries. A comparative analysis of the Russian Federal State Educational Standards of the third generation in the specialty “Mining Engineering” from the position of ethical principles of professional activity of a mining engineer has been carried out. It is concluded that the requirements for the preparation of the modern mining engineer in terms of sustainable development and trends in the formation of the FSES of the third generation in the specialty “Mining Engineering” contradict each other. The article analyzes the results of questioning of first-year engineering students of Saint-Petersburg Mining University (Russia) of the norms of engineering ethics. The issue of insufficient ethical training of specialists in technical universities is raised. Attention on improving educational programs in technical areas and specialties is focused, as well as conducting further research to study the possibilities of the educational environment in the formation of moral and ethical competencies of future engineers.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672331695.pdf
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13. Liudmila Sidorova, Marfa Ivanova, Elena Timofeeva, Svetlana Dedyukina
Implementation of Blended Learning Model to the Non-English Major Students in EFL Setting in the Russian Arctic

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1201-1211.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1201CrossRef

The article considers a blended teaching of English to non-English major students in the Russian Arctic. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that new technologies are being introduced into the education system in order to improve the quality of education. Blended learning is understood as a hybrid learning integrating online education and in person education. The article provides an overview of the research conducted on blended learning abroad in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL). It presents a blended learning model that consists of 3 blocks: methodology, learning process and assessment of learning outcomes. In general, this model consists of face-to-face instruction and digital platform Skyes. The pilot training was conducted to prove the effectiveness of the discussed blended learning model. 100 non-English major bachelor students of the 1st year students from the North-Eastern Federal University, the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts and the Arctic State Agrotechnological University took part in the pilot training. The students were divided into 2 experimental and 2 control groups of 25 students. The students of the control groups attended traditional classes with a distance learning format while the students of the experimental groups studied English in a blended learning format. The pilot training lasted for one semester. During the training 4 English skills were tested in students: 1) listening 2) vocabulary 3) grammar 4) reading. The results before and after the pilot training are presented. The results of pilot training prove the effectiveness of the implemented blended learning model in comparison with face-to-face instruction.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234471.pdf
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14. Sarunas Sniras
Students’ Conflicts, Causes and Ways of Solution in Physical Education Lessons

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1212-1221.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1212CrossRef

School is one of the most important institutions of human socialization where students learn different behaviour models quickly on communicating with others. Thus, conflicts among children, adolescents and young people are unavoidable in the modern school, but the outcomes of this phenomenon can often be determined by the cognition of the characteristics and essence of the conflict as a phenomenon and process. Successful socialization of young people in schools is impossible without known any ways of conflict solution and trying to manage them. The purpose of this research was to reveal the inclination of 15-16-year-old students to conflicts as well as determine the causes of conflicts and peculiarities of the choice of behaviour strategies in physical education lessons. 325 students from comprehensive schools of the big Lithuanian cities, 172 girls and 153 boys participated in the research. The results of the research showed that students-girls and boys that participate in physical education lessons have an inclination to conflicts. The girls emphasized the main causes for conflicts: blank contents of the teachers’ communication, tactless, rough, authoritarian style of work and insufficient attention and sensitivity to the students. Meanwhile, the boys indicated the teachers’ disregard for the students, non-observation of the unity of words and acts and the teachers’ dishonesty and lying. Moreover, the results of the conflict research revealed the 15-16-year-old students-girls choose cooperation first and search for compromises second in conflict situations. Meanwhile, the boys of the same age indicated competition first and chose the strategy of conflict avoidance second.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234517.pdf
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15. Elena V. Soboleva, Tatiana N. Suvorova, Mikhail I. Bocharov, Tatyana I. Bocharova
Using Game Mechanics in Professional Training of Future Teachers Working with Gifted Children

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1222-1235.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1222CrossRef

One of priority tasks of modern society is creation of conditions which help identification and development of gifted children. Training of teachers during which there is an expansion of students’ professional competences in diagnosing, supporting abilities and talents of learners, including learners with special educational needs, takes place within the framework of the corresponding master's program. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of using game mechanics when training master's degree students, future experts in work with gifted children on the quality of their professional training. The methodology is based on the analysis and generalization of scientific literature on clarifying the essence and potential of the phenomenon of “gamification of education” in the context of UNESCO recommendations and development of the digital school, clarifying principles of game mechanics and their limitations for didactics in general and when teaching learners with special educational needs. For practical implementation of game mechanics the mechanics "Achievement", "Joint research", "Restraining factors", "One time fun – always fun", "User progress" were chosen. Research results. Gamification of activities of master's degree students of the experimental group is presented by the authors both in the “computerless” format (business or board game, research project, etc.) and in the Kodu Game Lab environment. In conclusion the directions for improving training of master's degree students, future teachers working with gifted children are described.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234577.pdf
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16. Saulius Sukys, Laima Trinkuniene, Iona Tilindiene
Do Physical Education Teachers’ Family Income Predict Their Social Communication and Perceived Working Environment?

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1236-1249.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1236CrossRef

Making the career choice to join the teaching profession is usually encouraged by intrinsic motives. Although external motives are less important, they are also worth considering. Among the latter, the role of teachers’ income in their professional activities has been less studied. This article examines the family income of physical education teachers, along with their social communication and perceived working environment, and presents an analysis of the association between these factors. The study methodology included a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of physical education teachers. The research sample included 310 physical education teachers aged from 18 to 68 years (43.6 % female). It was found that fewer than half of the physical education teachers surveyed considered their family income sufficient. The study findings revealed that teachers’ income was related to their social communication: those with less income tended to be openly negative about other people and mutual interaction. It was found that half of the physical education teachers worked under considerable pressure. Additionally, the study results revealed that evaluation of family income was statistically significantly associated with experienced tension at work and perceived working environment. Specifically, more teachers who assessed their income as insufficient indicated that they experienced a large amount of stress at work, and also demonstrated more negative attitudes towards their working environment.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234629.pdf
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17. Aleksandr M. Tamitskiy, Liya A. Melkaya, Konstantin S. Zaikov
Nomadic Schools in the System of the State National Policy in the Russian North: Advantages and Limitations

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1250-1260.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1250CrossRef

One of the main tasks of the state national policy in the Russian Federation is to ensure ethno-cultural and linguistic diversity through the improvement of the education system. At the same time, the strategic priorities for the development of the northern territories of the country are focused on increasing the availability of quality general education. Nomadic schools for indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, leading a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, perform educational, socio-pedagogical, and sociocultural functions. The article presents the results of a qualitative content analysis of scientific literature (n=54) concerning functioning and description of the nomadic schools experience in the northern regions of Russia. Nomadic schools are characterized as ungraded schools with socio-cultural and national-regional components in education, and the flexibility of the educational process. Among the advantages of this form of education are the availability of education, and a differentiated approach to students. The cost of creation and functioning of nomadic schools, the lack of a regulatory framework for regulating their activities at the federal level, undeveloped organizational and scientific and methodological issues of nomadic education, as well as the shortage of teaching staff for this form of educational institution can be considered as disadvantages. Conclusions about the need to develop a unified approach to the testing and implementation of different types of nomadic schools are formulated.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234673.pdf
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18. Mikhail Tolmachev, Irina Korotaeva, Andrey Zharov, Liliya Beloglazova
Development of Students’ Digital Competence When Using the “Oracle” Electronic Portal

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1261-1270.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1261CrossRef

In today’s constant change in the market of educational services and opportunities to engage in various formats of education (vocational, general education, special, higher, and others), consumers are faced with the question of choosing the quality education. High-quality education is one of the key conditions of student motivation and the attractiveness of higher education. The present study explores indicators of the quality of education in the context of the development of digital competence in future specialists in economics as part of a combination of interactive digital technologies and electronic platforms for the pedagogical interaction of participants in the educational process. The purpose of the study is to design a pedagogical technology relying on the management of learning and creative activities of economics students with the use of the electronic resource “Oracle” as a means to improve the quality of professional training of specialists in modern conditions. The feasibility of using “Oracle” in the formation of the digital competence of future economists is determined through an expert survey. The conducted pedagogical experiment reveals that the effectiveness of the educational process organization, an indicator of which is the quality of professional training of economic students, is 17.5 % higher with the model of educational management using the chosen info-digital electronic resource (business intelligence platform) compared to the traditional learning system due to improved training of future specialists in all components of digital competence.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234734.pdf
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19. Tomislava Vidic, Marina Duranovic, Irena Klasnic
Relationship between the Principal Support, Self-Efficacy, Collective Efficacy and Teacher Commitment in Primary School

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1271-1282.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1271CrossRef

Teacher commitment to school is an important factor of school efficacy and it has immediate influence on pupil success. It also conveys teachers' psychological attachment to the teaching profession. There are numerous positive results of teacher commitment to school. Committed teachers are more devoted to their work, are willing to contribute to the achievement of school goals and are less likely to leave their profession. Quality teacher retention has become a growing challenge in education systems across the world. Thus, it is important to determine the factors which affect teacher commitment. The aim of this study was to examine to which extent certain demographic and contextual teachers’ characteristics, together with the perceived principal support, self-efficacy and collective efficacy contribute to the affective, normative and continuance teacher commitment to school. The results of the performed regression analyses indicate that principal support is the most significant predictor of affective and normative teacher commitment. Although principal support has had a significant contribution in explaining continuance commitment, this contribution is quite small. Teacher self-efficacy has not been proved to be a statistically significant predictor of teacher commitment, while collective teacher commitment has a statistically significant, but low contribution in explaining affective, continuance and normative teacher commitment.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234787.pdf
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20. Ekaterina V. Vinogradova, Elvira R. Skornyakova
Self-Regulation and Formative Assessment Format Interrelation in Mining Engineering ESP Course

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1283-1297.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1283CrossRef

The paper considers the issues of the interrelation between obtaining the self-regulation skill and the format of the formative assessment which represents an effective tool of educational process involving comprehensive processing of the material and further feedback. The participants of the research were first and second-year engineering students of the mineral resources specializations in St. Petersburg Mining University. Paper-based and online assessment methods were used in control and experimental groups accordingly during the autumn term 2021 which entails five to seven formative tests, depending on the number of modules in the ESP course. The gathered data were manually put into the SPSS software and analyzed statistically with the output of ANOVA test, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test and Pearson correlation test with identification of p-value. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there exists a correlation between the formative assessment format and the acquisition of some non-technical skills in the ESP course such as self-regulation. The results of the formative assessment as well as the results of the self-regulation questionnaire proved to be statistically effective and revealed uneven distribution. The interpretation of the results showed that although the experimental group performed better during the online formative assessment, their self-regulation skill was not formed as profoundly as that of the control group students whose formative assessment was in pen-and-paper format.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672234830.pdf
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21. Nikolay A. Zhiltsov, Gulnara F. Ruchkina, Oleg I. Cherdakov, Olga A. Plotskaya
Private Educational Organizations in Russia: Problems and Prospects

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1298-1308.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1298CrossRef

The article suggests the author's position, revealing the prospects for the development of private educational organizations in the Russian educational space. Special attention is paid to the attitude of the state to the private educational sector. The analysis of the reasons hindering the development of private general education in the territory of the Russian state is made. The positive and negative aspects of private general education in comparison with public education are revealed. The problems of private schools in the regions of the country have been identified. The methods used in the work made it possible to realize the stated goal, in particular: empirical; general scientific and concrete scientific methods; historical-legal and comparative-legal method. As a result of the study, the reasons hindering the development of private general education in Russia are identified. These include: unequal conditions for the activities of public and private educational organizations, including in terms of material and technical support and digitalization of the educational process; lack of business interest in investing in private education; problems with renting premises and high rents for private general education organizations; shortage of qualified teachers; low incomes of the population and high cost of education in private general education schools. The conclusions made in the course of the study allow us to formulate proposals aimed at changing the current situation in the field of Russian private general education.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672331720.pdf
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The History of Education

22. Аndrii E. Lebid
The Institution of the Rectorship in the Higher Education System of the Russian Empire in the 19th and Early 20th сenturies: The Case of Imperial Kharkov University

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1309-1319.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1309CrossRef

This paper explored the institution of the rectorship through the case of Imperial Kharkov University, a classical (research-oriented) university that operated from 1805 to 1917 in Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. The institution of the rectorship lent itself as a useful indicator of trends and transformations in university education in Ukraine and the Russian Empire as a whole. The findings revealed that there was a transformation in the functionality of the university rector from a mere appointee to a leader in the scholarly community enjoying a high level of public recognition. A distinctive characteristic of the institution of the rectorship in the Russian Empire was its dual status – (1) representing university’s academic community and (2) representing the state’s bureaucratic machine. The rectorship at Imperial Kharkov University was explored through the lens of the following key aspects: legal, organizational, ethnic, and social.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235036.pdf
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23. Konstantin V. Taran, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Evgeniya V. Vidishcheva, Ilya V. Tyurin
The Development of Women’s Higher Education in Prerevolutionary Russia

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1320-1326.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1320CrossRef

This work examines the development of women’s higher education in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Consideration is given to the characteristics of the higher women’s courses in the country’s university cities. Reference was made to a set of regulations relating to women’s higher education in Russia issued in the early 20th century. The use of the fundamental principles of historicism, systematicity, and objectivity helped gain a proper insight into the development of women’s higher education in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The study’s findings revealed that the development of women’s higher education in the Russian Empire had several distinctive characteristics. A major role in this process was played by private women’s educational institutions, more specifically the higher women’s courses. Originating back in 1859, these courses were continually perfected and harmonized with the system of higher education under the purview of the Ministry of Public Education. At the cusp of the 19th and 20th centuries, this even helped establish in Russia the two women’s state institutes. Overall, by the start of the 20th century Russia had in place nearly 25 different higher women’s courses, with instruction in this sector offered across a variety of subject areas, including pedagogy, medicine, architecture, technical drawing, art and design, and technical and practical sciences. The new vistas of opportunity opening up for women with a higher education helped many of them become active participants in social life in prerevolutionary Russia.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672237715.pdf
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24. Artyom Yu. Peretyatko, Vladimir A. Svechnikov
Discussion of Geography Instruction in 1863 in the Kharkov Educational District, the Russian Empire

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1327-1338.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1327CrossRef

In the early 1860s, the Kharkov Educational District was a venue for heated discussions of practices for teaching various subjects. This paper analyzes a discussion around geography instruction that took place there in 1863 concurrently with a discussion around teaching language arts. The discussion was triggered by suggestions from a Kharkov University professor named S.V. Pachman that there was a need to have a link between the university and the gymnasiums. Following the publication of S.V. Pachman’s statements in Tsirkulyar po Khar'kovskomu uchebnomu okrugu, a First Kharkov Gymnasium teacher named Spassky shared with the district’s administration certain pedagogical ideas regarding geography instruction, which, he hoped, would find support among the university’s faculty. All of a sudden, he had an opponent – another First Kharkov Gymnasium teacher, named Gadzyatsky, who suggested improving geography instruction via the use of completely different methods, ones of an ideological, rather than pedagogical, nature. A Kharkov University professor named A.P. Zernin acted as arbiter in the dispute. The discussion may be of particular interest to those interested in the history of Russian pedagogy and may provide a valuable insight into the daily pedagogical process in provincial gymnasiums in the Russian Empire at the time. An analysis of the discussion revealed that in the early 1860s the system of teaching geography and language arts in Russian gymnasiums was undergoing brisk development. A shift was taking place away from rote learning with a focus on topographic nomenclature towards meaningful learning based on balancing the core learning material with supplementary literature, like journey descriptions and geographical essays (e.g., ‘A Study of Trade at Ukrainian Fairs’ by I.S. Aksakov). The emphasis was on engaging the attention of students and getting them to understand the extra material. Although the development of pedagogical practices for teaching geography in the Kharkov Educational District was not heavily impeded by the absence of a good textbook, there still were a few serious issues to consider, most importantly the irrational distribution of the course time for geography across grades (most of this time was accounted for by junior school, i.e. a time of limited cognitive abilities for most children) and the absence of geography as a subject in the university (as a result, geography was often taught in gymnasiums by instructors of dubious competence).

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672237937.pdf
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25. Valerii L. Muzykant, Elena Yu. Burdovskaya, Yuliya V. Yurova, Zulfira S. Zyukina
The Pedagogical Periodical Press in the Kazan Educational District, the Russian Empire (1865–1917)

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1339-1344.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1339CrossRef

This study explored the pedagogical periodical press in the prerevolutionary Kazan Educational District, the Russian Empire. The study relied on a set of relevant reference, encyclopedic, and academic sources. In terms of methodology, use was made of content analysis and the historical-chronological method. The study’s findings revealed that the pedagogical periodical press in the Kazan Educational District emerged in 1865. Before the downfall of the Russian Empire in 1917, the region published 10 academic journals. Most of these periodicals were published in Kazan – 6 items (inclusive of a periodical originally created in Simbirsk, which eventually was moved to Kazan). Two of the 10 journals were produced in Samara, 1 in Astrakhan, and 1 in Saratov. The majority of the journals were connected to the Ministry of Public Education. As a result, these periodicals remained in existence up to 1916–1917. There were exceptional cases, which included Zhizn i Shkola, a politicized pedagogical periodical that eventually was closed down by the government, and Sbornik Semeyno-Pedagogicheskogo Kruzhka v Gorode Kazani, a journal created on the initiative of a small group of people.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235207.pdf
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26. Nazar A. Kotelnitsky, Sergey I. Degtyarev, Vadim A. Nesterenko
The Policy on Women’s Education Pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in Chernigov Governorate in the Period between the 1870s and 1880s. Part 2

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1345-1352.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1345CrossRef

This is the second part of a study investigating the policy pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in Chernigov Governorate in the area of women’s education in the second half of the 19th century. This process was explored through the prism of the Russian Empire’s whole new historical realities – a time when a philosophy of counter-reforms and an atmosphere of reaction became the dominant tone of the Romanovs’ domestic policy. The work relied on relevant research and documentary sources, some of which were introduced into scholarly discourse here for the first time ever. The conclusion was drawn that, despite the various unfavorable domestic political circumstances present during the time of the reign of Emperor Alexander ІІІ, members of the liberal opposition did manage to continue taking care of the development of women’s education in Chernigov Governorate and initiate relevant measures. At that time, the zemstvo liberals had to take account of the radical changes in the government’s domestic policy, specifically those associated with the start of the period of counter-reforms under Emperor Alexander ІІІ, and adjust their policy in the area of women’s education accordingly. On balance, the policy pursued by the Zemstvo Liberal Party in northern Ukraine in the area of women’s education between the 1870s and 1880s can be regarded as progressive. It was an achievement founded on devoted efforts on the part of the opposition aristocratic fronde in the region. The democratic principles put into effect in the area of women’s education were an integral, organic part of a large-scale humanitarian program implemented by the zemstvo liberal movement in the north of Leftbank Ukraine during that period.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235412.pdf
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27. Timur A. Magsumov, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Mikhail B. Kolotkov, Sergei B. Zinkovskii
The System of Public Education in Astrakhan Governorate in the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Part 2

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1353-1365.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1353CrossRef

This set of articles relies on reference and memorandum books from the period 1873–1917 to explore the development of the system of public education in Astrakhan Governorate. This is the second piece in the set. The 20-year timeframe it covers (1874–1894) incorporates the post-reform and counter-reform periods. The principal source used in this work is the Memorandum Books for Astrakhan Governorate. Methodologically, use was made of sets of historical (historical-systematic, historical-comparative, historical-typological, historical-genetic, and historical-statistical) and general (synthetic analysis, content analysis, and systems analysis) research methods. Between 1874 and 1894, the number of public educational institutions in Astrakhan Governorate increased 8 times, which may be regarded as significant progress in the development of the system of education in the region. The number of students rose 6 times, which is a remarkable achievement too. The 20-year period witnessed brisk progress in the development of female education in the region, with the number of female students increasing 5.7 times. This must have been facilitated by the region’s distinctive economic characteristics – it had well-developed fishing and livestock farming industries, with many women engaged in processing work. Socially, the region’s secondary education sector was dominated by children of nobles and functionaries, which must have been associated with an added focus on the prestige of education and on building a successful career. In terms of religious composition, the bulk of the region’s student body was made up of Orthodox Christians. This group outnumbered the rest of the religious groups more than 30 times.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235484.pdf
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28. Аlexandr Р. Abramov, Fedor A. Gavrikov
“Free Will” Education in the Sergius I. Hessen’s Pedagogy of Culture

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1366-1373.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1366CrossRef

The article presents a theoretical interpretation of the philosophical and pedagogical conception of Sergius I. Hessen, the keynote of which is understanding education as an endless process of the spiritual development of a personality, “free will” education and focus of a personality on cultural values. Sergius I. Hessen’s conception of the unity of culture and pedagogy ‘paved the way’ into the European educational space for the Russian émigré community of the first half of the 20th century. Having generalized and rethought the experience and traditions of the world pedagogy, Sergius I. Hessen substantiated the promising ideas of younger generation education and upbringing in Europe. The philosophical and pedagogical heritage of the scientist is based on the postulates of the values of humanism, freedom and independence of individuals, their responsibility, solidarity and tolerance. Therefore, his scientific works were extremely in demand in the development of educational policy and school reforms in Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany and France. The conception of Sergius I. Hessen’s education content, in which the space of the world of culture is consistently expanding for a student, is more relevant than ever, since the renewal of the world by means of new cultural achievements is the main mission of future generations.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235540.pdf
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29. Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Valentina S. Nikitina, Natalia V. Svechnikova, Irina Yu. Cherkasova
The System of Public Education in Sukhumi District in the Period 1900–1914

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1374-1384.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1374CrossRef

This paper explores the system of public education in Sukhumi District in the period 1900–1914. It examines the region’s secondary, lower, and primary education sectors and the student body in each of them, with information provided on the latter’s size and its gender, ethnic, social-estate, and religious composition. The work primarily relies on the annual Reports of the Trustee of the Caucasus Educational District and the Most Faithful Reports of the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod. In addition, use was also made of certain relevant documents from the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation), which helped establish the total number of school-age children in Sukhumi District. The valuable data on the ethnic composition of the region’s population were taken from the First General Census of the Russian Empire of 1897. The study’s conclusion is that by 1914 secondary education in the region was accessible to both boys and girls only in its capital, Sukhumi. Lower education was accessible to boys in Sukhumi and Ochamchire. It became accessible to both genders in 1913 in Gudauta. As far as primary education, Sukhumi District had 64 schools run by the Ministry of Public Education and 74 parochial schools run by the Holy Synod, which, combined, had an enrollment of around 6,500 students. Despite the substantial successes of the region’s education system, just 68 % of its school-age children attended school in 1914, with these including 33 % of the total number of Abkhazian, 80 % of the total number of Georgian, and 22 % of the total number of Armenian children of school age in the region.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235600.pdf
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30. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Aleksandr E. Epifanov, Sergey А. Buryanov
The System of Public Education in Dagestan Oblast (1860–1917). Part 3

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1385-1393.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1385CrossRef

This work explores the system of public education in Dagestan Oblast in the period 1860–1917. The present part of the work examines the period 1900–1917. The principal source used in this study is the reports of the Trustee of the Caucasus Educational District released between 1900 and 1914. Use was also made of certain relevant materials from the Russian State Historical Archive (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Owing to this study, some of these materials were introduced into scholarly discourse for the first time. The study’s findings revealed that the period 1900–1914 witnessed an average increase of 3.5 times in the number of educational institutions in Dagestan Oblast. There was an increase of nearly 4 times in the size of its student body. Furthermore, the period witnessed the first attempts in the direction of the provision of vocational education in the region. Secondary education was available to both males and females in all of the region’s major cities – Temir-Khan-Shura, Derbent, and Petrovsk. Lower education was available in certain outlying areas of the region as well (e.g., Kazikumukh). Primary schools accounted for the majority of all schools in the region. The ethnic makeup of the region’s student body was pretty much the same in the early 20th century as it was in the late 19th century. There were changes in the social-estate composition of the student body within the region’s secondary education sector – children of nobles and functionaries (the majority in 1900) were displaced by children of members of the urban estates as the dominant group. Nevertheless, despite the region’s successes in public education, more than 80 % of its school-age children remained in 1915 out of school. In fact, Dagestan Oblast was the worst performer in this respect in the Caucasus.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235747.pdf
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31. Anastasiia A. Cherkasova
A History of Cherkas Global University Press: The Vestnik Leib-Gvardii Newspaper (1992–1997)

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(4): 1394-1402.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.4.1394CrossRef

This work explores the history of Cherkas Global University Press. Its primary focus is on the history of the making of the Vestnik Leib-Gvardii newspaper, the first periodical published by this publishing house. The principal source used in the work is materials from the Vestnik Leib-Gvardii newspaper, which was published intermittently from 1992 to 1997. Overall, 14 issues of the newspaper were released. Methodologically, use was made of content analysis with the aim of selecting from the entire material published in the newspaper specifically that which deals with the work of its editorial board. External and internal critical evaluations were also conducted of the issues of the newspaper as a historical source. The monthly newspaper Vestnik Leib-Gvardii, established in 1992, was the starting point in A.A. Cherkasov’s creation of his own publishing house, which today is known as Cherkas Global University Press. This publishing house has evolved over the 30-year period from an editorial board handling a single newspaper in the city of Sochi (Russia) to a major academic publishing house with a few dozen journals that is based in Washington, DC (USA). The external and internal critical evaluations of Vestnik Leib-Gvardii revealed that the newspaper went through brisk development in the period from 1992 to 1997. It enjoyed improvements in print quality, more specifically in terms of the technical handling of layout. As early as 1996, A.A. Cherkasov began to enlist on a regular basis the services of third-party specialists to assist the editorial board. Overall, the production of the Vestnik Leib-Gvardii newspaper is a worthy exemplar of publishing a noncommercial newspaper in the 1990s.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672235788.pdf
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URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1672331787.pdf
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