«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

3 September 27, 2024

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Elena Čipková, Michael Fuchs, Dominik Šmida
Effectiveness of Experiential Learning of Roma Pupils in Terms of Educational Results – A Case Study

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 491-504.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.491CrossRef

The case study focused on exploring the potential of experiential learning in enhancing factual biological knowledge among Roma fifth-grade pupils (ISCED 2) from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Based on the analysis of academic sources, an educational programme incorporating experiential learning was developed, tailored to the specific educational needs of Roma pupils and emphasising active knowledge acquisition. The research employed a quasi-experimental design to compare whether there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups. The experimental group was educated using the designed educational programme, while the control group received traditional instruction, characterised by the direct transmission of information from the teacher to the pupils. Following the educational intervention, pupils' levels of acquired knowledge were assessed using a custom-designed test. Data analysis demonstrated that the experimental group achieved statistically better results on the administered test compared to the control group. The research findings thus suggest the potential benefits of employing experiential learning in educating Roma pupils to improve factual knowledge levels.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727457475.pdf
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2. Renata R. Gasanova, Hongtao Cao, Lijia Zhang, Wenwen Zhao
Utilizing Learning Analytics in Ecological Education: A Sustainable Approach to Pedagogical Management in Higher Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 505-517.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.505CrossRef

This study develops and validates a comprehensive model for integrating learning analytics into ecological education in Russian higher education institutions. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research rigorously analyzes curricular metrics, student engagement indices, and faculty perceptions from a diverse dataset spanning various strata of Russia's higher education ecosystem. The analytics encompass diagnostic, descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive parameters, enabling an empirically-supported, context-appropriate pedagogical management model. Significant correlations are found between analytics-driven pedagogical interventions and increased student engagement (r = 0.71, p < 0.05), enhanced ecological literacy, and reduced resource consumption. Adoption of analytics-driven pedagogical management also leads to more effective content delivery and improved educational outcomes (Cohen's d = 0.53). These findings suggest that integrating learning analytics into ecological education could catalyze Russian higher education institutions to become leaders in sustainable pedagogical practices. Challenges in implementation, including faculty training, ethical considerations, and resource allocation, are identified. Evidence-based recommendations for policy enhancement, implementation strategies, and future research directions are provided. This rigorous, contextually-grounded analytical model serves as a crucial impetus for Russia's strategic efforts to realize its sustainable development goals within the higher education sphere.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727695417.pdf
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3. Gülten Genc, Basri Şimşek
Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety in Turkish EFL Context: Towards an In-Depth Clarification

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 518-535.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.518CrossRef

Speaking anxiety in second language acquisition is currently a topic of extensive research. This study aims to assess the extent of speaking anxiety among EFL (English as a foreign language) learners attending preparatory schools and examine how demographic factors such as age, high school, and gender influence Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety (FLSA), as well as identify its sources. The participants were 172 preparatory school students (67 female and 105 male) enrolled in the School of Foreign Languages and from two different English proficiency levels, B1 (N = 107) and B2 (N = 65), according to the CEFR. A mixed type research methodology was employed. Data was analysed using T-Tests, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation tests through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 26. The findings of this study indicated that EFL students generally experience moderate levels of anxiety in their speaking courses. Gender emerged as a significant factor, with female students displaying higher levels of anxiety compared to their male counterparts when it comes to speaking in a foreign language. The study identified three primary sources of foreign language speaking anxiety: personal, teacher-related, and environmental. Furthermore, participants exhibited psychological and physical reactions to FLSA, suggesting that anxiety in speaking a foreign language goes beyond mere emotional distress. These insights provide valuable recommendations for educators and authorities to address speaking anxiety among EFL learners.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1728025182.pdf
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4. Trung Hoc Hoang, Thi Thuy Dung Nguyen
Stress Depression and Anxiety Disorders among High School Students in Vietnam: A Cross-Sectional Study in the COVID-19 Pandemic

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 536-544.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.536CrossRef

Anxiety disorder, a prevalent form of emotional disturbance, is characterized by persistent and nonspecific feelings of apprehension that significantly impair individuals' well-being and quality of life. This disorder manifests through symptoms affecting the autonomic nervous system. The incidence of anxiety disorders has notably risen during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly from the outbreak in the 2021–2022 academic year in Vietnam. During this period, high school students faced significant challenges due to distance learning, which presented additional stressors. This situation particularly impacted high school students, especially those in their 12th grade. Thus, this study aims to investigate the associate between stress, depression, and anxiety disorders among 12th-grade Vietnamese students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilized the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) to evaluate stress, anxiety, and depression levels among a cohort of 1,007 students. These participants were drawn from six provinces, representing both the Northern and Southern regions of Vietnam, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive sample. This study indicated that a positive association between higher levels of stress and depression and the incidence of anxiety disorders among the students. Although the study's cross-sectional methodology and the self-reported nature of the DASS-21 instrument are acknowledged as drawbacks, the findings offer valuable insights into the psychological effects of the epidemic on pupils. Notwithstanding these limitations, the study provides significant insights into the possibility of forecasting and averting the emergence of anxiety disorders among 10th-grade students in Vietnam during the period after the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a comprehensive analysis of the intricate elements that contribute to anxiety disorders, this research provides important implications for early prevention and intervention approaches, with the goal of tackling the mental health difficulties that students encounter in the aftermath of the epidemic.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727457750.pdf
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5. Katalin Kozma-Tóth, Éva Bácsné Bába, Veronika Fenyves
Experiences of the Dual Training Based on the Opinion of Students Participating in the Training at the University of Debrecen

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 545-557.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.545CrossRef

Dual training is a special form of practice-oriented higher education training with cooperation between higher education and business entities. The advantage of dual training is that students are able to acquire company-specific and up-to-date knowledge and the practice-oriented education helps them to integrate more easily into the labour market. The aim of the present work is to assess the opinions of students on this type of training. A questionnaire survey was conducted among the students of the University of Debrecen in order to identify the factors that could improve this training type. The questionnaire was completed electronically by students on a voluntary basis. Responses were received from a significant proportion of the dual training programmes at the University of Debrecen. The questions included formulated statements, which belong to the closed question type group, within which several sub-types can be found in the questionnaire. In the questionnaire, single-answer questions were also formulated and Likert-scale questions have been included as well. When processing the questionnaires, not only the answers to each question were examined separately, but also the correlations between the different variables. In the scope of the analysis, Kruskal-Wallis test, Dunn's post-hoc test and Chi-square test were applied to detect correlations.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727457823.pdf
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6. Elena V. Lukina, Natalya M. Semenyuk, Marina M. Borisova, Svetlana E. Shukshina
The Role of Learning Analytics in Optimizing Ergonomic Educational Spaces for Active Learning in Russia

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 558-574.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.558CrossRef

This study investigates the synergistic potential of Learning Analytics (LA) and ergonomic design in optimizing active learning environments within Russian higher education. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we collected data from 15 universities (n = 1200 students, 120 faculty) to examine the impact of LA-informed ergonomic interventions on learning outcomes. Quantitative analysis utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) revealed significant positive effects of LA implementation (β = 0.45, p < 0.001) and ergonomic design (β = 0.38, p < 0.001) on active learning outcomes. Qualitative thematic analysis identified three primary themes: enhanced student engagement, improved academic performance, and increased satisfaction with learning environments. Multiple linear regression analyses pinpointed key predictors of student engagement, including time spent on interactive activities (β = 0.32, p < 0.01) and ergonomic furniture ratings (β = 0.36, p < 0.001). Mediation analysis demonstrated that student engagement partially mediates the relationship between LA implementation and academic performance (indirect effect = 0.18, 95 % CI [0.09, 0.29]). Our findings underscore the efficacy of integrating LA and ergonomic design to foster active learning, offering empirically-grounded insights for educational stakeholders in Russia.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727457872.pdf
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7. Krisztina Vályogos
Institution and Occupational Motivation of Students in Vocational Institutions in the North Great Plain Region of Hungary in Relation to Socio-Economic Status

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 575-588.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.575CrossRef

In Hungary's marginalised education system, vocational education and training institutions are at the bottom of the prestige ranking, so that children from lower socio-economic status (SES) families typically choose vocational education and training as a further education destination as in Germany and Austria. However, due to the under-researched nature of the topic, it has been a question whether educational policy efforts to promote vocational education (which also used European Union funds) have changed this scientific consensus, and what other non-SES characteristics influence students' aspirations to further education. To answer this research question, we conducted a quantitative survey in the Northern Great Plain region of Hungary, collecting data from 973 respondents and analysing it using IBM SPSS 25 statistical software. In our research, we confirmed the literature on recruitment and discovered a special group of students in vocational education who are the children of parents with higher SES, typically with tertiary education. In addition, we discovered that further education aspirations differ by programme type and that SES has the greatest impact on the order of entry and career adjustment. In the course of our research, we found that despite educational policy efforts, recruitment to vocational education in Hungary has not changed radically, but we did find a previously unidentified group of children of middle-class families, who, typically as children of parents with tertiary education, did not strive to maintain their social status and chose vocational education without career correction.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727858637.pdf
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8. Irina Polozhentseva, Irina Vaslavskaya, Vitalii Vasyukov, Natalya Nesova
Possibilities of Application of Adaptive Knowledge Testing Using Artificial Neural Networks in Training Economics Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 589-597.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.589CrossRef

In line with the advancement of information technology, we are witnessing the development of adaptive knowledge testing, which presents a computerized system for evidence-based testing and assessment of learning outcomes. This system is distinguished by high efficiency owing to the optimization of generation procedures and the presentation and assessment of the results of adaptive tests. The study aims to evaluate the application of adaptive knowledge testing through artificial neural networks on the improvement of the level of training in economics students. A pedagogical experiment was conducted during the second semester of the 2022–2023 academic year at three universities on 288 3rd-year students. The authors developed assessment materials for adaptive knowledge testing with the use of artificial neural networks and developed and carried out the procedure of adaptive knowledge testing. Based on the dynamics of students' success indicators, conclusions were drawn about the efficiency of adaptive testing using artificial neural networks. The results of the pedagogical experiment support the hypothesis that the quality of economics students' training is significantly improved as a result of implementing adaptive knowledge testing using artificial neural networks.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727458319.pdf
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The History of Education

9. Anna S. Slavko, Vladyslava M. Zavhorodnia, Sergey I. Degtyarev
Academic Freedom: Searching an Optimal Model in the Face of Contemporary Challenges

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 598-606.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.598CrossRef

The article analyses the concept of academic freedom and its impact on the organization of the educational process in universities. The authors examine the content and characteristic features of academic freedom, its definition, as well as the history of its development in universities around the world. Emerging in the Middle Ages, academic freedom has evolved into a driving force for scientific research and remains relevant today. The legal nature of academic freedom remains a matter of debate; however, most researchers consider it a part of the freedom of expression. Academic freedom can be attributed to individual institutions and participants in the educational process – teachers and students. The authors believe that academic freedom includes the right to receive information, the right to adhere to specific ideas or positions, the right to freely choose the directions of scientific research, research methods, teaching methods, etc., and the right to disseminate ideas and information. Organizing the educational process based on respect for academic freedom helps intensify students' scientific work and improve the quality of their learning. The authors provide several examples of how academic freedom can be implemented in the educational process. For instance, students may choose which tasks to complete and which topics to focus on for a particular discipline, which enhances their academic performance. The authors also suggest the idea of an individual educational project and debates as a method of interim assessment.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1727458375.pdf
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10. Andrii E. Lebid, Vitalii V. Stepanov
The Paradigms of Development of the National University in the XVII – first half of the XIX centuries

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2024. 13(3): 607-612.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2024.3.607CrossRef

The article examines the history of the formation of the university paradigm (idea) in the Russian Empire and Ukraine, in particular. This process is studied in the context of several historical periods with their characteristic ideological, political, administrative, legal and other features. Under the university paradigm (idea) we understand a complex set of factors that determined the features of university education at a particular stage of its development. The university paradigm (idea) is considered in the context of three main models of the university: pre-classical (university as a corporation of teachers and students), classical (research university of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century), and post-classical (mass university of the twentieth century). The coexistence of two models/projects of the university in the Russian imperial university space: utilitarian and classical. These two university projects combined the features of Franco-Italian and German universities. The latter, in particular, ideologically and substantively expressed the neo-humanist views of W. von Humboldt. The formation of the university paradigm (idea) is analyzed in the context of changing state policy towards the university: from promoting the creation and search for the best project to reactionism and reduction of university autonomy.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1728289232.pdf
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URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1728289938.pdf
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