«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

4 December 18, 2018

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Elena Bendíková, Michal Marko, Lukáš Šmída
Influence of Change in Content of Physical and Sport Education as Case Study on Level of Dynamic Function of Spine among Secondary School Female Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 633-641.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.633CrossRef

The aim of a pillar research was to find a change in a content of a physical and sport education through a targeted application of a physical program for three months, with a focus on a dynamic function of female students' spine. The monitored group consisted of the female students of an adolescent age (age 16.32 ± 0.42 years, height = 169.56 ± 6.33 cm, weight = 57.32 ± 8.76 kg) of the town, Banská Bystrica who attended the Secondary Health School. From the point of view of data acquisition methods, standardized tests for a physical education and a medical practice were applied. The results in the dynamic spine function of the female students were recorded in an initial assessment during a supervisory period in the most cases of deviations from the standard, in the noncompliance standard in all tests, which means that weaknesses in the dynamic spine function were recorded among all probands. During a final assessment in the supervisory period were recorded only minimal changes, statistically insignificant (p > 0.05) in all tests, except for right and left lateroflexion (p < 0.05, Z = -2.1181, r = 0.43), while in an experimental period after application of the physical program we recorded significant changes with a high effect of an effect size, indicating that the results were not influenced by statistical data (p < 0.01, Z = -3.0594, r = 0.62) in all five assessed areas of the dynamic spine function. This project was supported by VEGA 1/0242/17,” Physical activity as prevention of functional disorders related to the musculoskeletal system of secondary school students“.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545138711.pdf
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2. Tamara V. Chernikova, Eduard A. Sokalskiy
Creativity and Creative Activity in High-School Students of General-Education Organizations in the Republic of Kalmykia

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 642-652.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.642CrossRef

The article presents the results of an interdisciplinary and integrative study of creativity and creative activity in high-school students. The authors attempted to describe the abovementioned phenomenon considering the influence of a traditional large Kalmyk family, ethnical-cultural identification, self-actualization, role and functions of social environment, including the type of educational institution and extracurricular education. The study employed an innovative psychological diagnostic system that included authors’ original developments. The obtained results can be extrapolated not only to the studied region (Republic of Kalmykia) but also to other territories with multiethnical and ethnical-cultural population. The study allows expanding the scientific knowledge about creative skills in the youth, their psychological diagnostics and stimulation of their development.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545138770.pdf
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3. Mikhail N. Dudin, Vitaliy V. Bezbakh, Evgenia E. Frolova, Marina V. Galkina
The Models of Higher Education in Russia and European Countries at the beginning of the XXIst сentury: the Main Directions of Development

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 653-667.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.653CrossRef

The article examines current trends in the development of the national models of higher education in Russia and European countries. The paper reveals the key problems of their functioning in the context of the processes of globalization, standardization, and integration into the pan-European and global educational space. These processes are described through the prism of the national interests of the states. Emerging from the comparative description, content presentation and qualitative analysis, the article assesses the level of development of the national models of higher education, i.e., Russian, European and American. This allowed identifying key similarities, as well as the most important differences, which mainly stem from the difference in the state regulation of national educational systems. It is the role of the state that is leading in the formation of national educational systems and the creation of high-quality models of higher education. The state is also responsible for the transformation and adaptation of these models. The models target providing the national and world labor market with highly professional human resources. Based on the comparative aspects outlined in the article, as well as on the qualitative analysis data, the authors have come to the following main conclusions regarding the trends and prospects for the development of the Russian higher education sector: a) Firstly, the Russian model of higher education was built during an accelerated transition from a one-level to a multilevel education. The result of this shift is the labor market disbalance, which nowadays does not allow the formation of the adequate perception of specialists holding a “bachelor’s degree” which is unfamiliar and obscure to many employers; b) Secondly, the Russian educational system, and the higher education model, replicate the Western European and American approaches without considering the realities of the national educational market and the labor market. Therefore, the high proportion of the population with higher education cannot provide the necessary socio-economic development potential of the country; c) Thirdly, the reform of the Russian model of higher education should continue but not in terms of accelerating the processes of its integration into the world educational system. There is much evidence that the correct direction lies within the domain of creating incentives and conditions that will ensure the training of highly skilled professionals correlating with the market demand.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545138841.pdf
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4. Victoria V. Erdakova, Maxim S. Romanov, Lia L. Kawshbaya
Academic Rights of Students in Russia and Abroad (USA, European Union)

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 668-689.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.668CrossRef

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the composition of academic rights of students in Russia, the United States and the European Union countries, their legislative regulation and practice of implementation in universities. The following conclusions were made: (1) the wording of the rights, their thematic groups in Russia and abroad have significant differences, despite the fact that upon the entry into the Bologna process, the relevant changes were made to the Federal law and by-laws of RF; (2) there have not been created conditions in the higher education system of Russia for the implementation of students’ academic rights in accordance with the principles and objectives of the Bologna process, in particular, the right to design and implement an individual learning trajectory, students’ participation in creating of the content of education, usage of ECTS to transfer from one university to another, implementation of “short bachelor programs”, recognition of the previous non-formal and informal level of education, involvement of students in the process of assessment of the quality of education at all stages, priority of the results of international accreditation of educational programs when making government decisions towards a university, etc.; (3) in the Russian educational system, many universities, despite the possibility established by the Federal Law, do not provide students with additional academic rights, while outside Russia it widespread to give students so-called “contract” rights, which are granted to a student in accordance with an educational contract and university code (eg Student Rights, Responsibilities and Code ...); (4) compared to foreign students, Russian students are less active in exercising and defending their academic rights. To improve the current situation, it is proposed to make changes to the current legislation of the Russian Federation regarding clarification, additions and expansion of the legal status of participants in the educational process, to deliver responsibilities through creation and compliance with regulatory, economic and organizational conditions and mechanisms for the implementation of academic rights of students in universities, to enter into academic regulations and regulatory documents of universities additional academic rights similar to those in the United States and the countries of the European Union; to bring into this process associations of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, including student associations to monitor, implement and lobby the students’ academic rights; to encourage students to be active in exercising their academic rights during their study at the university.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545138939.pdf
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5. Mikhail V. Gruzdev, Irina V. Kuznetsova, Irina Yu. Tarkhanova, Elena I. Kazakova
University Graduates' Soft Skills: the Employers’ Opinion

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 690-698.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.690CrossRef

The relevance of the issues addressed in the article is determined by the importance of organizing the dialogue between education and business to ensure the high quality of training specialists. Soft skills are considered from the standpoint of the unity of requirements for training, evaluation and development of human resources. The main focus is on analyzing the attitude of employers towards soft skills, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the preparation of bachelors and masters: the significance of soft skills for employees of the enterprise (organization); the level of the formation of soft skills among university graduates who apply or work at the enterprise; functions (tasks), in which the relevant competences are important. This article presents the results of a survey of employers on the soft skills of university graduates, in which 36 people took part – heads of organizations and representatives of personnel services from different spheres (health, culture, education, radio electronics, petro chemistry, housing and communal services, tourism, construction, etc.), different forms of ownership and the enterprise (organization) size. The survey was conducted in the form of an individual interview. The key positions of the interview were to identify the employers' opinion on the importance of soft skills for the employees of the enterprise (organization); the level of the formation of soft skills among university graduates who apply or work at the enterprise; functions (tasks), in which the relevant competences are important.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139005.pdf
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6. Irina V. Ilyina, Natalya A. Tarasuk, Olga M. Novikova, Natalya S. Gribova
Communicative Competence Formation of Teachers in the Sphere of Foreign Language Education in the System of the Advanced Training

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 699-709.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.699CrossRef

The article gives the description of the notion “formation of teachers’ foreign language communicative competence in the system of the advanced training”. This competence is formed in the close connection with professionally oriented subjects in the process of the educational, scientific and practical activities in the field of foreign language education. Communicative competence is an integrative personal characteristic, which reflects peculiarities of teachers’ professional activity aimed at solving professional problems and promoting successful realization of communication with colleagues, foreign partners by using professional knowledge. The research represents a new model of communicative competence formation in the process of the professional development of teachers in the system of the advanced training which presupposes the involvement of teachers in polycultural interaction in the process of solving professional tasks. These professional tasks are aimed at the improvement of educational, scientific and professional aspects of training.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139085.pdf
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7. Elena E. Kabanova, Ekaterina A. Vetrova
Modern Medical Higher Education Institutions in Russia

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 710-716.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.710CrossRef

Now the Russian healthcare system is rapidly changing. In this period training of future doctors is essential. In the modern conditions when highly qualified medical specialists mastering modern high-tech diagnosis and treatment methods are in demand, the improvement of the quality of training future doctors is one of the important goals of medical higher education institutions. However, the problems of medical higher education institutions are related to the organization of the educational process and limit the full achievement of this goal. Analyzing the results of the sociological survey among practitioners and medical students revealed problems related to the professional and social adaptation of young specialists, as well as the medical personnel’s unpreparedness to practice after the graduation. Based on the conducted studies, the article has revealed the limitations that impede the development of the socially important profession – the doctor, analyzed the level of theoretical and practical training of students, and considered the organization and quality of the educational process for medical students. The authors have formulated recommendations that contribute to improving the modern medical higher education in Russia.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139139.pdf
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8. Irina Kliziene, Gintautas Cibulskas, Nida Ambrase, Ginas Cizauskas
Effects of a 8-Month Exercise Intervention Programme on Physical Activity and Physical Fitness for First Grade Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 717-727.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.717CrossRef

Background. The World Health Organization recommends that children should participate in sufficient PA by engaging in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for at least 60 min daily per week. Schools are important settings for the promotion of children's physical activity. Through commuting, break times, and physical education lessons they provide regular opportunities for children to be active Methods. The experimental group included 26 girls and 24 boys aged 6–7 years old, and the control group included adolescent girls (n=25) and boys (n=23). The experimental group included 26 girls 24 boys aged 6-7 years old. Their mean weight and height were 24.3±0.9 kg and 1.25±0.11 m for the girls, and 29.3±0.6 kg and 1.33±0.09 m for the boys. The control group included 25 girls and 23 boys aged 6-7 years old, attending the same school. Their mean weight and height were 22.3±0.7 kg and 1.24±0.1 m for the girls, and 28.4±0.7 kg and 1.36±0.07 m for the boys. The methodology of innovative physical education classes was based on the DIDSFA model (dynamic exercise, intense motor skills repetition, differentiation, reduction of parking and seating, physical activity distribution in the classroom). The testing of physical fitness. The flexibility test, the long jump test, 3 × 10 m speed shuttle run test, a medical (stuffed) 1 kg ball pushing from the chest test. The evulation of physical activity.Children’s Physical Activity Questionnaire (Corder et al., 2009) was used. It was also based on the Children’s Leisure Activities Study Survey (CLASS) questionnaire, Results. Experimental group (EG) (boys and girls) post-test results physical fitness (PF) tests, it turned out that the results of the long jump test ranged from 106.3 cm (girls) to 120.1 cm (boys), statistically significant differences were detected (p < .05). The girls (2.93 m) performed worse than the boys (3.64 m) (p < .05) in the medical (stuffed) 1 kg ball pushing from the chest test. The best score of the girls’ 3 × 10 m speed shuttle run test was 8.55 s, for boys it was 8.8 s, the worst performance time for boys was 13.52 s, for girls 13.22 s (p < .05). Comparing the results of boys’ and girls’ flexibility, there were no statistically significant differences (p > .05): the girls’ flexibility was about 0.06 cm, for boys -1.8 cm. The post-test of the experimental group boys (1261.93 MET, min/week) was to analyze average physical activity in comparison with the girls of the experimental group (737.48 MET, min/week). Statistically significant difference was found during the analysis of average MET per boy (1390.45 MET, min/week) in comparison with the girls (880.27 MET, min/week, p<0.05). Conclusion. Established that the properly construed and purposefully applied complex of the 8-month exercise intervention programme for first grade students caused the statistically significant changes in the dependent variables: increased physical activity and physical fitness for experimental group.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545295371.pdf
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9. Zdena Kralova, Anna Tirpakova, Eva Skorvagova
Personality Factors and Foreign Language Pronunciation Anxiety: The Effect of Psycho-Social Training

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 728-740.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.728CrossRef

This paper focuses on the link between 16 primary and 5 global personality factors and the Foreign Language Pronunciation Anxiety of 63 Slovak learners of English, who underwent a 24-week psycho-social training (in the experimental group) combined with English pronunciation training (both in the control and experimental group). Data was collected before and after the training interventions, using the Foreign Language Pronunciation Anxiety Scale and the Sixteen-Factor Personality Questionnaire 16 PF. Data analysis proved that the differences in the 16PF scores between the pre-test and post-test were significant for the factors Reasoning, Emotional Stability, Apprehension, Tension and Anxiety in both groups; and for Social Boldness, Vigilance and Self-Control in the experimental group only.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139362.pdf
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10. Elena Moreno-García, Arturo García-Santillán, Violetta S. Molchanova, Edgar Plata Campero
Among the Mathematics Tasks, Math Courses and Math Exams: How’s the Level of Student Anxiety Toward Maths in a Private High School in Mexico?

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 741-753.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.741CrossRef

The purpose of the study is to determine a latent structure of variables that explain the level of anxiety towards mathematics of high school students based on the interaction that the student has with the tasks, courses and math exams. For this purpose, the RMARS mathematical anxiety scale was used, which has a Likert-type scaling. The instrument was applied to a sample of 183 enrolled students from a private institution of upper secondary education located in Veracruz, Mexico and to obtain results, a factorial analysis was applied. The most significant finding is the obtained tetra-dimensional model, which contrasts with other models such as those of Alexander and Martray (1989) and recently with the penta-dimensional model of (Author 1 2017). This result suggests that the original design of the three-factor scale of Richardson and Suinn (1972), modified by Alexander and Martray (1989), does not apply to students in Latin contexts, such as the case of Mexico.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139449.pdf
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11. Roman S. Nagovitsyn, Dana K. Bartosh, Aleksandr Y. Ratsimor, Yuri G. Maksimov
Formation of Social Tolerance Among Future Teachers

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 754-763.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.754CrossRef

The formation of tolerance among young people has recently become an important aspect in the research of scientists of the psychological and pedagogical direction. This is due to a number of aggressive manifestations that are unacceptable for modern society in students of schools and universities. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop a scheme for the formation of tolerance to asocial phenomena and experimentally prove its effectiveness in the process of professional pedagogical education. The research was conducted by 72 students – future teachers with the use of the author's scheme for the formation of social tolerance in the holistic educational process at the university. The peculiarity of the author's development was the use of interactive teaching methods and methods of the theory of solving inventive problems. For statistical evidence of the effectiveness of the implementation of the author's research, the Wilcoxon T-test was used. The practical implementation of the experiment showed the effectiveness of the author's development in forming students' tolerance for differences in society, culture, behavior that does not go beyond legal norms, and intolerance for violation of moral norms of behavior in society.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139532.pdf
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12. Alexander V. Perig, Nikolai N. Golodenko, Violetta M. Skyrtach, Alexander G. Kaikatsishvili
Hydraulic Analogy Method for Phenomenological Description of the Learning Processes of Technical University Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 764-789.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.764CrossRef

A physical process analogy of the learning process was studied using a hydraulic method. Detailed educational guidance describing applied pedagogical concepts for technical instructors of the civil, mechanical, chemical and materials engineering disciplines was formulated. A unified engineering-friendly formulation of learning processes using a direct analogy of civil, mechanical, chemical and materials engineering physical processes was developed. Generalized expressions were proposed for an approximate description of learning processes in the educational curriculum in the form of hydraulic processes in civil, mechanical, chemical and materials engineering practice. It was shown that it is possible to intensify students’ attention to the studied technical material through a step-by-step building of a proposed analogy between hydraulic and learning processes, which is based on the similarity between corresponding mathematical models for both processes. Hard-working students have the prime educational problem of managing the growing overload and holding in their memory a cumbersome quantity of studied material in technical, social and human sciences. The author-proposed educational approach provides a better simultaneous understanding of both hydraulics and didactics by acquiring new inter-disciplinary practical knowledge, which helps learners plan an optimal scientific-based mode for effective study and self-study of educational material. This educational research helps students to remember that it is impossible to learn the studied material at the required level of understanding with a single one-time acquaintance without multiple reviews and repetitions.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139625.pdf
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13. Semen D. Reznik, Olga A. Vdovina
Regional University Teacher: Evolution of Teaching Staff and Priority Activities

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 790-803.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.790CrossRef

The article is prepared on the materials of the monitoring activities of the Russian University teachers. It is dedicated to the problem of teaching staff training for higher educational institutions. The formation of professionally competent and pedagogically trained teaching staff is the most important task of universities, which solution ensures the quality of training of specialists with higher education. The aim of this article is to identify priority activities of the University teachers and to determine the ways of development of their professional competences. The achievement of the aim bases on the consideration of the evolution of University teaching staff, revealing the motives of their choice of teaching activities, development of forming the ways of pedagogical skills, as well as an assessment of opportunities of universities, faculties and departments in the development of professional competences of teaching staff. The results of monitoring teachers’ activities allow creating a statistical portrait of the University lecturer, estimating the motives of choice of scientific and pedagogical activities and the attractiveness of work at the University, identifying priority activities of the modern University teachers. The article describes the difficulties of teachers’ professionalization and possible ways of forming their professional qualities and competences.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139704.pdf
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14. Olga V. Rogach, Elena V. Frolova, Tatyana M. Ryabova
Modern School Role in Human Potential Development

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 804-812.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.804CrossRef

The article attempts to analyze critically the role of the modern school in the development of human potential. Based on the conducted research procedures (the focus group study of the parent community, the questionnaire survey N = 90), they determined the domination of parental position, according to which there is the lack of equal opportunity provision by the state for quality education. The commercialization of the educational industry, the increase of the informal sector of the economy at the market of educational services ensure the reproduction of social inequality, limit the access to quality education for students, primarily from low-resourced families. The results of the study illustrate the growing dissatisfaction of parents with the ability of the school to develop a sufficient cultural level of students, to build the system of spiritual needs, values and interests of young people. The system of school education develops the contradiction between the expectations of parents to intelligence, social and communicative skills, the moral qualities of students and actual learning outcomes. Professional burnout, the deformation of modern teacher social role significantly reduces the effectiveness of the educational impact on the younger generation. The modern school is not fully capable of sustainable human development provision due to the following dysfunctions: an insufficient legitimacy of disciplinary impact on student behavior, high pedagogical workload, conflict risks, the distortion of teacher traditional role. The promising trend for the development of human potential in modern Russian conditions is to increase the prestige of teacher profession, overcome the key deformations of its position, form creative spaces in the school environment, expand the diversity of educational programs, and focus on “gifted” children support.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139774.pdf
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15. Galina M. Romanova, Marina M. Maznichenko, Svetlana V. Petrova
Study of Implementation of Academic Rights by University Students: Problems and Trends

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 813-826.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.813CrossRef

The article presents the results of a study on the implementation of academic rights of university students (awareness of their rights, successful implementation, main difficulties and problems). The results of the survey of 1st year students were compared with those of graduate students’, faculty of law. The results showed that the majority of students know the academic rights stipulated in the Federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, but only a small part said that they managed to implement these rights in practice (3-14 % of the 1st year students and 5-11 % of the 4th year). At the same time, only a small part of their rights is used by students (10-20 %). The exception was the right to choose an educational organization: its successful implementation was indicated by 53 % of the 1st year students and 21 % of 4th year students. To change the existing situation the authors organized an activity in which university students and teachers participated in identification of ways on how to identify trends in the development of higher education and outlined ways to improve the implementation of academic rights from the standpoint of the development of students' subjectivity in four areas: improving the regulatory framework, informing students, the competencies of university employees and increasing the activity of students and student government bodies. The main areas of improvement include: informing via the university's website using a comprehensible language that students understand, conducting explanatory talks, advising, and introducing changes to the Federal and university regulatory framework, taking into account existing problems and trends in the future development of higher education.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139845.pdf
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16. Aliya Kh. Sarybayeva, Meirambek O. Berkinbayev, Bakytzhan A. Kurbanbekov, Dinara K. Berdi
The Conceptual Approach to the Development of Creative Competencies of Future Teachers in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education in Kazakhstan

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 827-844.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.827CrossRef

The significance of the innovative development of the modern society of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) has actualized the need for creative individuals, who determine progress in various spheres of social life. In this regard, the fundamental goal of the modern higher pedagogical school was the development of creative personalities capable of self-actualizing their skills for the benefit of the society. The purpose of the article is the development of conceptual recommendations on the formation and development of creative competence of future teachers as a potential human factor in shaping the value system of the future generation. The criteria for assessing the levels of the formation of creative competence in future teachers in the context of its structural components have been developed. Interviewing helped to analyze the qualitative levels of the formation of creative competence of students of pedagogical universities in Kazakhstan. The article substantiates the main destructive factors of development of students' creativity in the system of higher pedagogical education in modern conditions. The authors developed the structural and logical model for the development of the creativity of future teachers based on the principle of problem education. The authors also developed a diagnostic approach to assessing the effectiveness of the practical implementation of the pedagogical conditions of the creativity model in the educational process of future teachers in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article proves the complex of the actions promoting the evolution of creative competence of students of a pedagogical specialty.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545139928.pdf
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17. Elena V. Soboleva, Nikita L. Karavaev, Nadezhda V. Shalaginova, Marina S. Perevozchikova
Improvement of the Robotics Cross-Cutting Course for Training of Specialists in Professions of the Future

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 845-857.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.845CrossRef

The research is devoted to the actual problem of upgrading the existing model of robotics training in connection with the urgent need for implementing a strategy for training highly qualified specialists in the most demanded and promising sectors of the future, taking into account the requirements of business, society, and the State. The aim of the study is to theoretically justify and experimentally test the effectiveness of the task approach in teaching robotics to form the required cross-professional competencies of the future. The methodology of the study is based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological scientific literature, Rapid Foresight methodology, system analysis, generalization of teaching experience, pedagogical experiment. Results. First, the didactic and interdisciplinary potential of the robotics course is studied. Secondly, specific content for key cross-professional competences in the field of robotics and engineering is proposed. Thirdly, the basic ideas of the methodology for improving the existing system with a focus on the formation of key cross-professional competencies, the core of which is the system of tasks, are formulated. Fourthly, the effectiveness of the changed methodology of the training course to improve the quality of the educational process is confirmed. In conclusion, findings that confirm that the improvement of the course of robotics will provide to obtain a useful skill – to be able to learn, to be prepared for the professions of the future are drawn.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545140203.pdf
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18. Annick Valleau, Komron Rahimov, Aleksandr Cherkasov
The Soft Dimension of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Fight Against the “Three Evil Forces”. Insights on Counterterrorism Preventive Measures and Youth Education

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 858-873.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.858CrossRef

This article examines the comprehensive and participatory component of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) approach to the fight against the “Three Evil Forces” within the theoretical framework of smart counterterrorism. After analyzing the problematic definitions of the concepts of terrorism and extremism, the authors choose to focus on the non-coercive preventive pillar of the SCO’s counterterrorism strategy through the prism of youth education. The emphasis is placed on the strikingly similar practices of SCO Member States in this field, whereby state and non-state actors foster partnerships to conduct cultural activities promoting the same values of patriotism, civic identity, interethnic and interfaith dialogue as a counter-ideology to the dissemination of radical ideas among the youth. The experience of SCO Member States in implementing inclusive counterterrorism programs serves as a basis for the evolution of SCO’s soft diplomacy, which has very recently entered a new phase in its development, following the first SCO Youth Assembly and Uzbekistan’s decision to support the SCO Youth Council. In this paper, the youth is analyzed as the primary target and actor of the SCO’s preventive counterterrorism efforts.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545140411.pdf
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19. Son Van Huynh, Vinh-Long Tran-Chi, Tu Thi Nguyen
Vietnamese Teachers’ Perceptions of Social-Emotional Learning Education in Primary Schools

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 874-881.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.874CrossRef

Teachers are the primary deliverers of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) program, and therefore their beliefs, attitudes, and support towards SEL influence the adoption, sustainability, and impacts of this program. The aim of the present research is to measure the perception of social emotional learning education among Vietnamese primary school teachers. A group of 250 Vietnamese primary school teachers (142 males and 108 females) participated in the survey. They completed the Teachers' Perceptions of Social Emotional Learning scale (TPSEL). The scale included four subscales which are the Teachers' perceived level of the necessity of SEL education in primary schools (TPN), the Teachers' perceived level of the importance of SEL education in primary schools (TPI), the Teachers' perceived level of concern about SEL education in primary schools (TPC), and the Barriers to the Implementation of SEL Programs (BISEL). Results showed significant differences in BISEL among the teachers with different years of teaching experience. Moreover, various educational backgrounds affected TPN and BISEL considerably. The interation effect on TPN and BISEL was found. The results suggested that regardless of the differences in educational backgrounds and years of experience, the teachers were all aware of the necessity as well as the challenges when implementing SEL in classrooms in primary schools.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545148127.pdf
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20. Alexandra A. Vorozhbitova, Olga I. Marchenko, Alexander V. Timofeyev, Gaukhar I. Issina
“Planetary Linguistic Personality” Category and Bi/Polylinguistic Modeling of the Pedagogical Process of Higher School Professional Training: Sochi Linguistic and Rhetorical School

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 882-892.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.882CrossRef

The article substantiates the synergistic concept of complex linguistic and rhetorical (L&R) training necessary for the high-quality professional training of a future specialist of any direction and profile of higher school education; the specification is made on the example of a teacher of a foreign language (foreign languages). The restructuring of the educational process in the framework of the bi/polylinguistic learning model developed by representatives of the Sochi L&R School is based on the positions set out in the article. For the development of a professional bi/polylinguistic personality of a future specialist, more effective than the specialized formation of the L&R competence only in the field of foreign languages is the purposeful and coordinated work of the entire teaching staff in the framework of “the single linguistic-rhetorical and cultural-speech regime” according to the formation of Russian and foreign language L&R competencies of learners. The speech-thinking culture of future specialists, integrating in a bi/polylinguistic relation, including an invariant core and ethno-linguistic- rhetorical variants, is a qualitatively new psycholinguistic formation, which is formed on the basis of the interaction of the substructures of the primary and secondary linguistic personality. A necessary condition for the formation of speech-thinking culture of future specialists is the formation of students' readiness for professional self-designing as a future specialist on the basis of a bi/polylinguistic L&R competence of mixed type.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545141251.pdf
Number of views: 1322      Download in PDF

21. Zohair Al-Zo'bi, Omar Bataineh
Extent of Participation by Faculty Members of Educational Sciences Colleges in the Jordanian Universities in Decision Making and Its Relationship with Job Satisfaction

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 893-910.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.893CrossRef

This study aimed at identifying the participation degree of the faculty members of the educational science colleges in the Jordanian universities in decision making and its relationship with the job satisfaction. The study sample consisted of (601) faculty members of the educational science colleges in the Jordanian colleges, who were chosen by the simple random manner. To achieve the study objective, the researchers developed an instrument to measure the participation degree of the faculty members in these colleges in the decision making and its relationship with the job satisfaction. The researchers opted the descriptive method. Following the data analysis, the results showed that the participation degree of the faculty members in the educational science colleges in the Jordanian universities was high. The results further showed statistically significant differences of the estimations of the faculty members about the participation degree in decision making, attributed to the gender and academic degree variables. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences ascribed to the years of experience. The results indicated that the level of the job satisfaction of the faculty members, in the educational science colleges in the Jordanian universities, was high. On the other hand, there were no statistically significant differences among the means of the sample participants' responses ascribed to the gender variable. Still, there were statistically significant differences between the means of the sample participants' responses according to the years of experience and academic degree. Finally, the correlation coefficient of the areas of the decision making with the areas of the job satisfaction was statistically significant. The lowest correlation coefficient was 0.420 between the two decision areas concerning the study plans and self-realization. The highest correlation coefficient was 0.562 between the two decision areas concerning the faculty members and belonging to the profession. All these correlations were positive, meaning the increase in the first area is offset with an increase in the second area.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545140617.pdf
Number of views: 1279      Download in PDF

The History of Education

22. Sergey I. Degtyarev, Vladyslava M. Zavhorodnia, Lybov G. Polyakova
On the Establishment of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) University in Austria-Hungary and Its Coverage in “Kievskaya Starina” Journal

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 911-917.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.911CrossRef

The article is devoted to the attempts of Rusyns-Ukrainians living in the Galician lands of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to obtain the right to open their own university in Lviv. The main sources for this article were materials of historical, ethnographic and literary journal “Kiyevskaya starina”. The idea of establishing a Rusyn university in Lviv appeared in the middle of the ХІХ century. The authors focused on the events that unfolded around this project at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries. Rusyns-Ukrainians were unable to defend their idea of establishing a university. The main reasons for the failure were the complex social and political situation in the multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire and the oppression of the Ruthenians by the representatives of the Polish nationals in Galicia.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545141394.pdf
Number of views: 1271      Download in PDF

23. Timur A. Magsumov
Apprenticeship in Secondary Vocational Schools During the Economic Modernization in Late Imperial Russia. Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 918-926.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.918CrossRef

In his study of the formation of apprenticeship system and analyzing its content, methods and forms in the Russian secondary vocational school described in the materials of the Kazan school district of the late XIX – early XX century, the author relies on the theory of Western modernization and positive bureaucracy, attracting regulatory and educational documentation, scientifically and publicly pedagogical journalism as well as ego documents. Practical methods of knowledge application were planned in the pre-revolutionary schools in the logical-pedagogical relationship, but their implementation left much to be desired. In the organization of production practice, this was due to the lack of permanent bases and practical managers from the educational institutions, a certain attitude towards the trainee at enterprises as auxiliary personnel engaged in versatile non-system work, as it was openly declared by the advanced pedagogical press and even by the administrative and training personnel in schools. The article also reveals positive aspects in the organization of practical training, which are still relevant today. These include the introduction of active learning methods, improved reporting documentation, payment for the students, preparing them for the future profession and management. The rapid development of practical training was due to the need of a qualified young specialist who was prepared for independent production activity in the new conditions of accelerated modernization of the country's economy.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545141453.pdf
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24. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Alla G. Vazerova, Milica Trailovic
Development of the Secondary-Level Education in Serbia from 1808 to the 1870s

European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2018, 7(4): 927-934.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2018.4.927CrossRef

The article describes the secondary education system in Serbia from 1808 to the 1870s. It focuses on the secondary education development, and the difficulties that were arising during the organization of the educational process. Scientific and reference literature on the research topic were used as materials. The methodology used a set of scientific methods: multi-factor and integration methods, periodization, typology, comparison, etc., which in unity, ensure the reliability of the results on the studied problem. This is interdisciplinary research, based on the comparativist principle, which allows various informative sources to be revealed. Ultimately, application of these methods made it possible to create a coherent picture of the secondary education in Serbia. In the conclusion the authors note that by the 1870s an extensive network of secondary schools were developed in Serbia. These schools were represented by the Lyceum (the Great School), gymnasiums, semi-gymnasiums, non-classical secondary schools, and an all-girls school. These educational institutions were focused on training professionals for the public service, including teachers. Thanks to the work of the secondary schools in Serbia it became possible to dramatically increase the number of people with secondary and secondary professional education. This ultimately allowed for the opening of the first higher educational institution in the beginning of the 20th century, the University of Belgrade.

URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545144333.pdf
Number of views: 1264      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal1.com/journals_n/1545295382.pdf
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