«European Journal of Contemporary Education» – international scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2305-6746

Publication frequency – once in 3 months.
Issued from 2012.

3 September 27, 2023

The Problems of Contemporary Education

1. Elena Bendíková, Gheorge Balint
Selected Factors Influencing the Qualitative Level of Postural Health of Students in Slovakia

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 756-765.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.756CrossRef

The current modern lifestyle of the 21st century has acquired a hypokinetic and sedentary character among the school population, which was further strongly supported by the global Covid-19 pandemic. This further supported the space for the upward trend of diseases, which also include disorders in the musculoskeletal system, postural health. The aim of our study was to find out and point out the factors, which determine the quality of postural health in adolescent students, and their mutual relationships. The sample consisted of 518 students in Slovakia, 266 girls aged(x) 16.5 ± 2.1 years (body height(x) 169.6 ± 6.8 cm, body weight(x) 60.2 ± 7.2 kg) and 252 boys aged(x) 16.9 ± 1.9 years (body height(x) 177.3 ± 8.5 cm, body weight(x) 66.4 ± 7.1 kg). In terms of data acquisition methods in the observed, standardized methods of physical education and pedagogical practice were used. The findings show that in the overall physical regime of students there are significant differences between the genders to the detriment of girls (p < 0.05) in terms of volume of physical activities, frequency and intensity (p < 0.05). The sedentary lifestyle in both genders showed a lack of physical activity in association with poor posture (r = 0.789) (sagittal and frontal plane). Also, higher food intake than energy expenditure results in higher body weight in the sample, which was reflected in the lower limbs (LL to X, r = 0.717 and foot pain r = 0.739 and fallen arch r = 0.726). In the observed sample, incorrect wearing of school bags was also found, significantly (p < 0.05) to the detriment of girls, as well as wearing incorrect shoes for both genders. These findings suggest that there are risk factors in students' lifestyles that contribute to the quality of their postural health, which need to be given much more attention in terms of primary prevention in both school and out-of-school environments. This project was supported by VEGA 1/0427/22 “Prevention of students' postural health by physical activity".

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836140.pdf
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2. Sergio J. Chión-Chacón, Manuel Chu-Rubio, Carlos Agüero-Olivos
Screening Financial Literacy in Young Business-Oriented Professionals. Conjectures of Financial Duality and Financial Divergence

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 766-787.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.766CrossRef

The main purpose of this research is the estimation and analysis of the level of Financial Literacy of professionals oriented to business management. The sample was composed of young executives starting MBA studies. The level of FL was analyzed in detail through various statistical techniques, under two perspectives. The first perspective referred to the dimensions involved in the definition of FL and the second referred to the demographic characteristics of the population. Theresults show a level of FL that does not reach an acceptable minimum in its global measurement; neither in its different dimensions, but the Information dimension. In general terms, this result is reproduced at the different demographic segments analyzed. In terms of the demographic categories, there were no differences in age or gender. Based on the income level, there were differences in the Knowledge and Information dimensions. Likewise, based on the number of dependents and on profession, there were differences in the Consciousness dimension. The results allow us to make two important conjectures for further research: the Financial Duality and the Financial Divergence conjectures. It is postulated that the Financial Duality conjecture could be explained through Kahneman’s theory of System 1/System 2 and corresponding behavioral biases.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836192.pdf
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3. Diana Denisova, Elena Strandstrem, Elvir Akhmetshin, Denis Nikolenko
Efficiency of Various Forms of Simulation Training in the Training of Medical Professionals

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 788-796.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.788CrossRef

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of simulation training in enhancing the knowledge and practical skills of emergency medical service (EMS) specialists. With the evolving landscape of healthcare, the demand for proficient professionals capable of managing medical emergencies has grown significantly. Universities are embracing innovative training methods, including simulation technologies, to prepare students effectively for these crucial roles. The study was conducted in the first semester of the 2021–2022 academic year, involving 120 university students in their 5th and 6th years of study. The paper sheds light on the positive effect of various types of simulation training on the level of training of emergency medical service specialists. The authors seek to demonstrate the necessity and efficiency of innovative technology in practicing practical and communication skills. Various forms of simulation training (medical team lessons, joint drills, masterclasses) are a highly efficient system of practical training for students. The results of the empirical study lead to the conclusion that various forms of simulation training (medical team lessons, joint drills, masterclasses) present a highly efficient system of practical training for students and enable students to improve their practical emergency medical care skills. Medical team classes are a priority form for practicing the algorithm of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Joint drills are used to practice organizational and practical skills in coordinating the actions of various services in emergencies. Masterclasses should be used as an element of practical training with large audiences.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695994360.pdf
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4. Artur A. Dydrov, Elena I. Salganova
Futurization of Education: Results of the Quasi-Experiment

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 797-809.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.797CrossRef

The article is devoted to the study of the actual readiness of young students to separate themselves from individual experience and think about the future beyond personal needs. The most significant ideas of futurists about the mechanisms of thinking and shaping the future are analyzed. It is argued that the futurists, realizing the fundamental importance of educational activities, did not specify specific measures for the futurization of education. Empirically, the article is based on qualitative and quantitative methods. In the period from March 2022 to February 2023, a quasi-experiment, observation and interviews were conducted among Russian students. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem and the results of sociological research allowed the authors to develop ways to solve this problem based on individual and group work of students. Personal observations of the authors made it possible to assess the willingness of students to reflect on the future beyond personal experience and to identify possible obstacles to the educational strategy of futurization. The problem raised by the authors of the article actualizes the issue of accumulating experience in the field of future research, social forecasting, initiatives of international organizations, the development of original educational methods for integrating future issues into the education system.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836281.pdf
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5. Mukhadin A. Eskindarov, Yulia M. Gruzina, Valentina N. Pulyaeva, Marina A. Ponomareva
The Study on the Connection between Motivation for High-Performance Learning and the Level of Academic Performance among Students of Various Levels and Areas of Study

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 810-825.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.810CrossRef

Developing the potential of young adults is impossible without education, including higher education. Opinions vary on how grades affect further success or failure of an individual, however, educational results are first and foremost evaluated by academic performance, which depends on many factors. Some of them can be influenced by professors and other university staff, as well as parents, schools and other professionals, such as career counselors. One of the deepest and most important issues to study is student motivation. The objective of this work was to study the connection between motivation for high-performing studies and the level of academic performance among students of various levels and areas of study at the Financial University. The research was conducted through a sociological online survey of a wide sample of students at the University. The survey enrolled 1324 students of all years, faculties, full-time and part-time forms of education. This article presents the results of a three-stage study: the first stage was related to researching the characteristics of academic performance among students, the second stage was focused on the connection between motivation for high-performance learning and the level of academic performance among students at various levels of education (undergraduate/graduate). Finally, at the third stage, we studied the connection between motivation for high-performing learning and the level of academic performance among students of various faculties. The results showed that the higher the progress of students is, the more their intrinsic motivation prevails, and vice versa, students with low progress incline to extrinsic motivation and amotivation. The practical significance of the results obtained is that they can be used for creating various programs of additional extracurricular activity in universities, for career guidance for school students and higher school applicants, and for consultations, including admission consultations with young adults and their parents.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695840906.pdf
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6. Miriam Flores-Bañuelos, Sergio Hernández-Mejía, Violetta S. Molchanova
Educational Level and its Relationship with Digital Marketing and Internet Skills: A Study in Latina Women Entrepreneurs

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 826-837.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.826CrossRef

The objectives of this work are to explore the different types of internet skills that Latina women digital entrepreneurs have, to determine the relationship between internet skills and educational level, and to analyze the way this contributes to a marketing orientation of the business, depending as well on its particular characteristics. The study involved the participation of 149 women residing in a Latin American country who self-reported to be digital entrepreneurs. The data was collected through a questionnaire that included socio-demographic elements that helped determine their educational level, as well as specific characteristics of their business, and validated scales that allow the measure internet skills and digital marketing orientation. An econometric model was used to analyze the data, which identified a significant effect of information and communication skills, as well as business characteristics, on strategic emphasis toward digital marketing. Educational level had a positive effect on the development of Internet skills. These results corroborate the importance of achieving higher levels of education for entrepreneurs, in order to facilitate the development of Internet skills. It also contributes to understanding the impact of these skills on the development of digital marketing strategies for businesses with different characteristics in terms of size, and, sector.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836392.pdf
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7. Elena V. Frolova, Olga V. Rogach, Rinat V. Faizullin
Blended Learning in the Context of Digitalization: New Opportunities and Possible Limitations

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 838-848.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.838CrossRef

In modern conditions, Russian universities are focused on the active introduction of digital technologies in the educational process, the use of various combinations of online and offline learning. The rapid change in the landscape of higher education determines the scientific significance of research on the effectiveness of mixed forms of student learning, including assessments of synchronous and asynchronous modes of online classes. In the course of working on the article, the authors used the results of a questionnaire survey of students (N = 1,107) conducted in June 2021, as well as focus group interviews (N = 23) conducted in May 2023. The purpose of the article is to analyze the perception of the problems and benefits of blended learning. The results of the study showed that students rate synchronous forms of online learning (video conferencing) in real time more highly (compared to watching pre-recorded video content). The advantages of synchronous forms of learning are associated with maintaining stable communications with the teacher and the group during the lesson. The formation of communication links, the ability to maintain a discussion "here and now" combines the advantages of traditional interaction in the classroom and the advantages of remote learning. The results obtained indicate the limits of the total digitalization of education, the need to create conditions for contact work. The students were asked about the effectiveness of transferring traditional forms of conducting classes (a lecture by a teacher/making presentations at a seminar) to an online environment. The students with a low level of self-organization (often distracted, combine work and study) are most critical of traditional pedagogical practices implemented online. Such students tend to blame the low level of their motivation on the ineffectiveness of blended learning. Students with a high level of self-organization highly appreciated the effectiveness of traditional forms of conducting classes online.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836438.pdf
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8. Arturo García-Santillán
Between Income, Savings and Investment, How Do College Students Perceive Money Management?

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 849-861.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.849CrossRef

The aim of the study is to evaluate the factorial solution that explains financial knowledge in the topics of income, savings, investment and how students perceive money management. For this purpose, the EFA and the SEM methodology are used. To obtain the information, a non-probabilistic sampling by self-determination was carried out, applying the instrument in electronic format and for the analysis; the EFA and SEM methodology was used. At the end of the estimated time for data collection, 596 participating students were achieved. The items of the variables income, savings, investment and money management from the scale used in Contreras (2016), were used. The main finding is the structure obtained from the confirmatory analysis, which presents acceptable indices of absolute goodness of fit, structural adjustment, and parsimony that allows us to understand how the student perceives income, savings, investment, and money management. The values obtained are acceptable based on the suggested theoretical criteria (RMSEA = 0,054; CMIN/DF = 2,749; GFI (,951), AGFI = ,926; PGFI = ,634; TLI = ,906; CFI = ,929; and parsimony: PRATIO = ,762; PNFI = ,681; PCFI = ,707). The result has practical implications for educational institutions, considering that in the academic training of students it is essential to encourage habits related to money. Considering that, economic income is a resource that they will have in their future when they work, then it is related to the habit of saving and investing, to this, we add the good and proper management of their personal finances, and finally, the cycle of promotion to savings.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836481.pdf
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9. Ignat Ignatov, Mario T. Iliev, Plamen S. Gramatikov
Education Program on Physics and Chemistry for Non-Equilibrium Processes at the Interfaces between Solid-Liquid-Gaseous Media

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 862-873.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.862CrossRef

The training on Non-equilibrium processes in allocated areas in physics was primarily developed by Anton Antonov (1934–2021) from 1984–2011. During this time, physics students at the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" in Blagoevgrad were trained. Oleg Mosin (1966–2016) at Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology performed the education with a nonequilibrium process in physics and chemistry. The authors participated in a program for laboratory experiments on non-equilibrium processes. The processes are at the interfaces between solid-liquid-gaseous media. They also participated in scientific research and analysis of non-equilibrium processes under various natural and laboratory conditions. In the laboratory, conditions were created models near to natural environmental conditions. There are two main directions of study. The first direction involves the analysis of laboratory effects in corona gas discharge at the interfaces of air-solid surface and air-liquid medium-solid surface. The photographic registration method used is called electrophotography. Antonov and co-authors obtained electrophotographic images using a polymerized methacrylate film on a metal substrate rather than a photographic film. In the second direction, the analysis focuses on the discrete evaporation of water droplets placed on a solid surface inside a hermetic air chamber. The restructuring of hydrogen bonds between water molecules is analyzed. The obtained spectra are called the Non-equilibrium Energy Spectrum (NES) and the Differential Non-equilibrium Energy Spectrum (DNES). In the second direction, analyses are conducted using test samples and control samples. During the training, students acquire skills in analyzing non-equilibrium media in air-liquid medium-solid surface systems using methods such as infrared spectroscopic analysis, statistical analysis, measurement of electrical parameters of liquids, pH, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). Electrochemical studies are conducted on various types of water in accordance with Ordinance No. 9/2001, Official State Gazette, issue 30, and decree No. 178/23.07.2004 of Council of Ministers, Bulgaria, about the quality of water, intended for drinking and household purposes.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695841453.pdf
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10. Elena E. Kabanova
Retrospective Analysis and Features of the Dynamics of Main Indicators in Training of Higher Qualification Personnel

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 874-884.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.874CrossRef

Innovative development is a key factor in the technological sovereignty and competitiveness of the Russian economy on a global scale, especially in the face of sanctions pressure from unfriendly states. A critical resource that defines competitive advantage in the modern world is knowledge, the central role in the formation of which is held by human capital. Workers with higher education are the foundation of human capital relied upon by the innovation economy, fundamental and applied scientific research, and research and technological development. The study of quantitative and qualitative dynamics in the provision of higher qualification staff allows for assessing the innovative potential of the national economy, which determines the relevance of this direction of research. The established objective is fulfilled in the study through a review of statistical indicators characterizing the training of higher qualification personnel in Russia. With the use of mathematical and statistical methods, analysis, synthesis and descriptive methods, a retrospective analysis of the dynamics of basic indicators has been carried out that have a direct impact on the innovative potential of the Russian economy. The connection was evaluated between innovative processes and the personnel support of the research sector. The study reveals that despite some qualitative success in recent years, there is a slight overall decline in the quantitative characteristics of higher qualification staff training, which negatively affects the intellectual capital of the country as a whole and reduces opportunities in the innovative development of the economy. This can impair the country’s intellectual capital overall and reduce opportunities for research and development and the implementation of new technology in the economy. The retrospective analysis also confirms the detrimental impact of the higher education system reform from the point of existing qualitative statistical indicators.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836586.pdf
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11. Venera Vala Këndusi, Zamira Gashi Shatri
The Role of the School Principal in Motivating Teachers for Professional Development: Case Study of the Municipality of Gjakova in Kosovo

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 885-892.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.885CrossRef

Teachers must always increase their knowledge and develop personally and professionally since teaching is a process that needs to be expanded and improved. This is increasingly in harmony with the perspective of lifelong learning as a characteristic feature of the complexity of the teaching profession, with the main aim of adapting to the rapid changes in development and the current needs of the time. The aim of this study is to look into the impact of professional development on improving teaching quality and the school's cooperation with teachers in achieving professional development. This paper uses a qualitative research method, where 13 principals of primary and lower secondary schools of the Municipality of Gjakova in Kosovo have participated in the research. From the principals' responses, data were collected based on their opinion regarding the professional development of teachers and practices of cooperation and ensuring the professional development of teachers in the schools where they work. The results of the research show that the professional development of teachers is considered necessary and important in facing more successfully the challenges of the teaching and learning process, teachers adapt more easily to changes in the educational system and can advance faster in terms of personal and professional.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695839875.pdf
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12. Ekaterina A. Mamaeva, Tatyana I. Bocharova, Mikhail I. Bocharov, Elena V. Shchedrina
Assessment by Students of the Influence of Distance Learning Technologies on the Organization of Practice as a Factor of Improving the Quality of Training

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 893-908.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.893CrossRef

Under the conditions of the new sanitary and epidemiological situation, the work of the university have transformed in the field of interaction with the bases of practices and the coordination of information, network communications at specialized enterprises. The purpose of the study is to analyze students' assessments of the organization of practice in pre-pandemic education and in the shift to distance learning technologies to improve the quality of professional training in general. The basis of methodology is the analysis and generalization of literature in describing the potential of distance technologies to support UNESCO initiatives, identifying problems of their implementation in the university educational environment, and organization of practice. The students' assessment of the influence of remote technologies on the organization of the practice was carried out during the survey through the forms of Microsoft Teams. 124 students of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics from the Faculty of Digital Economics and Mass Communications were involved in the study learning the courses "Introduction to Information Technologies" and "Information Security". Research results. In Microsoft Teams a questionnaire has been developed containing blocks: "Distance technologies at the stages of organization of practice", “Satisfactory quality organization of practice lacking distance learning technologies”, "Directions for improvement". The Moodle course implements an appropriate algorithm for organizing practice based on distance technologies. In conclusion, the authors describe the ways of modernization of the educational environment for practice organization in line with identified problems to enhance the quality of specialist training.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836688.pdf
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13. Andrés Felipe Mena-Guacas, Camilo A. Velandia Rodriguez, María Belén Morales Cevallos, Norberto Díaz-Díaz
Social Interaction through WhatsApp and the Roles Played by Students in Learning Environments

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 909-919.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.909CrossRef

There is broad agreement on the positive impact of social interaction on students’ learning. However, it has not been analysed whether the role they play in the learning environment is related in some way to the interaction among them. In this study, the relationship between the role played by an actor in a learning environment and the frequency and quality of the social interactions is analysed. An activity was designed to foster and facilitate social interaction among students using the WhatsApp platform. This initiative thoughtfully outlined various roles that students could undertake, alongside establishing specific categories meticulously designed to facilitate the comprehensive analysis and quantification of the quality of these interactions. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on a substantial dataset consisting of a total of 1,136 messages. With these data, a correlation analysis was conducted with the Kruskal-Wallis’s test and then a post-hoc test with the Mann-Whitney U test was also performed. The results show that there is no relationship between the role played by actors and the interaction they conduct in a learning environment. Another reading of the same point is that any effort to promote social interaction in learning environments will benefit all the actors involved, regardless of the role they play.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836776.pdf
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14. Adrienn Munkácsi, Demeter Krisztina
Student Competencies in Supply Chain Management: Expectations and Reality

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 920-927.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.920CrossRef

The ever-changing competency expectations and human resource shortages in the Supply Chain (SC) field underpin the relevance of our research. Both issues require the attention of all stakeholders (students and universities at the supply side, and employers at the demand side). Therefore, the aim of this study is to use an inductive approach to help students wanting to enter the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM) to increase their preparedness by mapping the employer experiences and competency expectations. In 2021 in Hungary, 64 corporate middle managers participated in the online questionnaire and shared their experiences of the competencies of recent graduates. Using quantitative research, the results shed light on the most expected competencies, the increasingly important role of soft skills, the significant differences between the expected and the experienced traits, such as complex mindset, systems approach, humility and conflict management. With the revealed results, this study contributes to the professional literature in two ways. On the one hand, it provides up-to-date data about employers’ opinion of graduated students, which is rare in the literature. On the other hand, it helps to see the possible causes of the discrepancy between supply and demand in the SC labour market.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695836845.pdf
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15. Tuong Nguyen Van, Phuc Nguyen Hong, Duc-Tai Nguyen, Thuy Ta Thi Thanh
The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration of Lecturers and Staffs’ Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Covid-19

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 928-935.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.928CrossRef

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected several aspects in life globally such as studying, working, recreation and so forth. However, people all over the world still need to keep life going on by one way or another. Especially education should be maintained under certain adverse circumstances. Teachers and institutional staffs are working multiple times harder not only to give lessons to students but acomplish various tasks besides work simutaneously. This may lead to stress and other mental health problems as a result. The purpose of this survey was to explore the reality of the basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration of them. Using the conceptual framework of quantitative research, a survey was conducted in Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities among lecturers and staffs with 147 participants on October 2021. Internal coefficient and exploratory factor analysis were performed to examine reliabilty and validity of the measure, decriptive analysis was used to determine means of basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration among lecturers and staff; t-test and ANOVA were calculated to examine the differences in the need satisfaction and frustration among sociodemographic variables. The results showed that the basic need satisfaction and frustration scale was valid and a six-factor solution fitted the data in Vietnamese context. Basic psychological needs satisfaction (M = 3.71, SD = 0.52) is higher than basic psychological needs frustration (M = 2.63, SD = 0.65) of participants during COVID-19 pandemic. The sub-scale of each need satisfaction and need frustration varied with the sociodemographic charateristics. The implications of the results and limitations are also discussed.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837400.pdf
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16. Siniša Opić, Tihana Kokanović, Ana Žnidarec Čučković
Preschool Teachers’ Perception of the Effect between the Principal’s Support, Quality of Interpersonal Relationships and Loyalty of Employees in Preschool Institutions

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 936-947.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.936CrossRef

Principal’s support is an unquestionable component of preschool institutions, especially in the development of interpersonal relationships, which have to be the foundation for building cooperative culture, learning communities and caring environments where the youngest generations grow and learn. Numerous researchers have examined the issue of the principal’s support in attaining the success of preschool institutions, satisfaction of employees and the growth of professional communities. However, there is little research into the significance of the principal’s support for quality interpersonal relationships in preschool institutions, especially in Croatia. Therefore, this research focused on the correlation between the support from principals and the quality of interpersonal relationships and employees’ loyalty. The aim of the research was to examine the effect between the principal's support, the quality of interpersonal relationships and the loyalty of employees through the perception of pre-school educators in Croatia. The research was conducted on a sample of 332 preschool educators in the Republic of Croatia. The following scales were used: The principal Support Scale, School Loyalty Scale and Faculty Survey, which were modified for this study. Using SEM, a partial mediation model (no recursive model) was confirmed. The effect of the mediation variable loyalty to the institution in the relationship between the principal's support and the quality of interpersonal relationships was proven. The partial mediation model in SEM indicates that the principal's support through employees' loyalty to the kindergarten has a positive effect on the quality of interpersonal relationships.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837452.pdf
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17. Elena N. Ovchinnikova, Yuriy N. Kozhubaev, Viacheslav Yu. Ivanov, Larisa I. Pechinskaya
Information Technology in Foreign Language Distance Teaching to Students of Technical Specialties

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 948-961.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.948CrossRef

This article analyzes the applicability of information technology in Foreign Language distance teaching to students of technical specialties. The article reviews modern technology of Foreign Language distance teaching to students of technical specialties, exploring their advantages and disadvantages. The LMS (Learning Management System) is theoretically analyzed. The principles and features of educational courses developed on the Moodle platform are discussed. A set of English vocabulary and grammar exercises and tests is developed, using the distance learning technology of the «Distance Learning Technology Portal of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University». The experiment was conducted to confirm the effectiveness and feasibility of using distance learning technology based on the Moodle distance learning management system in the study of foreign language by first-year students of technical specialties of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Statistical analysis of the results of the post-experimental cross-section in the experimental and control groups was conducted, using Student's t-test. The article demonstrates the effectiveness of remote support for undergraduate students of non-linguistic specialties studying the basic course of English. It is concluded that it is expedient to include the Moodle distance learning system into the educational process.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837506.pdf
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18. Gabriela Pavlovičová, Dalibor Gonda, Anna Tirpáková, Viliam Ďuriš
Interpretation of Mathematical Tasks Misunderstanding in the Context of Disciplinary Literacy of University Students

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 962-976.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.962CrossRef

In the article, we focus on the investigation of the disciplinary literacy of technical university students with an emphasis on understanding the mathematical language and symbolism in the tasks assignment. As part of the pedagogical research, we were looking for an answer to the research question "How do students interpret the misunderstanding of the assignment?". In the first phase of the research, the students solved a test that contained four pairs of mathematical tasks: a standard task and its equivalent, which required the mastery of mathematical symbolic language at a higher level. In the second phase of the research, students filled out a questionnaire that contained possible causes of failure in solving tasks in the test. Based on the research findings, we can state that the teachers and students agreed on only one item of the questionnaire, namely that the primary cause of the students' failure was a misunderstanding of the assignment. Teachers and students differed statistically significantly in their responses to the other items of the questionnaire. Based on the students' statements, we conclude that their understanding of the assignment of the task corresponds with the ability to assign the learned calculation procedure to the task, that is, with procedural knowledge. Teachers attributed the causes of student failure in the test to insufficient knowledge of the mathematical language.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837585.pdf
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19. Aksholpan Serikkyzy, Aliya Sarybayeva, Aknur Batyrbekova, Nurdaulet Shektibayev
Teaching Physics: Identification of the Dynamics of the Development of Criteria Indicators of Functional Competence

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 977-986.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.977CrossRef

Today, the teacher faces many practical problems and problems related to improving the quality of education. Solving these tasks requires the formation of functional competence, which is an important indicator of the professional growth of a future teacher. However, it emphasizes the fact that the problem of forming the functional competence of a future teacher in certain subjects has not yet been completely solved. The purpose of the research work is to identify the main factors and pedagogical situations in the formation of functional competence of students in the process of teaching physics lessons, to prove their effectiveness based on the dynamics of growth of indicators of functional competence. The study used methods such as direct and indirect educational observations, tests, surveys, qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as mathematical and statistical data processing. The research made it possible to determine the component part of the student's functional competencies in physics, to determine the pedagogical conditions and external and internal factors necessary to achieve maximum success of the student's functional literacy in the field of studying the natural science cycle of the University. In addition, the structural components and criteria indicators of functional competencies are determined, the dynamics of the growth of indicators through pedagogical experiment is shown. The results of the study will serve as a great scientific document for subsequent research in the field of functional competence, and will also have a huge impact on the development of science and technology, if viewed from the side of professional activity.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837636.pdf
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20. Elena V. Soboleva, Tatyana N. Suvorova, Tatyana V. Masharova, Olga Yu. Zaslavskaya
The Use of Mobile Tools when Implementing the Master’s Degree Program “Adaptive Physical Rehabilitation” to Improve the Quality of Students' Professional Training

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 987-1001.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.987CrossRef

Training of professionals capable of carrying out activities in physical rehabilitation involves acquisition of knowledge and practical skills in the field of using sports and pedagogical technologies for active formation of health of individuals with special needs. New digital educational services allow creating additional conditions for optimizing financial resources, reducing the time for training and retraining of specialists. The purpose of the study is to identify the possibilities of using mobile tools when implementing the master’s degree program “Adaptive Physical Rehabilitation” to improve the quality of students' professional training. The methodology is based on the analysis of the potential of mobile tools for implementing initiatives and government programs for development of inclusive education, support for physical rehabilitation. The authors developed testing which consists of two blocks "Digital tools of professional activities", "Theory and methods of physical education". Research results. Groups of mobile applications which help to create additional conditions for improving the quality of student training were identified: for training at home and for fitness, for optimizing nutrition, assessing the state of the body, organizing a system of physical exercises for children, dosing loads. In conclusion, the features of preparing students of the master’s degree program are described: creating and maintaining a high level of motivation by means of mobile technologies; consistency and alternation of intellectual work with software and motor activities; social orientation of classes, etc.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837686.pdf
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21. Aleksandr M. Tamitskiy, Liya A. Melkaya, Olga V. Eseeva
Subjective Images of Terrorism among Higher Education Students in the Russian Arctic

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1002-1013.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1002CrossRef

Young people constitute one of the risk groups most vulnerable to transmission of terrorist ideology and susceptible to entanglement in terrorist activities. This is related to social and psychological characteristics, social status, particular focus of destructive communities on the age group in question as well as increased riskogenics of social environment in general. Identifying subjective images of terrorism in higher education students is relevant since it is necessary to improve preventive actions taken by educational institutions alongside academic, nurturing and leisure activities. The article provides an overview of research on the subject specified and the results of a sociological survey conducted in two largest higher education institutions in the Arctic region of the Russian Federation. The survey took place from November to December 2021 and involved 3966 bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree students majoring in the following fields: natural sciences, engineering and technical studies, information technologies (IT), social sciences and humanities, psychology and pedagogics, economics and management, medicine. The article indicates certain correlations between an academic major of responding higher education students and knowledge-based, context-dependent, competence-related and affective components constituting the image of terrorism as destructive ideology. The author concludes that higher education institutions shall improve the existing models of preventive actions by paying more attention to individual (group) approach.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695837737.pdf
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22. FAN Yaqin, Jacob Owusu Sarfo
Factors Associated with Creativity among STEM Learners: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1014-1030.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1014CrossRef

As an effective way of cultivating technologically innovative talents, STEM education is gradually becoming the core driving force of innovative education. The key issues currently focused on by educators include analysing the factors influencing STEM innovation talents, exploring the training mechanism, and even promoting the educational revolution of talent cultivation. In this study, we adopted a structural equation modelling approach to explore class- and individual-level factors associated with creativity among STEM learners. Our study sample included 234 Chinese Junior High School students (Female = 51.71 %, Male = 48.29 %). Results indicated positive correlations between activity rules, personal characteristics, and division of tasks and creativity for STEM learners. Among them, activity rules had a stronger effect on personal characteristics compared to the division of tasks. The direct influence of the value of activity rules on personal characteristics was larger than that of creativity for STEM learners. Compared to personal characteristics, activity rules had a smaller effect value on creativity for STEM learners but a larger effect of total influence. The division of tasks was mediated by personal characteristics, which had a positive, albeit weak, effect on both personal characteristics and creativity for STEM learners. Findings from the study have implications for STEM education, policy, and research.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695842305.pdf
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The History of Education

23. Goran Rajović, Sergei N. Bratanovskii, Aleksandr E. Epifanov, Sergey А. Buryanov
The System of Public Education in Don Host Oblast (1790–1917). Part 1

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1031-1036.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1031CrossRef

This study explores the system of public education in Don Host Oblast in the period 1790–1917. The present part of the study focuses on the period 1790–1900. The principal sources for the study are periodicals associated with Don Host Oblast, including Transactions of the Don Host Statistics Committee, Memorandum Books for Don Host Oblast, Don Host Oblast Directory, and the reference periodical Don Oblast and the North Caucasus, as well as the yearly Most Faithful Report of the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod. The study’s findings revealed that during the period 1790–1900 Don Host Oblast witnessed brisk development in its public education sector. In that time, serious work in this area in the region was carried out by the Ministry of Public Education and the Holy Synod. By 1900, the Don region had an entire network of schools, which included 15 secondary, as many lower, and more than 1,500 primary educational institutions. For a long time, the region experienced a significant gender imbalance (girls accounting for 10–15% of the total number of students). In the late 19th century, this imbalance began to decrease, with the number of girls reaching 39 % in 1900 – a definite success in terms of making education equally accessible for both genders in the region.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695838021.pdf
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24. Аndrii E. Lebid, Vitalii V. Stepanov
Social Portrait of Professors and Lecturers at the Novorossiya Imperial University in Odessa

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1037-1044.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1037CrossRef

The article represents the main history stages of the first higher education institution in Southern Ukraine from its academic staff perspective. Considering historiographical traditions, modern approaches as well as the defined social portrait of professors and lecturers at the Novorossiya Imperial University in Odessa, we generalized its organizational, academic, international and other transformations. The analysis of different sources made it possible to single out features of the social portrait of university professors and lecturers (especially, those of world-famous graduates and members). Among them, there were founders of new scientific trends, theories, methodologies, schools, etc. The social portrait of professors and lecturers at the Novorossiya Imperial University was established via analysis of classes, professions, job duties and other principles. Therefore, we found out that teaching duration determined staff contributions to university development. In such a way, many professors of the Novorossiya Imperial University became its honorary members. The social and academic prestige of the Novorossiya Imperial University professors is explained by their membership in different societies (including the foreign ones). It is stated that employees of the Novorossiya Imperial University came from different social and professional classes: nobles, petits bourgeois, clerics. Also, there were academic dynasties. Keywords: higher education, professors, social portrait, educational policy, educational

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695838070.pdf
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25. Artyom Yu. Peretyatko, Vladimir A. Svechnikov
A History of Everyday Life in Female Schools Within the Kharkov Educational District (1860–1862). Part 2

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1045-1056.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1045CrossRef

This work explores the history of everyday life in female schools within the Kharkov Educational District of the Russian Empire in the period 1860–1862. The principal sources for this study are the schools’ annual reports for their first year in operation, published in Tsirkulyar po Khar'kovskomu uchebnomu okrugu. These reports were analyzed, key similarities and differences were identified between the female schools, and conclusions were drawn as to the extent of the influence of local factors on their operation. The schools were analyzed across the following seven aspects: 1) prehistory; 2) Board of Trustees; 3) staff pay; 4) student composition and tuition pricing; 5) teaching staff and the Pedagogical Council; 6) curriculum; 7) budget. The work’s second part is focused on Kozlov Second-Class Female School and Oryol Second-Class Female School. It gives extensive consideration to the local communities’ attitude toward the schools, which is described in the reports in a fairly detailed manner. It was found that neither in Kozlov nor in Oryol did the local community have a very good understanding of what female education was for, with most girls there being totally unprepared for it when starting school. Of note are the two different approaches taken by each school’s administration in that climate. More specifically, at Kozlov Female School a primary focus was on prestigious electives, instruction in fundamental sciences was limited, and the staff who taught these sciences did so for free. Oryol Female School offered just one prestigious elective (French), whilst instruction in core subjects there was fairly high-quality, it was done by male gymnasium teachers, and more of such courses were offered there than at most of the other female schools. There was a difference in the reaction of the two local communities to the above, too – whereas Kozlov witnessed a sort of vogue for placing girls in school, although, in actual fact, most of the parents were little interested in their child’s schooling, the school in Oryol received a reputation as an institution for the poor and had not a single girl student from a well-off family (such girls typically attended a private boarding school). Thus, due to local differences between them, the female schools had different policies in terms of designing the curriculum and dealing with the local community. Technically, choosing not to embrace the fundamental curriculum of a male gymnasium and opting to focus on prestigious subjects could bring a school a situational benefit, making it attractive to a significant number of little-educated parents.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695842687.pdf
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26. Leonid L. Balanyuk, Igor А. Gordeev, Ruslan M. Allalyev, Mikhail G. Smirnov
The Parochial School Sector in the Russian Empire (1866–1886): The Shift from the Purview of the Zemstvos to That of the Holy Synod

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1057-1063.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1057CrossRef

This study explores the movement of the parochial school sector in the Russian Empire from the purview of the zemstvos to that of the Holy Synod. Its chronological scope is from 1866 to 1886. The study’s findings revealed that 1884 was a watershed year for the country’s parochial school sector, as that is when the Russian Emperor signed into law the so-called Rules on Parochial Schools. This event brought to an end the 18-year period of parochial schools being under the purview of the zemstvos in the Russian Empire, during which this sector had descended into a state of crisis – a 4-times drop in the number of parochial schools in the country relative to 18 years earlier. However, different dioceses in the Russian Empire fared differently during that period. Specifically, the Kiev Diocese lost 25 % of its schools in a 16-year period (from 1,349 schools in 1866 to 1,064 schools in 1882), but the figure was almost restored in the subsequent 5 years (1,275 schools). There was a similar situation in some other Ukrainian dioceses (e.g., the Podolia Diocese). The experience of the Kiev Diocese indicates that the local clergy and zemstvos were able to reach a compromise in the area of public education. A completely opposite example is the case of the Lithuanian Diocese, where the number of parochial schools dropped more than 50 times in the same 16-year period (from 430 to 8) – but then increased nearly 100 times in the subsequent 5 years (from 8 to 792). Thus, the period 1866–1886 was peculiar geographically – the greatest success in preserving the school potential in 1866–1882 was achieved by Ukrainian dioceses, whilst the most dynamic rehabilitation of the parochial school sector in 1882–1886 was exhibited by Baltic and Belarusian dioceses.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695838185.pdf
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27. Irina Yu. Cherkasova, Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Valentina S. Nikitina, Natalia V. Svechnikova
Pedagogical Journals Produced by Educational Institutions in the Russian Empire in the Period 1873–1917

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1064-1070.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1064CrossRef

This work examines a set of pedagogical journals published by educational institutions in the Russian Empire in the period 1873–1917. In terms of the study’s sources, use was made of some of the diverse reference literature on the Russian academic periodical press of the imperial period, including the fundamental work by A.V. Mezier, ‘A Dictionary Index of Bibliology’, L.N. Belyayeva’s ‘A Bibliography of Periodicals in Russia. 1901–1916’, and N.N. Ablov’s ‘The Pedagogical Periodical Press (1803−1916)’. The study’s findings revealed that the production of academic pedagogical journals by educational institutions was something quite rare in the Russian Empire. Normally, such journals were produced through the efforts of small action groups and academic clubs functioning at educational institutions. In the period from 1873 to 1917, there were at least 14 pedagogical journals published at educational institutions in Russia (7 in Saint Petersburg, 2 in Moscow, 2 in Orenburg, 1 in Nizhny Novgorod, 1 in Chita, and 1 in Kiev). Most of those journals did not last long, with only two of them, Zapiski Matematicheskogo Kruzhka Pri Orenburgskom Real'nom Uchilishche and Vestnik Psikhologii, Kriminal'noy Antropologii i Pedologii, making it to 5 years. The main reasons behind the closure of the journals were either World War I or the revolutionary events.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695838251.pdf
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28. Oleksandr P. Trygub, Sergey I. Degtyarev, Vladyslav A. Parkhomenko
The Development of Vocational-Technical Education in the Ukrainian Governorates of the Russian Empire in the Late 18th and Early 20th Centuries. Part 2

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1071-1081.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1071CrossRef

The work addresses the evolution of vocational-technical education in Ukrainian lands within the Russian Empire. Chronologically, the study covers the period between the late 18th and early 20th centuries. This is the second part of the work. It continues to explore the development of vocational-technical education in the region and examine the progress in this sector during the period. The period between the late 19th and early 20th centuries witnessed rapid industrial development across the Russian Empire as a whole and in Ukrainian governorates in particular. This prompted the need to have in place a proper system of vocational training. To this end, the government adopted Regulation on Industrial Colleges (1888). Following the launch of this regulation, the areas started to become home to various trade colleges and schools, and their number continually grew on the cusp of the 19th and 20th centuries. Such educational institutions differed in structure, content of education, and organizational practices. The period under consideration witnessed the development of such areas of vocational-technical education as rail colleges, maritime educational institutions, and technical colleges. On the eve of the revolutionary events, there was a realization among many of the country’s government officials and public figures of the need to reform vocational-technical education. Between 1915 and 1916, a number of draft regulations were proposed regarding technical education, but none were adopted in the end. While, by and large, vocational-technical education was developing in the Ukrainian areas in the light of the development of vocational education in the Russian Empire, it had distinctive characteristics of its own – most notably, including a focus on meeting the need for workers and engineering personnel of the sectors that were dominant in the regions (e.g., maritime transport, foreign commerce, shipbuilding and ship repair, rail transport, agriculture and flour milling, mining and metallurgy, and sugar production).

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695838316.pdf
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29. Timur A. Magsumov, Teymur E. Zulfugarzade, Mikhail B. Kolotkov, Sergei B. Zinkovskii
Yearly Publications Produced by the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee as a Source on Socio-Economic Development of the Arkhangelsk Governorate in early 20th сentury

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1082-1089.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1082CrossRef

This work examines a set of yearly publications produced by the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee. These publications could be drawn upon for insight into socio-economic development in early 20th century Arkhangelsk Governorate. The principal sources for this study are a set of yearly publications produced by the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee in the early 20th century, namely a set of memorandum books and address calendars for Arkhangelsk Governorate and ‘Arkhangelsk Governorate Overview for 1911’. The study’s findings revealed that the production of yearly publications by the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee in the early 20th century was characterized by impermanence. In 1901–1904 the Committee published address calendars, in 1905 – a directory, in 1906 – another address calendar, and in 1907–1916 – memorandum books for Arkhangelsk Governorate. In addition, in 1912 the Committee released what would be a one-off – ‘Arkhangelsk Governorate Overview for 2011’. When the publication of memorandum books for Arkhangelsk Governorate commenced, there began to be published scholarly articles devoted to socio-economic development in the region. Most of those publications were prepared by staff members of the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee, who also held responsibility for the quality of other materials that were published by it. As was the case in most regions across the country, the production of yearly publications by the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Statistics Committee was cut short by the events of 1917 and the collapse of the Russian Empire.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695839191.pdf
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30. Anastasiia A. Cherkasova
Cherkas Global University’s Academic Projects: Open Academic Journals Index (2013–2023)

European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2023. 12(3): 1090-1096.
DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2023.3.1090CrossRef

This paper details one of Cherkas Global University’s projects – the creation and operation of the full-text international database Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI). It summarizes this activity over a 10-year period. The principal sources for this study are the collection of documents ‘Cherkas Global University (1992–2022)’ and the annual report ‘Academic Publishing House Researcher Today – 2013’. The study’s findings revealed that the database of open-access academic journals Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), established in 2013, transformed into a full-text database as early as 2014. As of July 4, 2023, the database numbered 3,364 academic journals from 124 countries. OAJI-indexed journals have been divided into three groups (Natural Sciences (44.3 % of the total content), Social Sciences (42.7 %), and Multidisciplinary Sciences (13 %)). The Open Academic Journals Index platform currently contains over 200,000 articles from 360,000 researchers, which makes the ten-year old OAJI project one of Cherkas Global University’s top international projects today.

URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695839380.pdf
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URL: https://ejce.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1695842724.pdf
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